Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1209

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SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 180. 1917. 1189 PAY or orvn. roses: In the office of the major general commandant: °"’*"°'°°· gégel glgief clerk, at $2,000; one clerk, at $1,800; one messenger, at In- the office of the paymaster: On chi f 1 k t $2 000· clerk, at $1,500; one clerk, at $1,200. B 6 C Br , 8 ’ , Om In the omce of the adjutant and inspector: One chief clerk, at

; one ccilergr, ag 8;,800; one clerk, at $1,500; one clerk, at

, ; one er , at 1, 00. In the office of the quartermaster: One chief clerk at $2 000- one clerk, at $1,800; one clerk, at $1,500; two clerks, kt $1,400 each; twpDcl¢§·ks,£t $1i22I0 eaclytong drafttseman, fait Sgk?0. _ can e office o e assis an quar rmas r, cisco, - fornia: One chief clerk at $1 800. In the office of the lassistaiit quartermaster, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: One chief clerk at $1,800; one messeniger, at $840. In allahfor pay of civil force, $34,511.28, an the moniy herein specinc y appropmated for pay of the Marine sh be disbursed and accounted for m accordance with existing law as pay of the Marine Coiips, and for that purpose shall constitute one fund. In all, pay, anne Corps, $7,132,802.78. uAn~x·rmNA1·:cr:, QUAa,·rmz.u;As·rmz’s DEPARTMENT, ummm oonrs. W Pnovmsrous MARINE Cours: For noncommissioned officers miisi- P’°'*¤*°°¤· cians and rivates serving ashore; subsistence and lodging,of en- . dv P . . . liste men when traveling on duty, or cash m_ lieu thereof; commutation of rations to enlisted men regularly detailed as clerks and mes- $ar:*i;sa;em¤s2:S.<£..b.;e*;;%.;nd.;:m.g 2;.2.*:.$3:z;";S.i2:.;%*:I¤::* listed men where it is impractibable to otherwise furnish subsistence, or in lieu ·of board, commutationh of ratfons to repruiting paftiis; transportation of provisions, and e em(p oyment o necessary a r conne ted therewith- ice machines an t cir maintenance where requiriid for the health and comfort of the troops and for cold storage; ice for offices and preservation of rations, $1,676,000. Hcreafter no S"°'°‘*“*Y'•*·*°"'- law shall be constpupd tolleiitgtle ealisticll men 0111 shop; dug; toxin; t o s or commu a ion ncre or o wr an suc as a no gr a liirriealiter be allowed enlisted men in the Army: Provided, That when §;°;’;,‘°,;um man it is impracticable or the expense is found greater to supply marines ¤fArmy. servin on shore duty in the island possessions and on fol`G§gl1 stations with the Army raison} such marines may be allowed the avy ration or commutation t iere or. ` Crorrnmo MAm1~na Cours: For noncommissioned officers musi- °’°“§*°¢· cians, and privates, authorized by law, $1,580,000: Provided, That §'x°;h§”·£wmWd_ hereafter wom-out sewing machines, machmery, rubber tires, and band mstruinents may be exchanged in part payment for the purchase f lik arf . _ 0 FUILL, Mhigmn Conrs: For heat, light, and commutation thereof F“°"u"“*°°°‘ for the Eutlgiiipgg allowance of q&1arterr:for 0iBperila:.n¢§;£tedC§, doterui'gsan grounspeammgo e e · fiilel, electricity, and oil for cooking, power, and other purposes; and sales to officers $260 000. _ 1,,,,,,,,},,,,,,,, _Mu.rrAnY srbnns, MARINE Cours: Pay of chief armorer, at $4 per ray. diem; one mechanic, at $3_ per diem; two mechanics, at $2.aO each per diem; one chief electrician, at $4 per diem, and one assistant electrician, at $3.50 per  ; per diem of enlisted men emplofyed on E ui mm M constant labor for periods of not less than ten_days; pure ase of ‘* P · military(1eqii1;pmentsi{;uc%)i1as revolver? cartridlge boxes, bayprxigt bb aversac , an·e ags, can eens ri e slm§§ sw iliiiimsaftjdmpets, Eggs, waistbelts, waist plates, ,C81'E1'l(IgB ts, spare parts for repairing es, machetes; purchase and repair of tents, eld