Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/409

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388 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. Ons. 252, 253. 1916. report :1 to the ivisdom ozrh feasibility of Goverxalmentl oviciiership og h "ti to mara ve wo an e ciency o gldzverldmenlisrem alitbn andgcociitrdl as com ared with Government gui . . p. . . A°“>°"“¥-°°°· éovgneiship afiid ogration, tzith authorityn to sit the tgecesihoi - essan wi power summonwi esses oa_ ms roa s, anilqn require the various departments, co1:i1m1ssions,_ and other Government &§h0I1Cl6S of the United Statue: to furn1s}1s1}clt§•nfoi·11;;at1c;)n d rend tan as in `udgmen o join su dioilmmittezirble deemed deia1(?mblI:f?d appoint necessary experts, clerks, and stenographers, and to do whatever is necessary for a ull and com· ¤¤P°*'=· prehensive examination and study of the subject report to Congress on or before the second Monday in January, nineteen hundred A¤¤¢¤prh¤¤¤. and seventeen; that ge sum of $2·&0(X{;i;`>r so rlxliluch therfof as is nsfessarytocarryout ep t resotionan topay e necessary :§enses of the subcommittee and its members, is hereby appropria out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise sippin- Eriated. Said etippropriation shall be immediately available an _ s all e paid out on e audit and order of the chauman or act1n5cha1rman of said subcommittee, which audit and order shall be con usive and bindigg uyioon) all departments as to the correctness of the accounts of su su mmittee. Approved, July 20, 1916. idfiliiléiilgil CHAP. 253.—.[eint ltesolution To authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to \

 wg;  the city of Pittsburgh certam lands in exchange for other laude of

Resolved by the Senate a1ul'Houee o Re esentati the U ited

ft1;°'a¤a» States of America in   aamnblcd, 'Hiat the Qéeegciidlzary ofn the

§§§};,,L‘{,,"f‘,,'·,;§‘}§,L°" Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to accept from the city pafugiats ugglli, Stiage of _}]5;adnnsygv1ia:)1ia, that certain lot or parcel of oun an escri as o ws: ¤··¤¤···=·=·w¤¤··¤ Beginnin at a point on th un d' ‘di¤ th peru d b °i°y' pike gty of §it}t.§>}1rgh apd thelgniatertigdtatgs of8gih(ejica,8<i7Jc¢(i1iv;iii3>d b; e ureau o mes, a a pom_ no seventy-six egrees fort —five mmutes west forty-two and eight-tenths feet from the southeast corner of the said property of the United States of America; thence south fifteen degrees twenty-four minutes fifty-five seconds west eighteen and forty-four onehundredths feet to a point; thence north seventy-four degrees thu·ty-six inmutes fift —five seconds west four hundred and fi ty-seven and six one-hundyredths feet to a point; thence south fifteen degrees twenty-eight minutes forty-five seconds west thirty-seven and eighty-seven one-thousandths feet to a pointthence north seventy-Emr de ees thirtyssix minutes fifty-five seconds west four hundred enc?. fort -nine and sixty-six one-hundredths feet to a point; thence nortli fifteen degrees twenty-eight minutes forty-five seconds east twenty-one and seven hundred and twenty-seven one-thousandths feet to a point on the said line dividin the properties of the city of Pittsburgh and the United States ol Arne1i;ca,dth§ncedsouth sevgntiv-six degrees forty-five minutes east nme un re_ an seven an t irtv-nin 0 h dredth f h gsfc; Soff£.eg;11;nu11;g,0p_o$;s.§mg eigl}tc\;>;p;th1:>i)ii_sa;i11i11§1quarEie f%e?t,ti)ntorg _, ureau o i es o t h Interior, and to transfer to the city of Pittsburghiin e(ir}cl1l:1Ii:¤iandhgieioithat certain lot or gzrlpel of land now constituting a part of the grounds gfuplg of f H es of the Department of the Interior bounded as o ows; .L=*¤d$¤¤¤*¤¤’¤d=-> Bevinninv at a point th l' d' `d` h f my the city of oPittshurgh siiild the ulgfnithvdl SIt§t;sBo?1§.i)1ii;iig;.,O<i;?:$1(i>ildd by the Bureau of Mines, at a point north seventy-six degrees forty-