Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/212

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1226 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cue. 179, 180. 191SX

    • ¤‘*·“· Th f J Mitchell l te of Compan H, One hundred and

mm! fortyfeilghxlli iitegitgnlgit Ohio National Guard Infantry and {pay him a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month m lieu 0 that he lliliwd H- 1>¤¤¤h¤· is T(}lXrlac;§,:a`:>‘fl1§iilford H. Donoho, late of Forty-seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry,. and pag a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month m eu of that he is now receiving. Approved, June 19, 1912. _ f§l‘§}’£}Yi c¤A1·.1ao.-Anmtcmuuagpexmsensmd me-emerpeamnswemuamxmm

  • ··—i,?‘ andeai1¤rsof theCivilWarandcert,ainwidow¤•nd dependentchildrenofsoldieas

[""“'°· °· A`] mdeanmersna we. Bitenaded HIGSOYMUQ MH oReK:;aeniatz'vesof the United ’•¤•*°¤•· Stat; of AmeribZ1 in_Gmgr;e Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and to place on the pension roll, subject to the provkions and limitations of the , In lm ws- }?n••°¥°'i¢'¤¤¤es. P6'l.l‘.l;ignna3me of James Mobley late of Company C, Fifty-fourth Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, and pay a pemron at the rate of thirt dollars month m hen of that he is now receiving. ¥¤¤¤ °· °¤‘¤•“· The name of .K>hn C. Carroll, late of Company A, Second Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, and tpay a pension at the rate of thirty dollars Oper month m lieu of at he m new reeen . amen xsane. The name Samuel Keeble, late of Company G, Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, and pay lum a_pem1on at_ the rate of thirty-six dollars wplir month m hen of that he is now recervmg. wunm A. new. The name of 'am A. Dew late of Company -F, Sixth Regiment Illinois Volnmteer Cavalry and pay him a pension at the rate of forrlty dollars per month lieu of that he is now Bauman lk Bwr e name of Bengamm F. Stewart late of Company K, Thirty— "" eighth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pa him a penuonattherateofthirtydoharspermonthmlieuo thatheianow vrmsnc. mn The of William C. Rike late of Company G Thirty-seventh and Ninety-fourth Regiments Illinois Volunteer Infant , and ay W a pension_at the rate of thirty dollars per month ini-hen of &at is now receiving. B¤-•¤¤W.¤>•v¤- Thename of urnett W. ofCo anyB, One "" hundred and twelfth Regmant New ork Volunteelglgnfantry, and Comgiagy D, Twenty·ii1st Regmmt Veteran Reserve Corps, and pay th:tp\e1nion at the_ rate of twenty-four dollars per month in eu e m now . °¤*•¥’· *"’*¤**~ The name of Sunlcy , late of Company I, Ninth Regiment_Ind1enaVolunteer0aval1;y, apmsienattherato oftlurtydollars8<(:r‘)monthml1enof hersnowreceuvmg. ¤•¤n•r~¤·¤·•y- The name_of_ rfa L. Causey, late of Com any K, Eighteenth Regiment IHIDDIS-v0HDl580IIDf y§mapensionatthe rateoftwentydollarspermonthin ofgiatheianow °' . Abll H. Mrk- _ The name of Abraham H. Burkholder, late of Company I, Eigh£y· °"“"‘ eighth Regment Ohio Volunteer Infantry and regimental

¢m¤h•:hffgHm0¥¤5ul:¤11p°?sp.;m‘Isronat_thermdthutydoRmp¤ wannarsn ThenameofW'1lliamA.Keiter ‘ . _ , mpony I, One hundred and twentghfth Regiment Penmylvania Volunteer- Infantry, and Cvmpxig Regnmaut Pennaylyama Vohmteer Cavylfgim Sixhnnapennonjgtlmrateofthutydnllanptmnnth rn of he is now recmvmg. .