Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1245

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INDEX. XXII] Bu.0`¢1l0,N·Yi, Y¤¢¤— Bureauo Construdienasndkepalr Wy- Page. appmqgaltgémneinzr public building, custom- 263 d 6 _ émtinued. ’ N _ y ·-··· ·-··· ·--··•--•••••· 9 01 · • ·· • for improvement of, harbor. , . . . 392 e;kcgvg,¤l217, N:nv;°l)epar¤nent°m 813 bnd§I;.utlronzed across River at . 751 techmcal, etc., services limit, su _ tutwn of tunnel m lieu of, author- cmg°d__ _________________________ 813 _ ·-·· ·-·· _ ---·----·-·---·..-· 7 51 for work on S. S. "Yant.ic". ... 815 preliminary exammauon, etc.,_to be made assistant chief oi, to be detailed from naval Buy I0 0} harbor, creek, and ship canal. .-. 406 C0 couguucmgg ,,___________ _ ___,____ 558 a r _!!Q·»' _ _ nstructionCo ;percen um;. argwspriatnon for public . . 264 ized officg: ... 576 Bu1 ng and Loan Assocuztwna, utual, advancement in rank, lower grades . 576 egernpt from income tax .. 766 computation of grades sennimmnlly 577 ”*::,£·*·,r.:;,,m;·;*·;:;·».,”,,·.¥$.; .,, 6,, 1,,. **%.9.,* ·**·***““**°·· °,‘.¤··**,..°·..·.-,.4, ···· ee,. ···· 5 " 1 · · · 1 YHZIII¢l®} B I · E); mgm; cycles used by glevgtof in- 0118 y93\"s service ... l?. . . . . 57`I spectors. ._ . 677, 1004 additional numbers excluded from com- _ for tnnsportatnon . . 677, 1004 pllttiiou · . ...·-.-.·--.-··---· 577 Buzlding llagenala, _ _ _ _ no reduction oi number in grades ... 577 appmprxauon £or_ mvesugating f:ire-res1st- technical services, etc., allotment for 1916, _ _ mgproperues of. . ._ 114, 1115 mgrmsed .,.,,..,_ _ ____________ _ _ _ _ 23 BuiHmga,_ IIIOC., of 10 Bureau %0nop ktimates (ree Cmp Estimates a roprra n re nseso . , 11 ureau,Depar¤nentofAgncul' ture. Bu53irugr,_DI C., of Ineanitary, Bureau (aes Education Bunaal, a propnauon for expenses of board 691, 1020 tenor Deparhnent). Bugana, poymama, and Serbia, Bureau of eee Etlicngncy Bureau;). agpmpnauon ivorunmstato ... 252,1048 Bureau of _ vary and Printing (see n- Bu wnargdffom, _ gravmgan,Treasu.ryDeagpropnatnon for freight on. . .. 83, 1088 partment). Bu um, Gold, _ _‘ Bureauqf Erumnology (see Entomology Buissue ot gold certulcates for deposits of rem, pepartment of Agriculture). stamped _ .. 225 Bureau_of Eguspment, Navy, _ not to exceed tWD·u1Z|l‘dB of amount out· deficiency appropriation for equipment of standing . . ... 225 vessels .., , ..,,,,,, $$5 Buoys, e¢eI, _ Bureau of Forenyn and Domestic Cmmnorca apg0pr1ationfor..I.._ . . .. 317 see Foreign and Domestic Com. de ciency xlpfroprlatmon for 32, 826, 830 merce Bureau, Department of Com- Bureau for P ieation of Custom: Tanya (see merce). International Bureau for Publication Bureau of Immayratian (see Immigration Buof Customs Tariffs). reau, 1)epartmont of Labor). Bureau for Repressinq Slave Trade BWMV of Indian AINW (¢¢¢ I¤d¤¤ D¤P¤’¤· (see Internatxo Bureau for Re- m6¤¢)· _ _ pressing African Slave Trade). Bureau ag Inrular Agfave (ree Insular Minus Bureau of American Republics (ree Pan Ameri- B ‘;.'°;_*· YV D°p°"·“}f’;3· I. ·=·¤ U·¤··¤>- “'°°“ °{..£ ’°“¤{,L?'é‘.$&.‘§"”¤,{r,¤”r$‘Z"1$$,i‘ Bureau céf Biological Survey (see Biological mumnwmmk Arbitration) umy ¤m¤· D°P““”°“*°f 8** Bureauo 1.a1msaaa¢sa(ae Labor saaaauka °“lt“"°l‘ . Bureau, Department of Labor). Bureau oégvhemivcry (ue Gigemistry Bumvr Bureau of Lighthouses (eu 1: hthouses sa. P9·!’¤¤¤¤t of A8¤¤¤1'¤¤1'€)- reau, Department of (lgommerce). Bureau of Cemetruction and Rgzair, Navy Bureau of Market: (Im Markets Bureau, De appropriation for coxmtrucuon, etc., ol ves- partmeut o I:I§ricu1ture). sels . ... 604, 1184 Bureau ofylledieine Surgery. Navy, for eqiuipment supplies .. _ 605 , 1184 appropriation for surge0ns’ nec1ries and for co liers "Uly¤a" and "Ach1lles". . 6(5 civil estabhdnment . 571, 1180 limit ot repairs, wooden ships . 605, 1184 for contingent . . 571, 1180 other shi ... 605, 1184 motor vehicles, etc . . 1180 ghips in gsreign waters 605, 1184 dental outfits . . . . 572, 1181 gxgcriied ships. ..._ ... 605 dairy, hospital at Iam Aninus, Colo,. . 572 c encal, etc.,_serv¤:es. I . _ . 605, 1184 for remains ... . . _572, 1181 limit , to capital dupe, etc., 605 notd uc from sixmonths’ gratmgz 1181 LBC --.-.-.-.. .. aa. aaa--• .. , ale of unserviceable etc. . 605 forclzis, etc., Navy Department 97, 1101 for improvement of construction delimency appropriation for contingent. - . 30 plants ... . ... _. . I _605, 1185 for surge0ns’_necemar1es 339 Coast Guard cutters; limit of cost m- for transporung remains .. 339, 825 creased I .. 1185 for additional clerks, 1917, Navy Demy qu-ee additional cutters; dunes des- tafltlilllellt. . . . . 814 rg¤ated._ .. . .. 1185 Den Corps, and Dental Beane Corps for construction of new vessels ... 617, 1191 created; composition, eu: . . 573 for clerks, etc., Navy Department 97, 1100 recommisions to t dicers in draftsmen, etc., from _ Dental Rescrvellloragl .. I .. 574

  • ‘ Coustrucuon and pair" . I 97, 1101 H 1tal Corps, constitution and rsungsof. 572

dedcie appropriation for construction parmscai and chief pharmacists, nr- _ slsgrepair .. 22,30,33,42,815,825,S28 rantcommiionsto . . .. 572