Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/602

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1620 EXTRADITION CONVENTION--HONDURAS. Januar: 15, 1909. M1 ¤ * *•=-· if . When the offense delito alguno politico. Cuando w$•§:::i:°••.°° §i1ar;ed¤:>mpmm eitbgni zélslito qge ele endtéraile el may assume or sea e c poitning, (Ether consummated nat; 6 deenvenenamientstheonor attempted, the {act that the sumado 6 gntentado, el_h o do offense was comm1tted or at- que el dehto se 00{II0l2101’8§°& tempted agamst the hfe of tentara_o0ntra la vida del aovemgn o1·_ head of a foreign rano·6 jefe de un eetado extranetate or life of any ]G1'QQ00¤t!\llV1dQ40 cualquxer gmdzegpd has fam1ly,waball not mdipduo de su famahy no conn ~ thatauchacximeoroifensewa tene°13elcri111en6§it:'oera ofapoliticalcharacter,om·wasan ‘ ter politnco 6 aeto relaact connected with cnmee or of- caonado con crimenee 6 dehtos de fenses of a political character. oaracter politnco. ,,"""°' °"" '°' N peno shall betriedfor Nadie ser juzgado ·¥¥·¤··i°' 'mmmzuegm otxmmm sq wmagwqmmmx for which he was surrendered. entrega. · V Arncu: V. Anrfourp V. “·’*·“°°°‘°'* Artisan criminal shall notbe E1 crimmn ewuae no sera eurren ered under the provisions entregado con arreglo 6. las dispohereof, when, from lapse of time ncnones del preeente Cmnvenio or other lawful cause, according cuando poreltrascurao deltiem to thelawaoftihephaciexelrhitbmthe 2p:.r<;traca¢;161aleg&c(¢.;narreé;(¢: .\Il’l|d1¢·-£i0¤0W- ecrime cyan entre {ne committed, the criminal ia cuya juriadicciogmde cometi6 el exempt from pmeecution or gun- onmen, el dehncuente se halls iahment for the otlenae for w wh exento de aer proceaado 6 castithe surrender xs asked. · sado pct ala de itod:];e6mmotiva la a extra ' Anrrcu VI. Axrrtcuno VI. p»?£ZZ35`.{ J}3?3 Ifafugitive whose sur Si el criminal evadido cuya °°"‘“" "“°" '°"'“’· render may clauned pursuant ent puede reclamarse con to theetipulationshex·eof,beactu· anx S las stipuleciones del ally under prosecution out on bail preeente Convenio se halla actualor in custody, for a crime or of- mente enjuiciado, libre coniianaa fense oommtted in the country 6 por cualquier delito comewherehehasaought lum,or tisoenelpaiaen uebusc6asilo gsall have l>eenconvicbt?dt<lB1fereof. 6 heya sado condenado por el _ext.rad;tion may erred mismo, extradicién podra unul chpmceedm bedeter- d rarsehsst t te;-1m.' minedjuan juntil hegsshall have nxtlas actuacit¢}»n:a?1t°3u¢?rimina1 (hpelpwaet at liberty in due course gem en libertad con arreglo Parnu claimed by , ¤•a¤¤¤¤¤¤¤a Ifalugitave uirninalclaimed reclamad byoneoftlnepartieahnetoahall gunna de las arte; Conti; bealsochxmedtbgoneormoxie fuenreclamadcalavea were nan tree ro 6 bu-mj

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