Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/242

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224 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Suse. I. Ch. 186. 19%. to indian 0Eee and one tmusfened to Genera.lLand Oifice); eighteen clerks of class three; tmngzne clerks of class two (three clerks of class two transferred to lnOffice and two transferred to General LandOffice); twentgdourclerksof c1ass0ne(sixclerksof class onetransferred to Indian O ce, three tmnsferred to General Land Office, and twogmittngg; returns office cle1£k,&ne thousand two hunflreél dollars; em e c e to be esign y e ident to sign an tents, onetboussnd two hundred dollars; three clerks, nt one thousangldollars each (three clerks, at one thousand dollars each, transferred to General Land Ofice); ive copyists (seven Ixamferredto lndinm Office); switchlawson. cw- board telephone operator; mine messengers; seven assistant messengers; eighteen laborers; two skilled mechanics, one at nine hundred dollars - and one at seven hundred and twenty dollars; two carpenters, at nine hsndredxlgllnrs each; plumber, DiD0 %g$$L?df%1hH; electrician, one ousaen dollars; one laborer, six dollars; six laborers, at four Inmdred and eighty dollars each; one packer, six hundred and sixty dollars; two conductors of elevator, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; four charwomen; captain of the watch, one thousand two hundred dollars; forty watchman; additional to two watchmen actingfs lieutensnts of ws.tchme¤,at one hundred and twenty dollars exc ; on ineer, one thousand two hundred dollars; assistant “‘§;, '*‘°'**“"’“°* engwr, one tlgousand dollars; seven firemen; one clerk, to sign, un the direction of the Secretury,iu his name and for him, his ugsroval of all tribal deeds to allottees and deeds for town lots made s executed according to law for ani of the Five Oivilized Tribes of

 Indians mthe Indian erritory., one mnsnndtwo hundred dollars; in

all, two hundred and eightyam thousand ive hundred and forty dolxmmhd lam: Provided, That in the discretion of the Secretary_ of the Inte- gzeiglhw _;3:1¤ w rim-, persons employed June thhticth, nhmteen hundred and eight, as v.».¤,p.m . mmben ;éof the Bourddif Appeals be mms- "'Y er unapoin toucosineasiedservi ft Dert— x -n1ent of the gnterior withhut reference to the ‘“Actmtg mghlatgnd improve civil service of the United Sfntes," approved January six-

   teeéath, eighteen hgndrgd and eighty-three.

P‘°’°°'·° ‘ or employees or the proper protection heatil · d - Ol llilding. * 0 s wb gin; of the;>lcLPi>s;(3Hicc Dep;u·t¤:¢;nt’buildil1n§,(ot·1e(i1]hred1h;The pn mento n nomname : neen' d I t'·° , one thousand six hundred d0llars;yassist.¤nt glglseezlong (thddgfrlld dollars; four hremen; three watchman, actinins lieutenants, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; twenty wutc men; conductor of elevator, seven hundred and twenty dollars; fourteen laborers; nine labogersg, of hundredgmd Eighty £<nlurs each; three skilled mac amcs pam r, carpen r, an plum r , at nine hundred dollars each; in ull, thirty-nine thousand three hundred a d i ht d ll . amy Mmmey- (Demon or ASSISTANT Avronx nv-Gnxxmnz I•`o:a¤;i§m¤lTt ngtgse G°°°'°l` Om°°’ three thousand dollars; assistant attorney, two thousand seven huh; dred and fifty dollars: three aegistunt attorneys, ut two thousand five hundred dollars each: four assistant attorneys, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars each; ten assistant attorneys. at two thousand dollars each; four clerks of clasw three, one of whom shall act as


H d ll , , _ · o an eig un re an M ¤i¤¤¤· ¤¤=·· i¤· Igorperdiem in lieuof s bsist f t ,l ‘ .· · . °°°°°°°` Een§ of the Intgriori while tm:eIll::g?on‘:i(;1:5?F;t¤a1;;t¥ectd0l:;`tl;‘;Idah2r e cretary 0 the nterior, not exceeding th d ll ._ d - H for actual necessary expenses of tmnspormtion?5neludin£PEl;Iem?;;d1;:x· einployment of stenogruphers. typewrnters, and other assistance outside of the District of Columbia. and foe incidental expenditures necessary to the efficient conduct of exummations), to be expended