Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1128

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1104 srxrrrrssr consumes. smc. III. ou. 231. 1911. tion, attachment, seizure, or otherwise, upon property situated or being within the district or division so created, or the countfy or Enforcement. territory so transferred. To enforce any such hen, the clerk o the court in which the same is acquired, dplon the request and at_ the cost of the party desiring the same, sh make a true and certified cop of the record thereof, which, when so made certified, and Bled, in the proper court of the district or d1v1sion m which such property is situated or shall be, after such transfer, shall constitute the record of such lien in such court, and shall be evidence m all courts and laces ually with the original thereof; and thereafter like proceedilngs sh3 be had thereon, and with the same effect, as though the cause or proceeding had been Bzxggmally mstrtuted in such court. The provisions of this section apply not only m all cases where a district or division is created, or a county or any territo is transferred by this or any future Act, but also in all cases where a &trict or division has been created, or a county or any temtory has been transferred by any law heretofore enacted._ _

; Sec. 61. Any district judge may appoint commissioners, before

•p£mm whom appraisers of vessels or goods and merchandise seized for S" '°°`57°’ °‘"' breaches of any law of the United States, may be sworn; and such oaths, so taken, shall be as effectual as if taken before the judge in o n court. rmuier or rom- 62. When any Territogly is admitted as a State, and a district

 court is established therein, the records of the  in the

8*;% mm P W several cases pending m the hiihest court of said Territory at the " ’ ' time of such admission. and , records of the proceedmgsrn the ‘ _ several eww in which judgments or decrees had been rendered in said territorial court before that time, and from which writs of error could have been sued out or appeals could have been taken, or from which writs of error had been sued out or appealajiad been taken and prosecuted to the Supreme Court or to the court of appeals, shall be transferred to and deposited in the districtegourt for the said State. E,,,,,,c,,,g ,,,,,,,,,.,._ Sec. 63. It shall the duty of the distnctépdge, in the case pro- R- ¤·· ¤¢¢- wt P- 97- vided in the preceding section, to demand; of e clerk, or other person having possession or custody of the records therein mentioned, the delivery thereof, to be deposited in said district court; and in case of the refusal of such clerk or person to comply with such demand, the said district fludge shall compel the delivery of such records by attachment or otherwise, according to law. cogsmucecrpena- Sec. 64. When any Territory is admitted as a State, and a district ’°§f§?f”,,;.c_ 56,, ,,_ ,7_ court is established therein, the said district court shall take cognizance of all cases which were pending and undetermined in the trial courts of such Territory, from the djudgments or decrees to be rendered in which writs of error coul have been sued out or appeals taken to the Suplreme Court or to the circuit court of appeals, and shall pmceedvgo ear and determine tlxamc. 1;·=¤¤iv<>¤· to ¤¤¤¤; Sec. 65. eneverin an cause pen in an court of the United Zig t§ii)t’ie1;th$°i?°rd States there shall be a receilirer or manageigin posysession of any prop- "°‘· ’i’· "· “"· erty, such receiver or manager shall manage and operate such propert according to the requirements of the valid laws of the State rn which such property shall be situated, in the same manner that the owner or possessor thereof would be bound_to do if in possession thereof. Any receiver or manaitgsr who shall willfully violate any provision of this section shall be ed not more than three thousand dollars, or _ imprisoned not more than one year, or both. O§,$;§_“ "g°*““ ‘°‘ no, 66. Every receiver or manager of an property appointed by V¤l·25» P- *36· any court of the_Up1f·ed States may be Slledyln respect of any act or , transaction of his m carrying on the business connected with such _ property, without the previous leave of the court in which such receiver or manager was appointed; but such suit shall be subject to the general equity jurisdiction of the court in which such manager