Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/713

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696 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 250. 1909. {L¤,v·¤*¤¤¤¤¤¢¤ md IMPROVEMENTS AND REPAIRS. 1'€ 1'S. . mimi, Mme g’°°° ELDHNATION or onann cnossmos: Toward carrying out the prodon. l' Uhm SW visions of th; plots of.Congr·ess pgoviding fogllthe Elimination pi grlgde erossu;gs` an e construction o a union rroa station rn e is- {,*3; gl; g; QQ; trict o Columbia, approved February twelfth, nineteen hundred and one, and February twenty-epghth, mneteen hundred and three, for purchase or condemnation o the land necessary for the plaza and new streets, and for reconstructing, grading, and paving, together with the necessary incidental work m connection therewith, the

treets, avenues, and ways changed in line or grade or newly created

under the provisions of said Acts, including the employment on the · approval of this Act of special assistant counsel, at a rate not to exceed three thousand dollahs per annum, and one clerk, at a rat}? npt to exceed one thousand dollars per annum in connection wit the settlemelpt of clargng forddammatges incident tp changes of gréade, this sumto eex ne uner provisionsosai cts,an tocon— tinue availablheuntil expended, one hundred and fifty thousand dolm1**¤·*•¤•·m MPM__ lars;1 Thatdthe Commilssioners offtlie District pfdqplpmbia are ere y authorize to use suc portiono theunexpen e anees of the appropriations for elimination of grade crossings, District of Columbia, imtprevement of- plaza, as may be necessary for the construction of e three flagstaffs shown upon the approved plans for g Plaza Imcprovement, Umiorh Sli;.;3;0Il,: op glp inbthejpflce of the ' eer ommissioner o thetrie o cum ia: proved4d' .wL6:;1mr%\;; tgowrpeyw fum, That the Waslrington Terminal Company shall lirst conveygto the United States all that portion of the terminal area, as descrr ed in the Act of February twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and three, providing go; 51 unionhriailroaé hptatiop in the District (pf Colprgbgt, ° gnort 0 enort ineo assac usetts avenuean sont o the lhi;1 of balustrades of islands "C," "D," “E,” and "F," and of the lnccpth lgne ofllamp-posts of the central island, as shown on the plans erre to a ove. mg’$,F,j°_E;*}°°°*”‘P°" Assnssumrr nm rnamr wonx: For assessment and permit work, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars.

  • ’*"“‘g ’°°°'”>’“· I For paving roadways under the permit system, ten thousand delars.

"‘§;’_§'g_f’¤ °"°°”°'*" Wear: on srnmnrs AND Avrmuns g For work on streets and avenues named m Appendix T, Book of Estunates, nineteen hundred and ten, seventy-one thousand dollars, to be expended in the discretion of the commissioners upon streets and avenues specified in the schedules ntazmfeilhm sand apppndrx and m the aggregate for each schedule as s erem name y: S°*’°"“*°'· Gnononroivn scnnnunn: Two thousand dollars. wNon·{·§yvntsr sgzoirrou scm{·:1nULn:dI:l1cl;1ding V street, from Tenth we s ree , ourteen thousand dollars. SOSLUHWEST sr:c·rroN scrmr>ULE:TTwer;lty thoérsétmd dollars. Umnasr sncrrou scnrtnunn: en t o an , N oarnnasr SECTION scrmnUr.n: Including Eiglhrli street from Maryland avenue to H street, and Fifth street from H street to I _ street, twentydive thousand dollars. _ _ g’gg§_g· ved with Promded, hat streets and avenues named m said schedules already Belgian bmh, ew. paved with Belgian block or granite shall not be paved or otherwise improved under this appropriation, and the remaining streets and avenues, excgt as herein specified, shall be contracted for in the ordler whi thpy appeartrn lsprd scpegpllei; and bf completed in suc or erasnearyaspracica can s e a ,' th dis _ tion of the Commissioners, instead lof being adeiil `aiid rlelgulitedfjmm22Q5Hé?' ¤¤Ph¤“ Under approprratrons contained_ in this Alot no contract shall be made for mdrng or relaying asphalt pavement at a higher price than one dollar and eighty cents per square yard for a quality equal to the