Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/281

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258 _ SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 275. 1912. l dollars da and their actual expenses of travel by the shortest ¤vgf*¤¤¤¤°*m, mail roilotlesz farther, That so much of sections; thirteen p.Bé1,h°°:¤alf’a` hundred landdt-Zgnigglseiyen, thirteen hundred $@1:2 utgengygglgli? ' uu went -nme, _ o e m Stateséd as is inconsistent the provisions of this Act are hereby repeal . °°P°"“'°'*“°'· Contingencies for superintendent of the academy, three thousand dollars· Revdn. ¤¤=- Repdirs and improvementzbnamelyz Tim boards, joists, wall strips, laths, shingles, te, tm, sheet ,_z1nc, nails, screws, locks, hinges, glass, paints, turpentrne, oils, varnish, brushes, stone, brick, ilagslnne, cement, planter hauj, sewer and dram pipe, blasting powder, , mon, steel, took, machinery, and other similar materials, renewing roofs, and for p3 of architect, overseer, and citizen mechanics, and labor employ upon repairs and rmdprovements that can not be done by ted men, foggy thousand ollars; ’°*‘· “¤'*“"*·°‘°· For fuel and apparatus, namely: Coal, w , charcoal, stoves, grates, heaters, furnaces, ranges and iixtrues, bricks, clay, sand, and for repairs of steam-heating and coal-convey1ntg|1apparatus,lmtes, stoves, heaters, ranges, furnaces, and mica, forty _ ousand do ; Hf Pip"' E" E °1°°‘2Z° *i"`"°'€;,-,°'°°‘.l‘° $£’“’ ‘fil°""°’}.‘i an su es, asome an re , an annu ' otfliie signs, six Eve hundred dollars; d lfuor fuel for cadets’ mem hal], shops, and laundry, ten thousand o arsm’§{_"*° ‘““ ‘°‘°‘ For postage and hmndred and saventydive dollars; ¤¤•¤¤¤¤rr- For stationery, namely: be-clmlulpapu, envelopes, ciunlls, steel pens, rubbers, erasers, pencils, age, wax, wafers, fo ders, fasteners, rules, files, mk, mkstands, typewriters, supphes, office furmture, penholders, tape, esk knives, ottrng pads, and rubber bands, and for contmgmcres not otherwise provr ed for, two thousand five hundred dollars; _ _ _ ""“"’°"‘“°“· For transportation of materials, discharged cadets, and for fernagss, for tr·an‘€rportatron of Erst class of cadets to and from Gettysburg Battlefield, atervhet drsenal, and Sandy Hook Proving or other ordnance estabhahment; and for expenses of officers detailed tfuaccompany cadets on these trips, three thousand six hundred o ars; """“"'· Pr-in ’ : For prin and binding, t materials for office, includgglg repairs to nildlfixs and machineryjipdiplomas for graduates, annual registers, blanks and monthly reports to parents of cadets, and contingencies, two thousand dollars; uixpullitinwlrliiiiramill For department of cavalry, and infantry tactics: Tan MW ¤•=**¤· bark or other proper cover or riding all, to be purchased in open market upon written order of the superintendent, one thousand eight hundred ollars; For camp stools, camp and office furniture, and repairs to same ; for doormats or cadet_ barracks, sinks, and cadet headquarters; for stationery, typevmting supphes and repairs, for use of instructor and assistant mstructors c tactics; for books and maps, binding books, and mounting maps; for plumes, silk and worsted sashes for cadet officers and acting officers; for furniture curtains, and rugs for cadet reception room, one thousand four hundred and forty-five dollars; Gymnasium and athletic supplies: For repairs, new machines, athletic supphes and fixtures for gymnasium; or foils, masks, belts, fencing glpves, fencnngtsjxkets, gaiters, saberé, and réapairsg for repairs au rm rovemen dressing rooms, a erm, an sw1mmmg' ' tank, tlu·ee_th§usand Eve hundred ollars; P] bigor repairs to 3addl;a;·dl;'rid1e`sl, uc; leather, curb chains, ,8 P¤»ausoo an , sameinre°,two hundred and fifty dollars; P pm