Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1117

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sues. II. Ch. 163. ‘ 1917. 1097 $2P`?)1;)0stationery for the department and its bureaus and offices, $********1 a, . For postage stamps for the department and its bureaus, as required P°°°"”°‘ rlrnderl til? _Posta1 Union, to prepay postage on matters addressed to osta mon countries $250. For rent of buildings in the District of Columbia: War De artment, R°¤*~ $7,200; Adjutant General’s Office, $1,500; and Bureau of grdnance, $1,800; in all, $10,500. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. *’¤‘>“¤ *>¤¤·¤¤¤¤¤¤<¤ grounds. Orrrcm or rmsnrc suummos aim onomms: Superintendent, S¤¤°**¤**¤·*°¤*· er $3,00?;1:;sistant and céiirigsglerk, $25100; clerksl;—one of {clash; four, mm’°l°r¤’°t°' oneo c s three, one o c two an stenograp er oneo c one; - messengergaflandscape architect, $2,400; surveyor, and draftsman, $1 500· in $16 140. , Por loremeii, gardeners, mechanics, and laborers employed in the *`°'°¤°¤·¤*•>· public grounds, $31,200. For sergeant of park watchmeu, $950. W°*°**¤°°· For second segleaut of fairlrk watgnhmeni $902113 P k d ad D. I · Ford wtc en as 0 ows: ein ar an jacent Y°'°°- reservatiigns ibn New, York Avenue; one in Lafayette Park; two in Smithsonian Grounds and neighboring reservations _; one in Judiciary Park; one in Lincoln Park and ad`acent reservations; one in Iowa Circle anddreserggons to the northeast; one vén hilhplomas (s;;(llSco1g; Circ rin reservationzronein as n eau neigliilioaririrg iiggrvatiorigs; one in Dufprint Circle and ne%boring reservations;(pne inh%d(cPher·son Park an Farzragulli Square ogg in St;nto£ P k ' rvaf ns· two in enry an aton ar arid ngighblriiigiig mlb-egvbctsibns; eine in Mount Vernon Park and reservations to the northeast; one in gror1r,nd§Ssou(tih of the_Execut11ve Mans' ; Garfi ld and Marion ar an reservations to t_e east;liiiie(iI1i0hilbnr1meii1t Park; four in Potomac Park; and one in Montrose lliark; tv;g;rty-thre¢; an all, a1t1;840_ea§h,_z1;),320. G ds Nkmum F t tc en, as o ows: ee in mr oman_ roun · andoriieilgllliiborirvia reservations; one in Judiciary Park; two rn Henry and Seaton Paris and adjacent reservations; one rn grounds south of the Executive Mansion; one in Monument Park; one in Garfield Park ss *·;*g*;2°*"g :;:2:2;:2:::;; *;:::2.*:;‘s;:r§;°;;::a%.§.i1;‘2»<:.E.¤:i$s ormv ; _ iirdi lilbiiiing reservations; two in Lafayette, McPherson, Franklm, ang Farragut Parks; one in_Washington and Du$ont Circles and neighboring reservations; one m Mount Vernon ark and neighboring reservations; two for qpeengogulsgs an]? and four rn otomac P k;t tr-twoina,at enc, , · . .,_ Alger vyefgxliman fqr tlge lcare of vtéhehqinoqumeggognd dock at Wake- “°"°°"°" ‘ ii»1d,V' ",th irt 21080 is 39*% _- .,,,,,,,,,. ( For clrigliiia entfimd ingideutal exfensos, including of pro; C°"“"’°'" fcssional of acgeutggc lioqks anbs tecléngczlpsprgréoo cals, books o , , o o , an . N biinjgiirchiige ariid) reqiiir of giifiglécles gpgorbevolvers for park watch- { h ammuni ron, , . m(l?oiiIinlaii)11t,e¥i1laI-xlceitsfegau, and operation of two motorcycles at $144 each, $288. _ _ _ For pur-clggrng ggclxiupplying uniforms to park, Monument, and lb 'd } , • » • I ‘ mfjgilfgiltsmgsirgg amounts agprogrrated imderfppglic bmldmgr; atrg mP;'°,,,_k°m I °t"°t rounds, the sum of $37,569 e paid out o revenues o District of Columbia.