Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/13

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PRIVATE ACES OF THE SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS OP TK] UNITED STATES. Paesedatthe_;$ratses¢rbn,w}£1bhwasbegunandheZdutthecit W /t'ngton,r7nt}ae Distr-£ct¢%0a&umb£a on Tuesday, thefourth day of April, g9%, aged dura aéoumsd without on Buvzzzy, the twentywecond dag of August, 1911. Wu.r.r.ur Howum Tnrr, President; J sums Scuoowxarr Summnx, Vice President; Wrnusx Pumcm Fan, President of the Senate, pro tempm, (died August 8, 1911); Cunrr Currx, Speaker of the House of Representatives. · CHAP. 21.-—An Act For the relief of Eliza Choteau Roscamp. l _ im Be£tenactedbyt}leSenateandH'o¤4saofI?K1‘;esentatr7vesqft}•e United [Privm. M1-1 States of America in Oonfeaa ueeembkd, t the Secretary of the E"' °"°*°*“ *°* Interior be, and he is here y, authorized to approve an order for the ;1:ii€¤•¤~=I Mrzgw removal of restrictions upon alienation from the northeast quarter sm.r;1i°'$"¤¤•¤•. °` southeast quarter section ten, township twenty-five north, range twenty-four east, of the Indian meridian, Oklahoma, the homestead allotment of Eliza Choteau Roscamp, Seneca allotment numbered one hundred and eighty-four, such removal of restrictions to become effective only and simultaneously with the execution ofta deed bygaid allottee to the purchaser, after said land has been sold in comp ‘ ce with the directions of the Secretary of the Interior. Approved, August 17, 1911. P..°m». ;..ts::.:·.—t,·:2.;’.:“i·:.*‘:.e=.:.··.f* :::1%* ;·::.··:::.‘U..d wsmmtms ____ "Hw"‘ of Washington, District oi Columbia, from the operation of an Act mti "A¤ Ad [Priv••¤.N¤· 1] forestrict the ownership of real estate in the Territories to America citwe¤•," · approved March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven. Be it enactedby the 8enatea•ndH'oueeqf o("tlae United ggiates of America in Cbrrgvesr assembled, That lot numbe fifty-three, 0, m Ann S. Parker’s subdivision of lots in square numbered one_hun- g ¤¤•• bm ¤¤¤¤¤- dred and forty, of the city of Waslzr¥ton, of polumbla, be Vol.I|,p.fl6. and is hereby, relieved and exemp from the operation of an Act entitled "An Act to restrict the ownership of realestate in the Terntones_to American citizens,” a proved March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and that all) forfeitures incurred by force of sand act by reason of the alienage of Isabella Wilkie be and are hereby remitted. Approved, August 22., 1911. 87618°—vo1. 37-—n· 2——2 1027