Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/783

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766 SIXTIETH coNGREss. Srss. 11. Ch. 255. woe. naval magazine on the New England coast; also toward inclosing said grounds, grading and in, building roads and walks, improvement of the water front, necessary wharvcs and cranes, railroad tracks and rolling stock for local service, fire and water service, and equipment of the establishment, one hundred thousand dollars. _ , In all, one hundred thousand dollars. v£·*¤*-'¤l*•=¤· 0*** NAVAL mAoAz1NE, SAINT J ULIENS CREEK, VIRGINIAZ Gravity blendmm mgume. ing house for smokeless powder, five thousand dollars; electrical apparatus for lighting magazine grounds, barracks, quarters, and offices; mqfor for running reforming plant; and a small lathe, eight thousand dollars. In all, thirteen thousand dollars. Total public works under Bureau of Ordnance, three hundred and one thousand three hundred and seventy-five dollars. Bnpeau or nqmp- PUBLIC wonxs UNDER BUREAU OF EQUIPMENT. DEH . Eavuommgmy- NAVAL OBSEBVATORYI Grounds and roads: Continuing grading, extending roads and paths, clearing and improving grounds, ten thousand dollars. mnlalgzagsmcgwsuppiiw PUBLIC worms UNDER BUREAU or SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS. m‘g’g*§fm§g*°¤ Tm"` NAVAL 'I‘nArmNo STATION, GREAT LAKES! Bunmmo EQUIPMENTI ` To install cold-storage and refrigerating plant and all necessary equipment, twelve thousand dollars; to lit general storehouse with interior fittings, shelving, scales, and all office and other equipment, four thousand dollars; in all, sixteen thousand dollars. Total public works under Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, sixteen thousand dollars. Mums corps. PUBLIC wonxs, MARINE conrs. t B¤rr¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤ ·4¤¤*· Barracks and quarters, Marine Cor s; €fS. . · . pnxmeipnss. · To extend the marine barracks, by she erection of a wing thereto, at acost not to exceed one hundred and ilftythousand dollars,navy-yard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. To complete the quartermastcrs depot, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the purchase of ground adjoining such depot, twenty-five thousand dollars. Wgenrl Harbor. ¤¤· Toward the completion otthe marine garrison, naval station, Pearl ' Ilarbor, 'I`err1tory of Hawaii, one marine barracks, one hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars; and to complete six officers’ quarters,

 thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and eighty-five thousand

o ars. Charleston, s. rr For the urchnse of land adjoining the navv-yard, Charleston, South ('Molina, as a reservation for the Marine (`orps, six thousand five hundred dollars; in all, six thousand five hundred dollars. rum Sound, Wash. To complete the marine garrison. navy-vard, Bremerton, \\'ashington, one marine barracks, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. and for officers’ uarters, sixty thousand dollars; in all, two hundred and ten thousand dollars. ln all, public works, Marine (`orps, five hundred and seventv-six thousand five hundred dollars. V m${fg*;;9Q§,_*‘*“i"l“° BTJREAV or unnrcrxn A sn SYRGERY, h;;¤¤¤<>¤¤’ ¤¢¤¤~·*¤· l\lEDIC,\L nE1=An’rm~1xr: For surge0ns’ necessnries for vessels in com- ' mission, navy-yards, naval stations, Marine Corps, and for the civil establishment at the several naval hospitals, navv-yards, naval laboratory. museum of hygiene, and department of instruction, and Naval Academy, three hundred thousand dollars.