Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1275

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mnnx. lm Director of Naval Communicatiom, Pm- District Attorneys, United State: Courts, Pivappropnauon for expenses, office of ... 1185 appropriation for salaries and expenses. . 1 313 Director of the Consular Service, payment to clerks acting ss, during appropriation for ... , ... 77, 1082 vacancies -.·... · .. 3 13 Director egéhe Mint (see also Mints and Amy for fees, District of Columbia .. 313 _ ces), _ for regular assistants, appointed by At- ¤`pp1‘0p1’l¤tion for, examiner, nssyer, tome General ,,_,,,.,, , ,_,,_____ 313 clerks, etc. . .: .. 83, 1088 for speciailamistants to . . .. 313 for freight on bullion and coin . . . 83,1088 for law books for - .. 119, 1120 for contingent expenses ... _ 83, 1088 deficiency appropriation for, and amish for ertaminations, precious metals stabs- ants ... . . 43, 819 _ _ ‘ tics . 83, 1088 Distnht Building, D. 0. · Dingible:,_Ng1q;, _ _ approiplriaion for salaries, care of .. 677, 1005 appropriauon for procuring, etc., rigid 559 or el, miscellaneous supplies, etc. - 677, 1005

, Interventional, District Courts, ‘

invitation to other governments to con- appropriation for judges ... 118, 1119 _ snder questions of . 618 exemption ot docketrng liens, etc., of, in

 Ifroeeedmgs, _ _ Stain courtsisrgpealed .. 531

aptpropriation for expenses of testimony in. 306 jurisdiction in bil interpleader by in· Du rsing Oficers, surance company, etc., where adacceptance of Auditors’ reports of outetand- verse claimants of difesent States. . 929 _ gngphecks in lieu of returns b 336 procedure, etc Jil i ; . 929 mvestigation of methods of exmnging, district of beneficiary if named re _ etc., accounts of, directed . 1080 _ policy 929 Drabuning Officers, etc., · in causes under lmmgfntion Act .. 893 duplicates for lost, etc., checks may be in violations of orders ShippingBoard. 737 _ imued; bond, etc ... .. 37 removal of causes from States courts to; Discharge, Army or Navy, Certificate of _ _ suits against Federal court oEcia1s punishment for forging, counterientmg, added ... . . 532 etc . . ; 1182 to enforce orders of Tarif Commimicn to Dixhargeinlhznkruptcy, _ _ _ secure testimony, documents, etc. . 797 debts released b ; exceptions designated. 999 Dutnct Judges, liabilities for {reach of pruniso, accom-‘ appropriation for .. 118, 1119 panied byseduction, added 999 de ciency appropriation for, South Caro- _ Disciplémzry Barracks, Army, lina district .. 43 additional sergeants authorized for duty for additional, New Jersey district .. 818 with organizations at ... 189 additional authorized, New Jersey district. 48 Diseases Among Indians, Texas western district . 938 appropriation for prevention and treat- Dktfld of Columbrkx, ment of .. 124, 970 appropriation for general expenses (half Diseases, Animal, from Treasury, half from District appropriation for preventing spread of. 450, 1138 revenues) . . 678, 1004 or investigating . .. 450, 1138 for salaries, executive office. 677, 1004 for investigiztions of tuberculin, etc. . 451, 1138 for veterinary division . 677, 1004 for researc es for preventing contagious for purchasing division . . . . . 677, 1004 abortion of animals . 451, 1139 for uilding inspection division. . 677, 1004 for arresting foot·and-mouth disease. 492, 1167 for plumbing inspection division 677, 1004 Diseases, Contagious, D. C., permanent tenure of snemor and as- _ appropriation for preventing spread of . 702, 1029 ststsnt meson repealed .. . . . . 1005 Dvlveaser of Man, etc., designated records, accounts, etc., appropriation for investigating, etc 279 transferred from ssemor to office of Drlvmfectina Service, D. C., collector, ·..· 1005 appro riation for maintaining . 702, 1030 copiesof wills, etc., of real estate to be Diepaccgxigmu, urnished collector and arsessor by appropriation for, at Loudon, New York, register _ . _ ..: ... 1005 San Francisco, and New Orleans. 254, 1050 for care, etc., District Building .. 677, 1005 Disputes Between Nations, for amesaofs office . _. - . ._ . 677, 1005 invitation for international conference for aseqrnents to be made bienmally 678 adjudication and peaceful settle- for additional employees . . 678 ment of - . 618 for special asemment omce . 680, 1006 Distilled Spirits (ue also Intoxicating Liq- for tax board .. 678, 1006 uors), for rcensebureau . 1006 gin may be bottled in bond for export free supermtenllent, to be secretary of of tax within eight years after entry. 788 _ automobile board .. . ... 1006 wines containing more than 24 per cent of rsue, etc., of licenses transferred from alcohol taxed as . . 783 ampsor to . ... 1006 Dirzilleriu, h 88 for excise board .. . . 678, 1006 basis of ca i for sweet mss .. 7 no pay to nominee re`ected b sour ...» 788 Senate .. I ... 6 378, 1006 sweet mash using iiltr·ation·aenticn for c0llector’s office ...,... . 678, 1006 . proces ... 788 for auditor’s office ... 67 8. 1006 withdrawals in tank cars for export free of for co _ tion counsel's office ... 678, 1006 tax ... 788 for sum fund ohae .. 678, 1006