Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1119

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mnmx. 2061 ““??'.‘.‘Z.£.°"rZ’“££’$‘§“éQ‘¥.’¤‘ZF‘i“t‘3§’3.‘?,2" r, tc "r?» “""'°°""°°" .4.¤““r&°‘..r.e.. or iicty "" o men e . . e me rzensltyrg failure to enionie pmwiiesions. . 200 qzpwpapplipneee byifetsf 431 no IBQID on p ying tween lqcqmgti boi]. _ ports not 200 miles apart 200 . ? .,.. , 431 m eiect on Great Lakes, Apnl 1, 1913 200 having arrangements with water carrier for on gsugo st» 1, 1913 .. 2w foreign through businen, to extend substitute allowed in hou of second oper- similaranangementstootlrer 568 _ ator on cargo steamers .. 200 investigation, etc., of water terminal and mstallations authorized for operation, etc., transfer facilities and connection 1 of Panama Canal B} . 563 wi} .. 232 oca on; transmimion mmmer¤a1° scope report . ... 232 meages, etc: tolls. . . ... .. 563 0wnmg` water common carner` preference to official work ... : ... 568 1914, by,_rrnlawfu1 .. 566 _ agreements with priyate companies, etc. 564 of gompgtitronxstc .. 567 R a1'l;F€¥£l::;Dl1Bl coxprentron concerning . 1565 to estabbsl) dg: of water M8 w ratorry, avy, cnmer; te con °tio¤s,. appropriation for .. . 337, 898 valuatbn of bysings:1 property oi, by Interlimit for expenditures 338 state (gzmmerce Oommminnprdued 701 for instruments, etc .. 337, 898 3,,;;,,,,;, p_ g__ Rmb T¢l¢9r¤1>h <¤¤¤Wir¤1¤¤¤T¤l¤sr¤ph)- · other tlran street, to pay cost or lighting Radio Telegraph Shore Stations, Navy, ,;,6,;% eu; mm";]. yhjch u-my •pp¤>1>r¤¤ti<>¤f¤r[·p¤;r¤h¤¤;¢¤{¤ite¤. etc- -,338. 898 pass ... I .. ass °' “C°°“• 1- °°”C {ln hgh P°'°'• P Railway Adjustmenu Post Ojler De- Samoa, goulgi, and the Pbiliplgainwellz 838 P?'°"‘”‘• fa N . mndeng “mt_ Rodiotclegraphic Conference, International, gppm mt, em 402, 779 appropriation for expenses of delegates to, 102 Rummy C ‘’'°' I ‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘'’‘‘‘‘ etc . . . .°"9’“’• "“"""°"“l> for %penses of service of Telegraphic 696 --······· 10l,g d 6 ' ’ f ratashare Rail Employees, 8 cmg? .. 913 aptéjgpriation for arbitrating differences qi, 431 Raghmd Water Power Comtpany, de iency appropriation for arbrtratrng difcontract for completing am at Lock No. 4, ferences o_ 915 Rah Jon Coosa giver, Ala., extended . 209 Railway Sepnoséc nl S _ te d t n, ohn, appropna n or ne upenn n en , ` creased 1221 assistant, clerks, etc., in Post Omoo Rallnen-ezolliilxr, N. L, _ I}epartment... . Z 402, 779 prelifmrlpary €I·?!!21l18t10? of, in be made., . 224 for ¢g\:&nL>n°‘s‘:upennte¤dents, assrstantséw Tw Rmfor , amvie . , » _ ··-·-······~··---··-·· » ' ‘ reused ... . 1446 vided for . . . 548 Ralzuggsjognirn, gcwlszrggdou of diaries to be made. . 548 pension increased .. . . 1296 algrwancos to clerks on duty over ten M8 Rag, · ours .. r . oiE?ge:e,, regeaéd . % .. 5m Mllesve Yi:ll:°sub•titute allowed ... 773: Railyoad g , trave ... . punishrnggt for breaking seals oi, contain- for emergency service ... 2 548, 193 ing interstate or foreign shipments. . 670 {3; kgor clelsckg op vaueiagéon. , gg, 77:: Ragmadhndg nu, actin cer mp o my , relinquishmenzamqueeted of, occupied by disbngty allowance 549, 798 indian, ,,__,___,,,.._,,_,__,,,, mw payment; rn use or deem, 2 , ,,..,._ 519, 798 to repeive lands of equal area and value mm for traveling expenses, supenntendentséa ns r...r..» ‘‘····· j ‘·‘‘‘‘ nm- ‘··· 1:;:;;;:;;; nth,. provisions relating to suits for ferieiturn of sw for pgfém, etc., anstant supenntendga 798 certain ... · - · · · --··-·- · ···· · ······· ; · z ·*··'*··*·· . ·‘‘‘‘· v mise of certain lands purelrased dsiciency appropruuon Iorsalanes . 623, 525 comggm Oregon and California Railroad reorgpmzatxon of. .; .. 555 gom _____,.,... .. ..,, 321 appomtmcpt of mlvgny postal clerks an- R¤¢¤>¤d 1?<¤e¢¤» MM! S¢¤¤¤¤» _ d · _ --··----—-—--—-·~- 555 appropriation for mail transportation by. 546, 797 grades an slanes . . ... deficiency appropriation or mar] trans- CllB1§C8C10¤':foT0$. 1 .. , _ . E __ portauon by . ... $23,928,937 ssngnmen an ..,, 556 increased allowance on account of parcel promotions ur grades, quahnca ns .. R -1 md%°”‘ *****55* $""‘* °‘° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ”" p".`?.‘$€i$’.f»"5}§?r'§€.'§“tt,.gt ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ae ““ glo, licentsguglzwed for ale of liquors in _ sqnnt .. . .. ;. 556 waiting rooms . .. . .. . .. . 997 higher gjclerkg after two years serv· 56 1,.,,,,; - oe Rlzee of 511;;; when im rted from Canada. . 9 restclrjations of redugecl clerks ... 556 ’ ra, dut in Ganads. . 11 promotions to grades limited ... 556 R¤’b·oadmGmy:lJ:$x!l:r,temntet m Gmnmercey Beg- reidence of niluy pedal cl¢b· usep-

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