Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/513

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4@ SIX.TY·FOUR»TI·I CONGRESS; Sess. I. ‘OH;·313. 1916. neun a am , r sq-un ,- gs _ UTIYE?{QI'F[0EB8,· GLERKS, _AND

2: ··1..,...,s··¤·’·"··'*`··· *·· s£.‘?§i%E"m&0w ·.£1£*s nmo-

°° ture ter the fiscal year nineteen hundred and enqfrteen, and annually ‘ shall-trans1nit·to·tlie Secretary of the easuryfor submisthereafter . i sibuito ·in··the Boogkiof estimates for alll

 ce1s,elerks,·a¤d·;emp1pyoes·.below$the grade ofbcler ,

indicati1§g?dhe·ealary ccr¢ =ofeacli,;neeessary to_ e employedib · the various bureaus, o$ees,_ and divisions of the Department of kiculture andsltall mcludemth such estimates a statement ot} alt executive eflicers, clez·ks;»and§smp1oyees-belew_ thegrade of clerk—who;iua haueibeen employed during the last completed fiscal

on¤·anyi~£1mpg;nd€‘fappmp¤•tiom fcrsthe·departxnent and the

» 01‘€0II1 1188. 11* ¢08¤l\,· Q3 » —*e;»,;·;.:e¤— _ “"*°‘”"* "‘ °"*" Scemetfrey of Agriculture·is»-directed submit to pwd mwmpum Congnem annually ,a statement shnwing.investigations and other { services conducted by the t.:of. §1¤Iture.wh1ch have beencompletedandwhiehcan diseensinu . . ,. s*g,%§_°"‘ °‘ °" That section twoof the agricultural y _`ation Act of March ¥°°°n·¤m¤uZm on pay- th}_pd,,eighteen hund1‘edvuid.,%ty-five e.uty-third $f»¤-@11*68 8% N-hmnnm I4¤§6'» P¤·g¤ tl¤‘¤¤ hundred and y·three); and thesame hereby is, amengled so as to huilaad as fgllows, effective on and after Jime " ‘ei teen. nineteen dredan sixrteen:»~~ ._ J -~ aD€im¤$am°u=.Ti.° That hereafter add:ition~to the proper vouchers and °'§¥· Y 3,, aeeounts=fonthesums appropriated for the Department of Agriculture oL 23 p. , mma:. wbsiurnishgd to the of the Treasu.ry»,the Secretary {of shall, at commencement of each r§u1ar , scséon, preeentsto Congrmsadetailed statement of theex _ n ture of all,appzopriati¤aie»for·said depfarttaent for the last precechilg fiscal . Bm?. .. ·’·.;!; ·;1 :¤··~ wa: · · r‘x»~»>·é·* · M ·

 em y Euamcxrrox or   arm. organ oouraggus nist:

'”'¤'{,*§Y _ nasms or azmnnsc case 0 an emergency ansing out_o e ems Enrgnm { mwg ence of foot-and-mouth disease, rinderpest, contagious pleuropneumonia, or other contagious or infectious disease of animals which, in the opinion of the of Agriculture, threatens the live-stock industry of the country, e may {expend in the city of Washington or elsewhere, out of any money, in the Treasury not ° otherwise appropriated, the sum of $1,250,000, which sum is hereby appropriated? or so much thereof as he determines to be necessary, a,§.}‘,§},'*§“,°tl1‘,’,!‘§",j,,{‘${ in the arrest and eradication of any such disease, including the pay- ment of claims growing out of past and future purchases and d•struction, in cooperation with the States, of animals affected by or exposed to, or of materials contaminated by or exposed to, any such disease, wherever found and irrespective of ownership, under like or subpmm stantially similar circumstances, when such owner has complied Am>¤i5•m•¤¢ of with all awful quarantine regulations: Provided, That the payment “"‘°" for animals hereafter purchased may be made on appraisement based on the meat, dairy, or reeding value,butincase ofap raisementbased on breeding value no appraisement of any animal slliall exceed three timesits meat or dairy value, and except in case of an extraordinary emergenekto he determmed by the Secretary of Agriculture, the pay- _ ment J t United States Govemment foran animal shallnot exceed r;p;¤g£r;_g$¢gW¤¤* one-h f of any of such appreusements: Prcnridyedfurther, That so much v¤1,as,p. ms. of the appropriation of $2,500,000 made by the agricultural appro- ‘ mation ct of March fourth, nineteen hundred and fifteen, for the Escal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, for the arrest and eradication of foot»and-mouth disease, rinderpest, contagious pleuropneuinoma, or other contagious or infectious disease o ammals, as remams unexpended at the close of said fiscal year, IIS herelg reappropriated and made available for expenditure during the fisc year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, for the objects mentioned in said appropriation Act, including