Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1394

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elxxii INDEX. Poatmaster Ge·neral—C011tinuod. Pm- P0stmast<#z·s—Continued. _ Pwappmpriagoq for chief inspector, etc . . may beglcsignawd to pay mul messengers, 418 i r me asmgagcnt, etc , e C ,.,,,_,,,,.. : ,..,,,,,_,.,.,,.., fgrsttomeys,etcqdivisioryofsolicitor. 105,1108 assistants, etc., at thud and fourth clasp for <%1g>S§;1Jye0s,nca1;e(§>f Clty post office, 105 gagicegamay perform messenger serv- 418 ngto , . . . ... ; y .. . ... for postal service under . 412, 1058 Potash, for rent of build' for repair sho , and `appropriatiou for lama etc. for obtaining, Equipmeptl]If;1g$dsiou . . 412 ou a commgrcial calc: ... . . . . 465, 1153 for Siustrucitzon _ of new building for 12 P hsaxge cgproduct of cxperimeut.s,etc - 465 ops, cg c.· sue .,... . .. 4 otaa ert uerg, _ for power, hglj, etc ... . 412 appropriation for invesugating source of for rgnt, 1*6;:2.11* ghops, etc.; extended to P mh Ssgxpply of, within United Stat»es-- 464, 1153 e tem cr 0, 1917 . . .. 1059 0 a ts, for liglzz, p0wer, etc., equipment shops appropriation for geological researches to building ... 1059 determine presence of .. 301 for inspectors, etc ... 412, 1059 Potatoes, _

 employees allowed in place of approprmtiou for investigating diseases

m;umd.._ .. 1 .. 413 or . _ ... 4.52,1141 sbggxlgawgggh pay allowed dmanled 413 for ggdy of producmg, hxmdlmg,454 1143 payxpentin <§é4`6£ié;{1£.`.'.lZZZZZZZZZ 413 Polawatovrpijnjajzx }éé;LA3&£1i»§»§`j:‘.{n$.§"` ’ f s;:1c16ed employees included. . .. 413 appropggtxon gu brugges; coutnbutiou by 13 ' or owsuces . . 413, 1059 to an coun y .. 3 for tm.ve1 and miscellaneous expenses 413, 1060 mllgcct to consent of Indian cozmcil 133 for extension of parcel post P0wm¢;cGadlectn1= Powe%Cmnpé1ny, DS , beormar G1 f rod ts-.. 424 wires star tr t ., authorized tg ioruxiugil mms- over tween Six?1 and Fomtz-auth, to be xisgortauon by rgilrogda; basin of . 425 removed b , , . ... . . 1021 e ng rates coutmued until decision of Pburmac Ifark, D. , · Interstate Comgnerce Commission", 429 apgyprxagzicu for cue, etc .. . . 289 stateugent of rcgugrements to be méd gradmg,etc.,wcst0fmnbauhnenL... 289 wrath Comm;c¤sw? . . f . 429 f easttgf embnukmmig . GIDPGYOQB, 0 ., or prepan o 0 orcu Oorsports us .. _ _ authorized  : .. Tl ’ 430 for extendiugscawall .. 290 blddmgp, cig., forfmml conmcu put under gor Egg): Point sewer ... Egg mac 1011 0 .,.. 418 or c ouse . . .. may pay persons for services rendered on for parkway céunecting Rock Creek Park stu muws on failure of employing _ _ and ... 282 coqtmctor. -_  : . 162 addmqns authorized to parkway connectmay readpgst sslanss oi clerks m Depuz. P xgg Rock Creek Park and .. 689 men .. . , . 1109 owmac wer, to assign emplo ees to various bumgm, appropriation forimprovomentof a.tWanholkces, of the Depart- ingwn, D. C ...1 394 ment; report, ctc., to be submitwd. 1109 bridge authorized acrcm, Riverside, Md... 899 to pos; bulletms ot States prohibiting construction of new Aqueduct Bridge hq_uor advempemeuts; etc .. 1069 across, authorized; cost, utc . 163 to presenbc regulatmns for nssue of dupIi· appropriation fm plum, etc. 163 cates for lost, etc., checks or war- Pottawawqzzqlndzhm, Okla., Oitizm Band cj} rantq. ... . ,__ _ 37 appropriation for payment to certain enroltmnsportincp contracts may be signed by P led_m;mbers 0}% ... 983 _ a¤ s¤1stsu_ t . _ ,,_,_ 1063 attawawmu ndnm eb. welghing pepods for milromj mai] mm;. appropriation fqr sxipwljtz ctc., of ... 156,991 Pmmugnortghon t-<;_2e determined by .,.,,, 429 Pouawawmugngéanf, uc. and 1fidn., Wab- 85 _ cmu 0 egresentatives, co·n.gm_ a 0 , ¤Pp1‘0pnat¤m for, assxstamt, money order appr0pr1a§10n for selfsupport, etc.; per for clerk, msusengers, etc 72, 1076 P any cap1ta distributnou, etc ... 156,991 h°”°'·““ “K°”~ —·····~- · ·----· 72, 1076 0 » _ _ Poatmmzer, Senate, appmgmuon for study of proccses, ctc., ippmpriation for, carriers, etc _________ _ 68, 10;-2 ID of Z . , . 115, 1116 p0,;,,um,,,’ Pom, ggctgzn Templm Manu, U. S. Navy ‘PP*'°Priat.iou for com mation . .;. 413 1060 ’ . . . Ending { umm} “]m·E¤ ’ to bemgraqmunlmwuve lIBt° place 602 mcelpg .,_ _ _____ _ _ _ 413 exammauous to bc’additicu».1 fo1’ gginauh, first and second clam P in nuglba; ¤° k p°y’ mc °’‘‘°‘‘'‘' 603 ces .. 4 4, ° . 9· , _ _ forpsistmts, third clam omega ,,__,_ 4%;, spgrqprinuoi for public bunlding .. . . . . 268 deiicxetxgcy appropriation for mmpemn. e cncpcy appropriation for public build- 18 °¤ -··--··-- - ····~-·----- $20,827,830 m8· ~—--· - ·----····-·----····-·-··- for asiatnm., Bud clerk; .,,...,,.,,_____ gg-; Paula-yand EW; allowances for procuring enlistment; in 188 1152 , Nm whine Corps ZZZZIZ am ¤p¤s¤¤¤i.n¤§&iééi£,`Q£§.’.1Zf.ZZ 463:1152¤¤1gumcut1c£founhclasn to PouluyFudingandB ' higher g¤d$_ ’ . . ”‘”€"°'!» , ···-··· · ··—~····-····- 418 ¤PPf¤1m•¤¤u for expcnments m. .. 450, 1139