Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/708

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1870 INDEX. Cole, Corydon L., Pm- I Collins, Walter J, Pm pension increased ,. 1457 pension increased ... . 15151 C'0 e, Elizabeth (widow}. Collins, William A., nsion increased .. 1441 pension increased . . . . 1315 Coll; Frank, Collins, William D., pgnsion increased ... - .. 1564 pension increased ... . 1551 C0 , Hamk, alias Henry Little, Colombia, pension increased ... . .. 1563 appro riation for minister to . . . 252, 1048 Cole, Lewis, I Colon, gamma, pension increased ... . .. 1561 appropriation for operating public works, Co e, I<u.cy_(w12low), etc., from receipts therefor . 335 pension increased .. . ... 1448 Colona Ferry, I ll., Cole, 1{atilda E. (uvidour), time extended for bridging Rock River at. . 4 pension increased ... . .. 1445 Colorado, Co e, Nannie C'. (unklow), appropriation for surveyor general, clerks, · pension increased- ._ 1506 etc 103, 1107 Collect ¢m_Delwm·y Mad, _ homestead entries allowed in lieu of ceralppropnation for indemnity for lost 24. 1067 tain erroneous selections in . 1587 Co actors of fnternal Rcvgnuc. former relinquished, etc 1587 appropriation for salaries and expenses of. may include stock raising areas .. . - . 1587 deiguties, etc . . 85. 1090 minerals reserved ... 1587 for ad tional, on emeifency taxes . 86 patent issued 1:0, for certain lands . 1297 all collections to be eposited daily- . 86 land relinqpished ,,,,.,,. , .,.,,,,,,,,,, 1298 deficiency approglriation for salaries, etc . . 20 public lands m, may be added to Pike and for salaries, ad `tionsl 1917 ... 803 Colorado National Forests- descrip- Collecto·r’s Ojicz, D. C., tion ,,.,,.. , ,.,... ..., 848 appropriation for salaries 678, 1006 enlarged homesteads entries allowed in . . 850 or tgreparing tax-sale certificates 678, 1006 use of Gnmd Junction former Indian School recor and tax accoxmts of amessofs office property by, modified . .,.. 128 transferred to ... . 1005 Colorado Judnhal District, all tax bills to be issued by: certificates constitution of ... . ... 225 of taxes due . 1005 terms, Denver ... . 225 amemment ledgers to be delivered an- Durango ... 225 nuaHy from assessor to .. . . 1005 Grand Junction .. . .. 225 copies of wills, etc., relating to real prop- Montrose ... 225 erty to be furnished to. by register Pueblo ... .. . ... 225 of wills .. . ... 1005 rooms to be provided in public buildings, Colleges, etc., _ Grand Junction and Dxuango .. . 225 alcohol for, may be withdrawn from bond adjournments authorized at Grand Juncb d free oggax . tion andegurango if no business to be 2 on requir ... transact . . 25 credit for training in, under detailed Army deguties and o$ces to be maintained. . - 226 officer, as service in senior division Colora National Forest, Cob, Reserve Officenf Training (‘orps 853 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 458, 1146 having course of military instruction to be additions to, authorized . . 848 gupfplied with arms, etc.; conditions 197 Colorado River, <1<>¢¤¤¤ mm {wmv for: gfrgémbey ---— ;~;·- 1% appropriation for improxiement or; repair m*“¤t°“°¤€°_° RW *"’° , _ cer'! I¤¤¤2¤g of levee on Gila River, near Yuma, Corps m, having military mstrucuon 191 I Ariz ______________________________ 40.4 €<>M¢._ E¢{¤ L<>·»·L·=··= <wid<¤¤·>. 1 12 ; bridge authorized moss, Needxe, can sms Cogiggjgegw, ````'```````````` `````' 3 Cvlvradv I;’v`r·g2r I;uiianhReser;wa¢ion, jgrizi, _ pension increased ... . 1260 appr°p`?°m°“ °r C mm °’ °t°" °r lmgaiz) 9-4 Collier, Alfredpq _ l t]O1\p“YpOS€B... .. , I pension increased . ... 1545 C"l”mf1°,R"`¢"» Texw, _ Collier, Elizabeth {mum), prehmmagy ¢; t10¤tk§3!·, of, to be 408 pension- .,..,,., , ...,.,,,__,, , ,,__,__ 1422 ma- 91 0T PN 0¤ ··---·-· · - Collizrs, Ifanama Clmal, I Colnrants, appropriation for constructing two; cost,. . 333 I appropriation for developing standards of, for repairs to “Ulysses " and "Achilles " . 605 etc., for industrial use .. 115, 1116 C'ollignpn,_Auqust M., for utilizing raw materials for 463, 1152 P€n*’iO¤ ¤¤<>r¢=¤•=d -·-··---· · »-—·--~··--··· 1275 Colored Women. and Children D. C'. National Collin, Lucy C'. (widow), Home for ’ ’ P"¤8i0¤ i¤€"@¤$€d -~·--·-~·-·- · ·-··-—-···· 1547 I appropriation for care of children in, . . 709 1037 Collins: C'/aprlvs E., » Colm`; ’

 '‘``'°‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘ "" 1*86 I dut;;‘;>;1dc;>§l—tar products, not . . ..  

C.,‘§z.‘$§f°§‘¤;.;;;g pi; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`’’‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘`’‘ 1313 I ¤d¤§¤¤¤¤1_¤12¤¤i¤·= --·--··-—·----- ; · -- 79* pension _______________ _ __________________ 1581 Columbus Buzldzyzg and Loan Assomatwn., cozzrm. James 12., Jmey Qty- N- J-»_ pension im,ma_,_,Pd ________________________ 1535 I refund of excise corporation tax _,___,_,,, 1492 Collins: Jojzn J., Columbia Hospitolfor Women, D. C., pension increased ... . 1420 I aplpropriation for repairs to muses cottages- 279 Colling Robert!. I or equipment: hse of balance . . 279 pension increasedu . . . . 1221 . for care of indigent patients ... . . 707, 10%