Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/289

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268 s1XTY-FoUR*rH coimnnss. sms. 1. cn. 209. 1916. P°**$‘°"¤·*’°· Pottstown, Pennsylvania, post oEice: For continuation, $36,000. P*¤•°°**· ·***· Prescott, Arkansas, post omcez For site and commencement, $5 000.

 Pulaski, Virginia, post office: For continuation, $19,000.

P“°“““‘}u• Putnam, Connecticut, post omce: For completion $10,000. Q""'°’* G Quincy, Illinois, post office and courthouse: For lookouts, $1,000.

‘;‘;“;‘ ut: guitman, Georgia, post office: For completion,_$5,000.

R _ im" aton, New Mezuco, post office: For continuation, $500. B“°"f mak wl Reading, Massachusetts, post omcez For contmuation, $5,000. L Dm Red Bluifégaliforma, post office: For contmuation, $500. R°““· U wk Redfield, uth Dakota, post office: For continuation, $26,000. m""°'“"5d Uh- · Rhmelander, Wisconsm, post omce: Por continuation, $1,000. 1 V Richfield, Utah, post office: For continuation, $15,000. Rumm ° FO1§fdh$1$¤d»1Y3¥;§'im¤» Pg';) officc, 00m'l·l10\|S0, and customhouse: m··y· H Ri .£°”£»...,;1..; ‘ . - B , m _ _ post office. For completion $35 000. mgm R , Connecticut, host office: For continuation, $22,,000. Rmbérg Ong Rogers, Arkansas, post office: For site and commencement, $1,000. Rummdjm ‘ Roseburg, Oregon, post office: For continuation, $40,000. Sm no Rumfor , Mame, post office: Ifor continuation, $25,000. . slchgw, mm Saco, Mame, mt omcez For site and commencement, $10,500. Smuumtmmk Sagmaw, Mic an post office: For lookouts, $2,500. ‘ $1%•&1t Augustine, Florida, courthouse and post office: For lookouts, wm M"' Om Johns Ore¥n ' _ _ post office: For site $5,000. s°m]°h°°b°”'V° $9%&1tJohnsliury, ermont, post office: For siteand commencement, · ¤ . · . , S"°`°I°°°°h’m` Samt J<>¤¤%¤, Mnsscun, post office: For alterations, and so forth, sun: mus, un. t’° t1l° P°St"? °°.W°'kl`°°m» $2 600- . mi, www sw Saint Louis, Missouri, post office: For lookouts, $5,000, “‘¢‘t"t"$ .S.§,..'§‘.1‘°'1°{..‘If.1¥.‘$ SEE °£“1 °"*"°"““"°" im £‘” “‘“° ‘§S°“‘ ’°“" xx een as a ro 2 - conveyor system connecting the nevgppoggdmcge (alt Slaliiilt Lon1s,_M1ssouri, with the adjacent railroad station and any necessary {e;t§‘riis;:;1;So;6tp};et§»5yistem mto the railroad building and the post-office

“Pam"’m°· Saint Mage, Ohio, post office: For site, $7,500.

Sa1nt_ Pa , M,1nnesota,_post office, courthouse, and customhouse: wm PM. mm For mail-conve{1ng machmery, $8,000. _ Saint Peter, esota, post office: For site and commencement,

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- am e ers on a os ; · S ‘”· N- Y· Salamanca, Nld:rgNork, pcistgoilidez (Poor chimgllgllggtlggé S°""’“"F· ““· slgzlézbmy, Maryland, post office: For site and commencement, 7 San Podm,Ca1. # · . . atgaln gagegro, Cahforma, post office and customhousez For continu- 2 . · · . Sum Fm" mx Santa Fe, New Mexico, post Ofllce and courthouse: For site and Bmw mo, NM commencement, $30,500. Smmmr HL Saranac Laine, ew York, post office: For continuation, $500. Sava Sam, H nna, Illinois, post office: For continuation, $19,000. $7S;B%re, Pennsylvania, post office: For site and commencement, Seymour, (`onn. ’ ° . Seymour Connecticut t Hi : F ‘

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Sum C Shawnee, Oklahoma, post offico: For continuation ,5*00 ’. ‘ Shelb North Carolina t ofli · F · ’ Q ' sneibyenie, rnd, h Huy! . , 1 POS C9- 0I' continuation, $2(),()()()_ S1? gboyvdle, Indiana, post office: For site and commencement, Sl‘°’bY"m°{ KY- Sliielbyville, Kentuc post office; Fg tin · S*‘*¤°Y~ 0*****- Sidney, Ohio, post olihlzez For completi·o(n(:I$25}10?(ll)D’ $20,000.