Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/21

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1234 SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 23. 1914. W¤¤•¤H¤1*•· Th f William H late of Com D Fourteenth Re§iieii?VVe;t Virginia Vo Infantry anldsijgy him_a_pension at e rate of $30 r month in lieu of that he is now recervmg. "m¤¤ '*`·¤•¥'°*- The name of T. Saylor late of Company F, Two hundredth Regiment Pexmsylvania Volunteer Infantry,_and pay a pension at therate of $30 per month m lieu of that he IS now recexvmg. j;"':{,'l"A_ 0., The name of Frances A. Cox, widow of George W. Cox, late captam Compan I Eighth Regiment United States Colored Volunteer Hea grtillery, and former widow of Thomas S. Sims, late of Companytlf), Fifteenth Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, and pay er a pensmn at the rate of $12 ger month. ‘ xm- w. am. The name of J ame W. Ruff, te of Company C, One hundred and twentieth liegiment; Indiana Vogntegg and pay him a pens1o' tt te $40 rmon in 'no theisnowrece:} s ¥¤¤¤D·'f¤¤¤•¤~ Thennhme ei>1i8Jol(i.n D. gghomas, late acting ensign, United States mi and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per month m hen of ~ 1’6[X§IV1Dg· ° · ¤¤¤-*¤¤¤~ ihetmomzl Flora Annis widow of James Annis, late of Company H, Tenth Regiment Rhode Island Volunteer Infantry, and pay er a ' pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that she is now re- ¤¤l*¤¤¤*• *¤>l>•¤¤- ceThe name of Sophronia Robert§, widow of Stephen Roberts, late ‘ Company B, Second Regiment orth Carolina Volunteer Mounted

 and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lien

t the is wrecervm§° . · ¤•¤*¥·*· °‘*¤- 0 Th; name (§0HB`DIy A. heat}, late second lieutenant Company E, %e hundrecé and lpiuiilety-eighth men; Efeiggylvania an ,an pay apensmona ra permon m _ of tha?-he is now recei ° . f ·

  • ’•¤'¤,,, _ Th f Max~garevi:1§on mery, widow of Samuel M ni "

cy. mmm late etizgtyna Comdpany E, 'I‘wt<§12ieth Regliiment Pennsylvai)nIiii.g(iVo?u·r`$;: teer Cavahy, an pay her a [pension at the rate of $12 ge; month. §g**,._?·,;*?g·;:g The name of Catharine T_cmas, widow of W1nston omas, late of Company E, Seventh Regiment West Virgmia Volunteer Cavalry,

.l1:d_pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that

e IS now receiving. ¤•¤rr¥-¥M·» The name of Henry M. Lavo, late of Company M, Seventeenth Re%ment Pennsylvama Volunteer Cavalry and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 Jper month m lieu of that he 18 now receiving. 3•¤¤¤.1¤rkv•¤»k. The name of ohn D. Kirkpatrick, late of Com any D, Fifty- second Regiment, and Company C, Sixty-ninth Igegiment, Ohio Volurilteerh nfaptz, alnd pay him a pension at the rate of $24 per mont in `eu o t at e is now receivm . °°°'¤'w·“"* The name of George W. Klise, late og Company M, Seventh Regignent Iowa Vlolpnisleer Qaylglryla and pay him a pension at the rate of 24 t t ' . l'¤¤°'• “—°*d**d¢°· 'l`li):ln?h)§ of l·?ra.n63is0M. 6ldri3dlgSe:1l)s:i7er§i: lC`or$§any H, Second Regigfp; Kentuekygfpliiliiteerffjgiilvalily, and pay him a pension at the rate Opermont m'euo at e'n " . ¤•¤** A- “'*¤=¤=· The name of Sarah A. Winans, wiiloviiwof Geoi·1g!i->gB. Winans, late of gompany AA,ScSec01;i1l I§egimentKKansasV Wlipllrmteer Infantry, and ompany , ven egiment teer C , d her a. pension at the rate of $20 peinrixagntlf in lieu of atlgltgshgnis xiii; Term and § [$1: month mlcglitionalhou alccount ¢;f the minor child o said orge . mans un e reac es the ixteen . hy‘{'“"°“° B· B°¤°· The name of Charlotte B. Bentley, widow olQVilli§am H. E;§ey, late captam Company I, Twenty-sixth Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, an _ pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in hen of that she is now receiving.