Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/941

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2144 INDEX. Di lomatic Officera-Continued. _ Pate- D·L¤crimi·na¢iom in }’nZce——Continued. Page. d)eficienc appropriation for bringing home bona fide selection of customers not prerem . . . . --·-·---. . -.··--··--·--- yairlg) ofp 332 vented 730 for transportation , . ... 335, 559, 580 Diseases Among Indtlms, for paying heirs of, dying abroad g78 appropréatron for prevention and treatment meam f term ...,.,... 06 0 .. . ... . . 78, 583 engagigg in private business in countries to Diseases, Animal, _ wclxich accredited forbidden ,,_. 807 appropriation for preventing spread of. . 419, 1090 Director of the Consular Scrvabc, Diseases, Czmtagiour and Infectious, appropriation for .. 466, 1008 appropriation for cooperation with State, Director ¢g` the Mint (ace also Mints aud Assy etc., authorities to prevent spread of, jiices), _ _ in interstate traffic. .. 25, 624, 837 approprumon for, examiner, amayer, clerks, Dweaaes, Contagwua, D. C., _ etc . : .. 473, 1014 appropriation for preventing spread of. . 539, 914 for freight on bullion and coin . - . . 473, 1014 Diseases of Man, for contingent expenses . . 473, 1014 appropriation for investigation of propagafor examinations; precious metals statis·3 1015 Dm f tionéspreadbetg., of .. 25, 624, 837 tics .. . . . ... 47, "ncwing ervicc, . ., deficiency appropriation for contingent ex- appropriation for . 540, 914 penses .. 330, 333 , k Du-¤g1b' ‘ us, , uty on cor 147 report to be made upon uses ot, in naval 952 on fregislist, ski, rwgh-cut, f¤r vpticel 157 wnrfore _,,,,,________, , ,_,,,______ rumen . .. Disbammrt lfrooeedings, Intmbr Department, Di8P¤¢¤]¤ 49fM% appropnauou for expenses of testimony appropriation for, at London, New York, in _______,,,,,_________,,,,,_, 4,3, 649, 861 _ _ M?. Franmsco, and New Orleans. 445, 1118 Dis lmary` Barracks, U it¤d»S'¢¤us, Dim] · » mqilzitary prison, Fort fjeavenwcrth, Kaus., d¤¤y<>¤,c0;¤ \md¤»Ft0- ¤0¤t·¤i¤i¤8*·1¢0h01 115 ftc., to be known ss .. . 1074, Dwggg; provided for . . 117 contre .. . ... · 4 pmil - honorable restoration to duty of prisoners Kiuging, etc.;_0f recliied . 1017 I m, extergded elsewhere.£(;.l; . ·1074 mugmge 1017 paro e system or prisoners in, e esta t pent: vw, Gvemget, lished ,,,...,.,,,,,,_,,___ 1075 Schedu1eH of 1913 ... 135 confinement in nitentiaries of persons of! Public Documents, convicted E; courts-martial, etc., of appropriation for expenses of .. 70 crimes ,,..,,___,,,...,,,__ 1084 Distnht Attorneys, United State: Courts, othersin discgplinarylbanacks. ..,,, 1085 appropriation for salaries and expenses 54, vernment an contre ested in e Ad- 654, 867 go jutant General. . , . .,,,,, 1085 paymeut_ to clerks acting as, during detail of officers to .. . .. _ _ ... 1 085 vacanmes . : . - . 54, 654, 867 enlisted men as guards and in d1scipliu· reduced; Arkansas western district 54 ary orgamzauons _, 1085 for fees, Dmtnct of Columbia. .. 54, 654, 867 detachment, or enlistment for service. . . 1085 for regular assistants, appointed by Atduties <;f eéfomgnandant; reformation, etc., 1085 f toruig Genera; ... 54, 654, 867 0 0 en ers ..,. orspec amstan ... 54, 654, 867 organization of disciplinary companies for_1aw books for: .. 507, 1048 for miligary w, etcééé . A 1 085 degicieucy appropnation for, and assistantgé 1149 remission o sen ces or g cou uct; or ass1stan' ts in qéecml cases . 7 1150 honorable restoration to duti, etc. . . 1085 District Building, D. ., , branches makbe designated elpew ere 1086 appropriation for salaries, care of 518, 895 subject {Io ws, etc., of drsciplxnary bsr· 1086 Dwricg Cel, miscellaneous supplies, etc..- 518, 895 mc . mma, Divccloratrbns, etc., _ _ appropriation for judges . . . 507, 1047 no allowance for, on xmports of uon or steel cases in which appeals aud writs of error D_ _ or manltgifaftures of .. . .. 125 anayrtbhz, taken direct to Supreme wcnmmating wa, · ou m . ... 804 imgzed on importations in foreign vessels. 195 commerce court jurisdiction transferred to. 219 ugli contiguous countries 195 disputed war risk insurance claims to be exceptnons, under treaties or acts of Con- _ decided by, m admiralty _..,_,____, 712 gress .. . . . . : _ .. 195 duties of, in awards of boards of arbitration retanl trsdepf contiguous countries 195 of railway em¥loyees’ controversies. 106 repeal oi, gab rmpgzrts in foreign vessels 1193 final decisions og sp ject to review by cirowne X cx ens .. Z ... cuit cou: o appeals .,,,,,,,_,____ 303 refund of dunes, collected smce August authorized {or. ,,,,_,___,,,_____ __ 530 18, 1914 . .. - . 3 .. ·. . 1193 ]unsd1cl;iou oft m income ta; provisions _ 179 applicable only to yeseels taking regis- to prevent violations of antitrust Act_ , _ 736 _tr-y, before leaving American port. . . 1193 procedure, etc .,, , _,,,,,_,,___ 736 Diserimmutzions in Prwe, _ _ removal of causes from State courts to, not between purchasers which lessen compels- allowed 111 damages to property by non, etc., unlawful .. , . 730 common carriers unlw value exallowed for difference m grade, quality, or ceeds $3,000 ,,___ _ ______________ 278 quantity , .. 730 suits for damages from violations of anti. cost of selling or tra.usp0rtat10¤:r._ .. 730 trust. laws may be brought in ... 731 to meet compeuuou m commumues 730 threefold damages recoverable 731