Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1272

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l INDEX. \ Department of Commerce-Continued. P9·8°~ Department of Just·lce—C011tinued. Pagea,ppropri2.t10¤ for Bureau of Standards, 4 appro}iria.31ouF for sgfieézgxag allotted salaries ...,. . ... . . . 113, 111 am s, ive ivi ' es ... 312 apparatus, expenses, ctc ... 114, 1115 for enforcing acts to regulate commerce. 312 member Iutcmational Committee on for suits affecting Seminole allotments. . 312 Weights and Measures .. 1g,11%g ior Ifgderal Ctélolg Reports E13 Digests .1. 312 invcshgatious, etc . 1 , 11 or wycrs’ pemtive 'tion, V0 - for contingent expenses .. 115, 1116 umc 60 313 got mink . . .- ... 116, 11}; for Decisions of Supreme Court, Volumes or ci expenses uu cr . .. 3 241 to 244 . ... 313 for Bureau of Lighthouses .. 316 for Pacijic Railroads suits .. 313 for gud Geodetic Survey . 318 for United States cmuts ..., . .. 313 §or xmas Béxreau gor %nite:at{aries, ma.inte1;1au;:ci. . .. 314 or s ureau .. r ati 'I‘mim`11g S or B , , for printing and binding for 331 0 D, 8, ma.iutena.uee.?. ,. T) , 316 K dciicieucy appropriation for Standards Bu- for priming and binding for .,,,,_.,, 331 MBU . _ .. : . . 25, 32, 829 deficiency apggoprhdon for paying judgfor Bumau of Foreign and Domestic Com- 95 ments, mwd States Courts, under. 27 merce .. for United States courts.32, 33 43, 818, 827, 830 for Steagubqat inspection Service ... 25 for contingent expenses ’ 42, 830 fol' Navigation Buréqu . _ 25 for peniteptiarieq, construction .. 42 gor qndlgcodchc Survey . . 5; gg, §or gniorcgpg antggcngst 1?qvs . OT BROS urmu 0, , or e eu mg su.1 s m c mms . .. for Bureau of Lighthouses. - 25, 32,820, 826, 829 for detection and grosecution of crimes., 43 f¤f CGDSUB Office ... 32 for commissioner lacier National Park, $01 Burgau of Corporations ,.,,,. . ,._ 32 Mont, ,..._.,.,____,.,,.,...,,.,,_ 43 or ccutmgent expenses . 830 { r ‘t t' ' te ance, __,,,_ _ 819 ' cost of production service, employees, etc., fgr %§i:i§1?a{a'r1{$;£u1E13§nSc]l1w1 for Boys, g:.nsfc1'r0d to Ta.ri.E Commission D, 0,; building, __,.,,_,,,,____,,_ 819 111 -· 796 for . , u r court D. G. emergency tmngfer of I.i¥hthousc vessels, §(?I]lTIill;2c\iB9.?. ..,,..,.,,, 860 _ etc., to service avy argd Atrmy- . 602 investigations of, not subject to restrictions Lnghthousqs Bureau, mds to navigation au- on details from classified service for D thernfég - E.?) ... 537 D duty cintltgida of the District 120 e ar _ o ommgrcg a mz, apartment o or, cfeiicmxxcy appropmmon for contingent ex- appmpriatgnn for Solicitor of the, clerks, Departmej§g¤f);¤j1L·t% -·····--··-----—· 32· 33» 826 f Sm ·—---- X — z -·-··-- I - -ié ·-—-·-- mg _ _ e _ _ or ecreta , SB1BT»8.!1t,C€1’ ,etc... 11 , appmpnauon for Agtmzuey General, S0l1Cr for commiszzners of conciliation, etc. 116, 1117 tm; General, Aasxsfauts ... 108, 1110 for Labor Statistics Bureau ... 116, 1118 for S01;citors, attorneys, ctc . 108, 1110 for medical examination of injured emfog chef clark, hw ckzrkg, examiners, plgyggg ________________ _ ________,__ 117 fors$xt;ér};x;:é{1;i}:};{é>i.g;x:i;a2>;1B.;t;: ‘‘‘‘ %‘£*}}}} §°’¥~‘“%""*’€‘*"‘i"”‘i§°°“ ····· · ······‘ “"}}{€ _ _ _ ---- or, ’a um nzu mn umm 117, . for Dwmon of Invcstngutmnt . .. 109: 1111 for Children’¤ Bureau 117,1118 $3§%?$%‘,2;§‘€ey.;;;I;;.z4 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘··‘·‘ {%·}}{{ E3§f§,{?"1§‘i,‘;%”?i‘°°° ·············· }}§*}}}3 · U ,.,,,_ ______ ,, V ; 0 gg3g________ ____ ' for contgngent expenses .. 109, 1111 fivefgrear contract for lease of fireproof §o; l¢?gi1<i1al tmnsportauou ... - . f 0 FB building authorized . . . . . US O -°'-""°'°`°"""""°‘ ‘` 7 I . · ••...·..•-• 4 Eve-year lease authorized 109 fg; ic1;1vr;ai;:al;1e1?:t(;x§n};>r;1(g?f.{ . . . . - for Solgcitor of the Treasury, ctc . 109, 1111 for expenses regulatingi · ~ tién . . . I . 325 for S0l;;·1t0r of the Department of COl{]6q uu for re§]1;11dLt0 North German Lioyd Steamm ‘ '‘‘‘‘'‘'‘‘‘'‘‘ · ······· · · * 1 B - · --. . .. . ... 325 for Ii;>:)10c;tor of the Department {gs uu f §?;amship Company . 3g? ---·········-·-—· · ···---·- , ' , _,,,, 3.. f¤r Sundry qiv§l expenses under 311 0i§;oxgeJ$)l§;;fx;g?;8:·;§§?$¤1;,;g¢(;i1¤m. - . 325

  • “,.,*;*:,‘:*$:*;:I*¢;:,;%5$;%°¤ ·····~···· SS §°*“?*‘$?;Z“‘i°¤*"‘°¤€*zm ···---· 332

. D 89 - »-- . or c en assistance to cler of courts- . "- fo1’ Agmey General, at- 311 f a.l10wa¤ced§<;rJune, 1916 ...,.. 326 9 cn Ins C9S€B . . · ` fvr Supplies, etc., customs cases 311 or Sggrnggaguuztggu of amt md methods 326 for wmmq fees, enc., Board or General for printing and b{¤i.iiAg`¢£>}jZ`.`[ Z Z Z Z ff I I 331 for d%¥g’1’K}SB1'¤s;&é ·_ ·.-... deiciegcy apfproprigjtign for commis- 26 . , ···-·· ; ---- cners 0 conc .,. fm dsttfctmn and PmS°€'¤ti0`¤ ci crimes, 311 §0|_•j{,3,b0!·S1;3,!;ig[ic3 Bupgz _______ _ ______ 26 pmce;;gzi.;,‘,;4;g;Y;;,&‘t1;.;»reH. ‘‘‘·= egg: 311 f3§p$‘3§§‘.§"i$$‘€{,‘ifi?““ ‘·‘·‘ 2“‘”‘33’8”‘8é¥ for inspection of prisons and prisoners. . 312 for contingent cxpeusgg-,*,.,1; ; 1 32 $3; g`;’*f"€l%”g °m°’§":s°Y °XP9¤¤9¤- - {or Natuxlizagion Bumgu. , , __ ..,,. 32. S3'; me f¤rs¤$·;z¤¤ so: ¤2’rS¤“.““¤. {·‘Z¤y“‘°"..1’?T‘?f’T}?T‘¥‘.?E‘T‘?.‘i;i;iii Sal

 €*¤-» ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ of 312 DgmmigmtionSAct pmvisiom ...,.. 874

, ._ . _ .. _ partuwnt 0 talc, for ognifelfnsgs, mute affecting withdmwn sppruprigdzu for Secretary, Assistants, ... 312 Duectur of the Consular Scrvica. . . 77, HB2