Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/65

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44 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 55. 1916. Miscel1¤¤¤¤¤¤ ex- misc' ellaneous e enses as may be_ authorized by the pauses. At€`;;)1¥n§y1(gleneral including tlild same objects specified under this head in the sundry civii 0. pro(pr1ation Acts for the fiscal years that follow. Nineteen undred) an thirteen, $92.23; Nineteen hundred and twelve, $218.17; ‘ _ Nineteen hundred and ten, $82.§0. _ _ _ S“m’°“""’"°°°”‘ For support of United States prisoners, includ1ng_the same objects s 'fied under this head in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the Hi;3 year nineteen hundred and sixteen, $200,000. — _ For support of United States pr1soners, includ1ng_the same objects specified under this head in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and fifteen, $101,891%.05. _ Sc§§§§‘}§'B,,;I`,”]*§‘%F National Training School for Boys: For fom hundred copies of the i l report of the board of trustees for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and thirteen, delivered in June, nineteen hundred and fourteen, $13.42, {§§‘§§‘*,,§·K,,,,,_ Leavenworth, Kansas, Penitentiagz For subs1stence,_ including ’ the same objects specined under this ead in the sundry CIV`ll. appropriation Act for the fiscal ear nineteen hundred and sixteen, $27,500. For subsistence, incluehng the same olpects specified under this head in the sundry civil appropriation Act or the fiscal year nineteen hundred alplcll fifteen, $2,374.13. d BD _ I d_ th Fore ot , trans rtation, an trave g expenses, incu mg ;_ e same objects gpecinedm under this head in the simdry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixteen, $19,500, For clothing, trans rtation, and traveli expenses, including the same objects speciggd under this head inliie sundry civil gppropriation Act for the Escal year nineteen hundred and teen, $1,146.80. For miscellaneous expenditures, including the same objects speci Hed under this head in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixteen, $10 000. For hospital supplies, medicines, medical and surgical supplies, and all other articles for the care and treatment of sick prisoners; and for expenses of interment of deceased prisoners on the peniten- M m C tiary reservation, $800. °” ‘ '°‘ Atlanta, Georgxa, Penitentiary: For subsistence, including the same objpcts specified under this ead for the penitentia at Leavenworth, ansas, in the sundry civil appropriation Actrhm the Hscal year nineteen hundred and sixteen, $30,000. For subsistence, including the same objects specified under this head for the penitentiar at Leavenworth, Kansas, in the sundry civil appropriation Act iror the fiscal year nineteen hundred and fifteen, ¥15,154.11. For clothing, trans ortation, and traveling expenses, including the same ob§·cts specified) under this head for the penitentia at Leavenworth, ansas, in the sundry civil appropriation Act liiir the fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixteen, $10,000. For clothing, transportation, and traveling expenses, including the same objects specified under this head for the penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the Bscal year nineteen hundred and fifteen, $2,465.18. For hospital supplies, includix the same olfects specined undef this head or the pemtentra at avenworth, Kansas, in the sundrv civd appropriation Act for lthe fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixmii limi al 11 1 _ or os it su p 'es, ine udi cr the same ob`ects s ifi. nder this head fdr the pgnitentiary atDIT`leavenworth, liunsas3)ilrfth€ci1s1ilndr»’ civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and fifteen, $11.07. Approved, March 31, 1916.