Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1378

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clvi INDEX. Oregon National Forest, Oreg., P¤8¢· Oxford, N. K, _ Pesoappropriation for maintenance, etc., of . . 459, 1148 condemned cannon granted to Relief Corps exchange of lands with private owners for Home . . .. 837 adding to . 846 Oyster Oreck, Tex., Om, ere, f mf Oyappropriation for improvement of . 398 appropriation or investigating ety, sters, _ _ _ _ _ econom , etc. in treatment of ; appropriation for 1.nvest1gatmg' , restrictiiins. ’ z .. 302 etc., of . 63, 1152 Organrked Government, Opposition to, etc., Ozark, Ark., alien member of egpanization, etc., teach- condemned cannon granted to · 840 ` exclud admission ... 876 Ozark National Forest, Ark., Organizedm§ilitia gee Militia, Organized), appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 459, 1148 Or anized Militia eserve, _ _

 into_   seiévnce with Army. . 340 P.

rrigatwn rogect, a ., . . , , nn·,m·nn nn. nnnntnnnncn, _; use PacificAlaska1\’a4>¤gat•on Com y, _ appm of bdnn,-,n_ _____ _; ________ ______ 304 change name of "Amlme". 436 Or ’ Eb" { bu building 267 Agp rocpiqniiion for surveys of 318 B I1 OT . _ , · •,· ···· `· · · — • · dgiilggrildyugppmgriaddn for public build- 18 ¤VgWi<;;¤9}i1f§D¤¤W¤8» BV!-» ¤¤¤*·¥0¤¤ ¤¤t1i0T· 601 0,-,-, ]{,,:]%;,;za, `°. ° commiiiion tial investigate sind on e `tionfr ymentw, n mary` v;¤e1¤¢y.¢t<>-. ¤ <-me isms ppmlgilawilliaiii 8::, ireman, llzizv? . 581 sddltional navy yard on; details to Orthoeresol, b be 9¤n¤¤d(<;r¢d, - - - L ·---------··-- dut On; minimum uri _______ _ ________ 794 su marine an aviation ases .. ¤¤r¥eene¤;m¤1mi¤li.¤p%ty me Pmra c»q»¢_r¤·~p·d»s¢a¢;»».K¤yp»¤. wan., Osage County, Okla., 8I?£l’?H§UOD for public works.; .. 570, 1179 apgxaisement of Indian lands in, as basis Pm ¤!b'*Z¤d¤» _ ,qf_g é¤1;g__ _______ _ ____ ________ 983 8ppl‘0Rl'l$t10l1 {OI GXPGDBBB of Bull! affect use of funds for expenses 983 mg ·--·--·-····---·-· - ·-··------·-· 313

   lawspro- 9% P¢%;}° d fr H of Rep W

‘ m` ;_, ,_,__,_,____ on o , ouse resen ` Osage Iredizntgigool, Oklai, ptlxw ----·..-----.-...---.-..--.. 71, 1075 time extended for support of, from tribal _ fof, 8611899 --·.····--. . ..·..--...· 68, 1072 _ {unda. .,... 867 Pamc, 7'homas Osage Indians, Okla., foo mmple homestead patent confirmed appraisement of lands of, in Osage County _ t<> ·...-...-.---...-..- 990 as basis of amemment .. 983 PMRUMZZQ, Ky., _ _ _ - une of tribal fund; for expenses __,,,___, 983 appropmation for public bmlding .. 267 provisions for determining heirs of de- condemned cannon granted to Grand ceased allottees not applicable to. 127, 972 Army post at . . 842 Osage River, Mohr of Pala Indian Resc;·vatwn, Cal., f 125 appro riacion improvement 403 s propriation or sewer system or _ Ocbon, of of Pa£tka, Fla., f mi b __ _ 267 appmpriatmn _ removal remains ap _ nation or n _ c _ O p from Philippines .. 287 degciency appropgnation for pu he build- 18 smehea, ... appropriation for experiments in feeding Palisade .7iT1¢i€brml Forest, Idahoand Wyo., and breeding. . 450 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of.. . 459 Oswego, N. K, Pam also River, N. 0,, appropriation for improvement of, harbor. 392 appropriation for improvement of 395 Ottawa ansi: Company, prehmmary exammauon, etc., of, to be may change name of steamer “Normanja " made ... . . 407 to "}N'11I1am F. Stiiel" ...,. 235 Pamlioo Sound, N. 0,, "Otw M Reiss/’ Qteamer appropriation for rmprovement of waternameof"Freder1ck B. ’We1ls" changed to. 915 wajyé to Beaufort Inlet from. ... 395 Ottoman Empire (see Turkey). Pamunlrey {ver, Va., Ottumwa,fIo·wa, t 1 56 P apgropriatroré fo; improgrwcfugent of 394 0 8 . .-·.· . . 3, an merican on erenee , Ouachita Iiivgr, Ark. and La., appropriation for participfing 259, 1055 appropriation for impmvement of; locks Pan American Countries, and dams .. 399 mvited to Esirticipste in Texas Bicentenopen channel work to Camden ,., 399 ping 110;, _____________________ 2],7 Outjits, Navy FmtEnhstmente, Pan Amenhan ggiositibn, Texas, Bicenten- ¤PP¥0{>¤¤}10¤ fm'- ; - -- - ·---·--- 560, 1172 mill ond, c otlung g!'3t\11?·Y,_N8V8·1 Reserve force. 1172 countries invited to take part in .. 217 deiicxengy appropriation for .. 29 Pan Ammbon Fuumcial Conference, Overhead ires, D._ , _ delegates authorized to Int<n·nationalgi{§ temporary prov1sions for, inaugural cere- Commission to act on moomm p .. 902 P tions of ... 8 .. ¤·;·. . ‘€”. -F'mrmcml` `C’ona·enoeSec0nd,

 examination, etc., of, to be invitation to Central and &uth1imeric¤n

Ow !¤¤1€‘ ···--·······-··~- ··~-· ~-··- ·· 407 Qovernmgmn to gum, at Wig;. ¢s¤.N-, { b, , ¤as¢9n.¥>·¢ -~---·------·---·-- · ·--- 1052 tppropnstmn or pu he building . . 267 appmprmuon for expenses .. . .. 1052