Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1297

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INDEX. lxxv Foren2rn1lisaian•(•¢c 'lcmstic dC . Psp. · · F · an cmsu o_fAgv·•¢uI¤·e-f- Bv- ¤pp’¤·p¤»¤¤¤ rbr cfrm, drafting um- ° "‘°§.$Z¤;¥’¥’Ff’¥’TT’TY“? TTT -'?‘?°°'. 24’“‘,§T£·» im for fgnréé ··--·---·---~·-—·-· QZ, {gg ger iggroveguant of mmm forests. , . 32; sm; . . -····—··----·—- · — - » ting crest tires etc ,..,,,,___,, 826 Forngn Tanfs, F or S ’ investigation of, in relation to United lzgsptxzgpdation for cooperation with S F _ %at§s, by Tariff Commission . . - 796 atc., as to methods of °"“€V" .°°.“» foresthmds .. . , 4611150 appropnauon for tests etc., of commercial {m' ‘ ‘ jmecuf ecb- $8 `````` ’ F L Fymportaucc of.] 461,1149 Forlzdggr Rwer, gh n., an nu- 465,1154 ores vu, ],·m·m,y nmim - ¤1>ipr¤x>ri¤¢i¤¤ §¤r fighting, etc ..-.- 461,1149 Pm .. . Z .t° .b° 400 or coopemuon with States in protecting Forrest City, Ark., · - l l ¤¢¢·¤h¤d¤ of ¤¤Vi8¤bl¢ ¤¤’€¤·¤¤¤ condemned cannon granted uy ,,,, _ ___,__ 834 . mm ···--··— _ --; -—----------·--- 475,1166 Fm Aainmbow Mizemy Reser-vauim mm ~ deameucy $I2*¥`0P¤¤*·i°¤ {O? Egbtiiigy etc-· 826 hud! reserved in abandoned £0r,R0ck; Forest Smgwg,. epcrtmzntofAgricul¢ur¢, Bo sBa.¤dof()h1g§»e' wais etc"., . 739 gppropnatwrxs ger Forester, BIIPBKVIKTTQ 1144 sold mgavge, Moqt., Z. 739 mm"“§.,°8zc..i:;::::::::::;:::;;: .g»;m5 EEZ. "‘d"°6f3,m@.;;.a::‘: ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ $ fig dmfmmu, mechanics, etc :556, Fort Atkinson, Wir., - U N- U . general e_ ·--.-·.-.-.- _ 7, sp pri¤ti¤¤ for public building- ·.-.- . .. 265 wztgu States fol’bl2é7 1145 deggegacy appropriation for pu lic build- 17 15mg; i{¤`,·`1,¤'°m."'j[[f[[j§f] 451’u45 · ``'```'``````'``'`` ¤dmU` '¤¤¤ffom¤t¤;s¤le of M5 996 er 7 1 ti for ° . dsmsgu $36.11 augtiame . gig? ‘{"’;°(;’¤;'§Ifi%E¤€,i’du¥y“¤“,‘15'i%Z YY usa

   M 1;**; u.;.;'.?.§;'..“ . ?i’.“°°'“° ... ¥¥;FF‘?T‘f‘E¥' 2.37

. ...-.-... 041 _ . ` relief of field employees .. , 457;1146 spprgprisgion for , etc. of Indians coutmgent. expenses; tmveling eg- 146 at _______ _ ________ ____ Q ________ 138 980 ws ----···---·-------------- 57 1 F nB¢1L~m Im! 1mm,.mn ’ fo1’ 25d wd station €X¥€HB9€, ¤1¤i11¢€· , zxppropriafion Tg: irrigation on nance of designated vrws ------ 457. 1146 maintenance em . .. iso ssc additional lands in Nebraska for nur- pm gngwgd Ag,,,,,y,'N_ Dah, ’ se .. 1147 ‘ ‘ -d,·._m for adciytional national forests under Con- ·ppr0I:,r3tw§ _ IM 982 ¤¢rv¤¤i<>¤ Act --·----------·----- 460. 1149 Fort Berthold Imam Rmam zv. pa; ’ disposition of recqipfs uqdef ..-- - - 1149 gppropriation for per capita. ,pa eugto for expenses,distnctwdm1nistmti0u 460, 1149 Indians Og, from sale, omwplm ` iuterchzmgeablo appropriations. . 480, 1149 {Bud, ____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ 144 fo1‘ wléc?-i¤ , €¥·¢·, l¤¤d¤ wrthin ¤·¤*·i°m*1 classification, ctc. of coal lmdé in s;:h;>}»l forests gor homastend engir .. 460, 1149 Becunm of ____ __ _______ _ _ 1131 for survgy, etc., of agricultu lands. 460, 1149 Fort Bidwell, Cal., ' ` ig; 6£';)*;?i€§<>¤§;g1¤£{8?1¢:s· - Lia- ·é(i;1i;6l» 1]-49 zpgugpristion for Ipdixm . . ; . 1132, 975 , , · e cmncy appmpmuon ndnn` ncbm . 33 ments. 461 1149 F t Bf T _, iorpromotingeconomy in forest products, ’ Tpprozgéatifn lor wget mug; gdditiqml f eu: .- · gl. 1}*;%; lands ... , ... 639 or improvin range cou `tions .. I, I f easing I ,,.. fvr me piwéng, etc --··-·—-- _ ----·-- 4 61, 1150 detggigxgy appm‘;g::i;\;p¥¤¤¥’r:¤§ci¤ imml- 639 for cooperative, etc., inV9stAg8i30¤¤ W lauons ... . ... 337 determine conservative m8¤8g9· For: Dodge, Iowa, { me¤toffgggg{g_ __,, l;é..f...é£l... 461,1150 gegmggfcourtat. . . .. . .. 12,55 or sppmisiug, etc. tim r or e; ex- · ~ - penses of S3]€§,,8tC.:...:. ... 461, 1150 F oihhzgiy Resqrml @02** Uugéizen for miscellaneous mvest1gau0us .. 461, 1150 training cam on 671 for roads, trails, bridges, etc . 461,1150 F F . ld M P ‘````'```''‘`‘‘ eradicating poisonous plants .. 1150 Wt '“'J?°ti· i”·¤ bu bun , traveling expenses restricted .. 461, 1150 °ppt°pw" qu M P? c ·‘·*·····* 265 mstrictiou on preparing articles for Fmjt H-G. Wflyhi Mdwwy Reservatwn, N, YZ, newspapers, et? ________________ 46], 1150 nght of way between Mount Prospect Tract for ggqugring lgnds unda! audi u’a‘nSien`8d‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ' ° ' “ ’ W Conservation Act .. 462 Fort Hall Indian Reservation, Idaho, for expenses in Washington under Con- appropriation for support, atc., of Indians servatiou Act . .. 462, 1150 on ,. 132, 976 special {und for disposal of débris, etc., for maintenance, imrigatinn system 132, 976 giqpomts for, ctc.? . 1 ... Z. . . 462 deficiency spgropristiou for maintenance, mmug, etc., permntted m acquuved etcqimgation sysycm . . ... 31. lm s ... 462, 1050 for¤upp¤rt,et¢.,oflnd1an¤on .. . 826