Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/370

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SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sasa. HI. C11. 127. 1913. 1385

 Indian War, and pay her a pension at the rate

'fhelnfme of Sarah Tout, widow of William H. Tout, late of Com- °'“°T°"°" £:.“{ ,...1* ’i‘;‘.{‘Z;‘€¤.".§';‘?,,%‘;“‘ ‘°;:..‘&‘:‘“°‘°°' ‘“"““’· “‘“ *"’ The name of Susan J. Littleiielldiliormer widow of Isaac W. Watson, °""‘ ’· “"“°"“‘ "'3 °* °££';’!“’ H' S2¥°3.‘§°$£‘£ $$3 E.?3.‘§.." S°"°“ I“‘““°"* Thpeszxame o Clinton E. Olmstead, late of Comgagy K, Tliu·ty-nmth (§.j;."‘}',’;7‘§{“(§';,.,",1"".;,;_ Regiment Illmons Volunteer Infaaqy, pay gs pension at the rate of$24p¢monthml1eu of t 1snowreoe1vmg._ _ Dmumsuut The name of Daniel Hgltrsoiatélate 01% United (States Sabine, P ,and ha, tates a ,an pay apension a€?1I:l:te of $24 if montlll in lieu of thatrge is now receiving. Mmmm The name of Jo _M1ller, late of Company C One and iiftitgth Indiana `Y1olu$1iteer°fInt{1a::;%,_ and pay $2 mon in eu a is now rece: . _ I ·tTh:rrI;•m: of Jnllids A. Record, late of Comgéalnly C, Twenty-thnd '°“°°‘°‘ ”°tE‘"‘§°§‘$4““‘“°mYX‘t‘£“§°1¥.H¥“t£.'ZzK§‘%.’i{‘.?. MZ "°"“‘°" “” “`° n'I'h(e nunepg William I). Ham, late of Company B, Ninth Regiment wmu" I" H" Maine Volunteer Infantryfl and pay him a pension at the rate of $36 · ° f tha !’0¢¤1-Vmg- 1·•¤a¤¤. P”Tl!:;°:au1i1;!Iol1Ia¤u:=,mna léxlsadagt, widow of B. Crockett, 1·¤¤r•¤¤¤-¤•¢¤¤- late of Company I, Sixteenth B§unent Maine olunteer and former widow of William W. alisbury, late of Compames H and I, Sixteenth Regiment Wisconsin lgilunteer Infantry, and pay her a ' 12 n . . 1>•¤¤¤¤»¤¤¤••••¢. pmTli‘eui1::ntehgfrg;Toi·)€;»’W.PBraa=·ld)tt, late of Company D, Forty-ngxglh omnw. umm. K‘5’Z}°§‘$4V°,Y.?$°¤{.‘?,‘.i1». ‘$}.“£$}i’£2'2‘§Zz3.‘Z£°¥.;*2.*$§.gP.°””T ° ° ______ _____ The name of Olive Stull, widow of J aeob Stull,tlaI§e»£11g»°hr;ut;a';1: ant Company D, One hundred and egimon ew unteer Infantry, and pay her_a_pension at the rate of $20 per month mg; i:;§:l»f·l:;’o:nn$ Culvxlkw ¤f U¤i*¤* $*-9** G°”°"‘} ° w`°""°` Sherman, United Nhavylioandnpsvy at e rate o $24'l`§:rn¥:1£:t:f1Cl·n1lrt:f Swagon, lite of Company B, 'lhird Regiment °"'°" °"”'°"‘ “‘“““°" v°'““‘%’;?¤'“{t‘§“?s§?.“¤%'$¥,'§.‘&$¤%°T‘°‘°“ “° "`° “"° °f wmnyxtigtdl lgixon, widow of Hen? C. Dixon, late eee- °°"""‘*"°"'°‘ ‘ Second Regiment hode Island Volunond lieutenant Company H, . { th beer Infantrylaand pay er_a_pemx0¤ at the rate o $20 per m0¤ 111 MH; nthaiiiesof 1::.1::%. Welollkflal tag! C·:‘m;;;r;y T:v¤Hth_ ""“ ° w'°°` NewHamp•hir¤Vohmteer ¤¤ » , . .P°“’°“ ° lieuofthath ¤°'*°°°'. "§· . ·¤,.,,.,,,, ntTh(;fns2·meP§ Aldrich, late·o?band, Sixty th Regiment ° Ohio Volunteer , £8°%hI1!.\_I_PU.II}I\ at the rate of·$24 perT§;¤¤thm°'¥¤u S'B“1§?’ ?£(¥bg:,hwg mnyaaaae. Troog L, Sixth Regiment United Sta:e5hi°¤h7V°b1hw“ mmzyfyud One thinbucfthnghck payhorapennnnat rateof$20p¤l'1¤0¤ alba-; °°"' '°°°‘,,m“"" (,1,,., · emma A. Long, awesom- 306 Oiseohundrenf Regiment Indiana Voltmteer

 and payherapemionatth•rateof$20permenthmha•n

of that alia i new ;·eee1vmg.