Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/425

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406 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 130. 1914. Es¤iv¤¤¤*=¤vP¤i¤¤· force under the bureau; for hemp, wire, iron, and other materials_ for the manufacture of cordage, anchors cables, galleys and chains; specifications for purchase thereof shall be so prepared as give fair and free competition; canvas for the manufacture of sails, awnings, hammocks, and other work; interior appliances and tools for manufact purposes in navy yards and naval stations; and for the urchase ldlfudi other articles of eguipage at home and abroad; and For the ayment of labor in equippiag vessels therewith manufacture ofp such articles in the sever navy yards; naval signals and apparatus, other than electric, namely, signals, lights, lanterns, rockets, lights, lantems and lamps and their appendages for general use on board ship for illuminating purposes, and oil and candles used in connection therewith; bunti1$land other materials for makmg and repairing flags of all kinds; for permanent galley fittings an e uipage; rugs, carpets, curtains, and angings on board naval ves- {_j•yg·>·~, , sdls $9,788,000: Promiled, That the Secretary of the N avg be authore¤p1¤; °' ized, at his discretion to issue free of cost the national ag (United States national ensign N 0. 7) used for draping the coilin of any officer or enlisted man of the Navy or Marine Corps whose death occurs while in the service of the United States Naav or Marine Corps, upon request, to the relatixiles of the deceasreil officer or dor upon uest, to a sc oo , patriotic o er or socie 'c e wm wml! °'¤up•. deceug officer or man belophged: further {hat no lpart of this sum shall be applied to e repair of any wooden ship w en the estimated cost of suc repairs, to be appraised by a competent board of naval officexs, shall exceed ten£r centum o .the estimated cost, algraised in like manner of a new `p of the same size and like mateonmsmpe. ri : Provided further, 'llhat no part of this sum shall be applied to the repair of any other ship when the estimated cost of suc repairs to be appraised by a competent board of naval officers shall exceed twenty pier centum of the estimated cost, appraised like manner of Rtgwptc in amen a new s ’p of the same size and hke maten : Promdedffurther, That "‘ ”’ ‘ nothintghherein contained shall deprive the Secretary o the Navy of _ the au ority to order repairs of ships damaged in oreign waters or on the high seas, so far as may be necessary to bring them home. b§:ge!¤ W "°<>¤=*¤*· And the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to make expenditures from appropriate funds under the various bureaus for repairs and changes on the vessel herem named in an amount not to exceed u£*_°'“¤‘· •°°•· W" the sum specified for said vessel, Constellation, $50,000: Prmnkled farther, That the sum to be paid out of this ap rcépgation, under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy, for clerics, ting, inspection watchmen (shigikeepers), and messenger service in navy ards, naval stations, and offices of superintending naval constructors lior the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifteen, shall not gounpgnrgt Ppiurbgg. exceed $958,100: Prmnded further, That the Secretary of the Navy dry dlocks mittens? is here}? authorized to enter into contract for the use b the Government o dxydocks at Hunters Point, San Francisco, Cahfornia, one of which docks shall be capable of docking the la est vessel that can be passed through the locks of the Panama Canzllg for a period not to exceed six years from completion of such dock, at a compensation of $50,000 per annum durupg saiddpemod of six years, the right of the _ Government to the use o said ocks in time of war to be rior and q¤‘_§,?eg§"“°*¤¤¤ *¤· paramount: Provided, That the construction of the large dpock shall e undertaken unmediately upon enterin into this contract and shall D¤¢ki¤s mus. be completed witlun twenty-four months thereafter: And prmnkled further, That said_contract shall provide for docking rates not in excess of commercial rates, and for such other conditions as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy, prior to entering into such Evnclnrses. contract: And promded further That in the event, during the said contract period of six years, the necessities of the fleet require the