Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/106

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 20. 1917. 87 Sec. 10. That, during the continuance of the dpgesent war, should lgfgggtgyjf prom any second lieutenant of the Marine Corps ho] g a probationary ticnary second neuappointment for the period of two years ecome eligible for promo- t°"°““‘ tion to a higher ade and qualify therefor before the eixlpiration of two years from tile date of origiplalhlaplpointrriient, Els gh receive a robationa appointment in suc `g er a e, w 'c appomtment ghall be mage permanent or shall be vacategrin the manner prescribed Vol 39 611 by the Act of August twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and sixteen. Adam; ] Igmmm Sec. 11. That qhekgppoinltment oi teighty marine gumiers, thirty $.5, , mam. ua.rtermaster’s c er - an nine c er to assistant paymasters, "° · _ _ _ _ (aldditional to the numlier now prescribed by law, and the temporary Vol 3g' P 611 appointment of eight clerks to assistant paymasters for the war, is hereby authorized, such appointments to be made in the manner . now Provided by law' . . . Ap ointmentsby the , Sec. 12. That the temporal? appointments and promotions herein i>}.,i§.m and sam., , authorized shall be made by the resident, with the advice and con- , sent of the Senate. Nmdummmmk ( Sec. 13. Nothing contained in this Act shall operate to reduce the pay, em. ' , rank, pay, or allowances that would have been received by any per- , son inftgg N Xvty, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard except for the pas-

s e o is c . »
aime. 14. Tha}
thehprovisgpns of thq Acthenézgtlgld "An Acéiinmagcing minaapplaga ipsum.

a ropriations or the nav service or the c year en g une ° _ °°"P““‘"°‘ I tlggtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and for other purposes, “P°%li39.p-579- I aplprplved dAugv,;spl nineteen Tllnmdged and sixteielp, · w c rea as o ows: Pr wither at the increase in e 2 number of captains herein authorizfed shall be made at the rate of mma C0 I not more than ten catgltains in any one year" and "That officers of R.a..m.,.?°;,y wi,. _ the Marine Corps wi the rank of colonel who shall have served §:§S°,§ "“g*‘f“°‘¤°”‘

faithfully for forty-fivetgears on the active list shall, when retired, »V¤l~3g. p. 611-

, have {Liga ralnlgrd of biiga er general and such ogiqers viho shall hereé · ' after ref at the age o sixt - our years e ore avin serve ’ for forty-·five years, but who shallhave served faithful] on tge active { • • • y • i list until 1iptu·ed,5hal], on tlpe cotrlqplegilplp cglforty years forpaxp their ent in the nav service, ave e r o rigad1` er gen ,’ are

  • herleby repealed. EMI", d

{ Sec. 1 That commenriing Jpne EFT, nineteen hhugidfred Ttd seven- mggyainmavddurins 5 teen, an continuing unti not ater an six mont ter e termi- Q % nation of the present war, all enlisted men of the Na of the United Bm tates in active service w ose ase a oes not ex er mont ‘ S ' h b p yd cee`dy$21 p h i shall receive an increase of $15 per month; those whose base pay 5 is over $21 and does not exceed $24 per month, an increase of $12 i er month; those whose base ay is over $24 and less than $45 er

  • P nth an inc e of $8 Iinonth and those whose base pay? ’

mo l reas per · is “ $45 oi: more per month, an increase of $6 per month: Provided, mm. i That the increqses of pay herein authorized shallinqtilentgr into pie *°$,gg§Gwd ‘ com utation o continuous-service pay: Prmnd , at uring e Pay. qw. rb mm- ? continuance of the present war, warrant officers, petty officers and spmdmh Na"`

  • enlisted menf of the United Statis Copst (biuard sha) dregzeive the

¥ same rates o pay as are or may erea ter e prescribe or corre- _ ¥ spcénding grgdles or gatings and lenggh oiservicpl in the N agy. com and Gwdmc . 1 . t t P t thed `

 n. ,%‘i.g£... 2 ..£...§2S‘.§3..’3i .22%.3% £§.’1.,’.§“ .;"€.‘§§Z$ 12  

> the service and jurisdiction of the War epartment, or of the Navy " é Department, such vessels, equipment, stations, and personnel of i the Coast and Geodetic Survey as he maaly deem to the est interest r of the country, and after such transfer expenses connected theresg with be defrayed out of the aplprrppriations for the department mm is to which transfer is made: Provide , at such vessels, equipment, Return 'wmm ma. r stations, and personnel shall be returned to the Coast and Geodetic $"‘°Y °°“°’· e~ Survey when such national emergency ceases, in the opinion of