Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1236

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mum. clxxxvii 8¤·:gN,` _ Harry B., Pur- Submarine if Stmewru 1-ah Sbdawcnencysppruprktienfornnicu 615,080 . ‘ 485 tree; of duty when from 0•¤ad•.- 9 sp ropristion fer pméluse, etc . 128 072 S e;?np tyinC•n•ds. 10 gr expenseqtorpedc depgt, 128:672 . r.,pr..m· - rJ£"‘°”’.r.m.- ‘ " mm *°' Ei? °‘°" ‘°" "‘ P"""""‘° rm Smgzarexpexieee, , sweeping, etc. 151, 950 got p¤rr1r¤ré,'é&{é Bi; · • · • l tens: 674 cost ot xmas fdr to be borne nrgcgirmrrm. 178 rrr ;>x;urchsL·,0£ et;:.,°&sl zfrggi.? ZZ ig: Stngatnl, etc} tnDl:•e 178 Sulrmarmc Tcndir, Navy, _ , ._ , uz " constructi , thorized· ues D. C.), sppr0pri?.1ti(:>u°}:>$.·ft . .. . & '

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