Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1464

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INDEX., xoiii Emmmzze, 1011,, _ _ Pm- Excess Projita Tu, 1917, Wm-continued. P¤c¤· deiioiency appropriation for public bu1l3d;8 1024 deductionsl liy Secregary of the Treasury, 304 ' , t .. , regu a ions to etermme Evictioning mn 3S¤€SSm611t Of tax; claims for abate- . ». 305 restriction on, for nonpayment of rent by asc 1P°11t» itc- - A- -1; ·t —--~—- Bi · ··--· Exmgggrggggn em M1 me W-- *43 . ee.°§‘..;t 1,. en, 'W, loans, etc., by iinember banks or ouieials to, ,0,¥“§§§§? *‘§,‘c},",,f},“‘;§_xd··i;;é,uded· Ed 305 1°1b1dd¢¤ --··---··~···-·--··--··- 970 tax·paid dividends deducted . eos Punisliulcut f°' ····•· . ···‘·‘‘•‘‘*‘‘'* ‘ ‘ 970 for taxable year tax-paid dividends receiving by exammer .. 970 dedueted ______ ’ ____________________ 305 P€rf°"m“8 °l·h°? ”"“°° for my t° b“h• partnerships or individuals; tax-pmd ¢¤=-» 1<¤1>¤·*<1·=¤. ·--· . ··--··-- ; -···-· °7° dividends deducted. .. sos unauthorized disclosing mformation by, otherdedueuumullowed partnerships 305 f°'bidd°¤ ························ 970 invested capital means monthly average 1>¤¤1¤1¤¤¤¤= M ·--·-·—·- · ·--·····—·--· 971 for me year . -.. sos Ewmiwing S uT9¢0’1'1$f¤7’ -P¢'M10*1·'» stocks, bonds, not Federal, nontaxable appropriation for fees, etc . 742, 1175 ngom borrowed money, etc., not deficiency appropriation for fees . 31 included ,,,_,,_,,_, _ ,,_,,___,, _, , 1 _ . 306 Excess-Profits Tax (see also War-Proiits and ¤11’P¤¤•·¤9¤ or P¤¥1¤¤€¤‘¤l¤PZ ¢¤¤h Pmd mi Excess·Pro’dts Tax, ms), 1-¤r;5¤1>1¤ pmperw wd f¤r mk- - , - 306 provisions relating to, in Revenue Act of 68111 _ ¤¤1'Pl¤¤» GUM °¤1Pl0Y°d 111

  • 918 ········-····· 1, ···· ‘°"‘* p,¥§'i’§°21; ‘‘‘‘= were ‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘ %

uestions relating to, to e su mi to 3 · , ; ··-·· ;··,- q Advisory Tax Board .. 1141 e<>;1 5:*111. ¤¤i<i’:`*1¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤s¤1>1¤¤: hm- 306 Erm Prof? T? 191 ’» W"'- d u ,. ,,9 ;ed1.adef°n`&nf§&{d QAM; `6{ 8 pl'0pH8 1011 01’88S€$1Dg 811 C0 _ . - · ’ , dgficiency appropriation for amessing and 4 pmperty Pud mm tmd°’ ew" 306 col ecting ... . ...~ · -' ‘'’’'`'`'`'’' Z ¤¤¤¤*¤;¢¤2z~ 0* ms we "¢··¤>¤¤·» 3,,, “em.‘1‘“"”e1?;£'.°’“” . .iTT`}f‘f’.f'Z‘T?‘?.‘f‘£‘: eee 1011 . . . . . . . . ...- . . . . • • . • ·~¤·»·;;_eg,;’ “¤·¤¤¤ ,,2 ‘°‘°*%1“,.l°,?,1°‘£.“r.;‘.“§.;..*’.c..’°*’?¥f‘X‘i 2*: .‘fi’i'§ eee , '‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘ amets transferred to b ° uol · texebne year;" first yeur 1917 zoo of me pemm, _ _ eee ,, ¤·>¤><>¤¤¤·a11¤·;s~1v¤¤‘,f¤r 1916 ---—- ; 302 ex on businegs with eemrddeeeepam, pregg 1>¤¤¤d» <=¤1¤¤ M Yew 1911 303 deductions allowed domestgng corp0r· 307 , ,, ····· ;, -··· : ··-· ,;·: ··········- ations, ershi , or ren ems ‘ me . wd b“¤¤¤€¤¤ . 1¤¤1ud° Pm- deductions agggd is lgipital not senefegsions and occupations .. _ 303 fueuudly determined _____ _ ________ 307 "net inco1ne’ ’ of foreign corporations, domestic eerpumtiuuu $3 000 dud pm_ etc ····-························· 303 portion to average siniilxmbusines. . 307 additional tax levied on percentage of net punueruhiue md mdividllds $0000 i“°°m° ······ . ···· - ··-·-··-···--·· 3 03 and proportion to avenge similai basis of computation; rates . 303 buuguees _________________ _ _____ ____ 307 income from every source of trade or regulutiuuu gut de · · to be madgn 307 business. . ._ ... 303 pumengup retuyu, {mm gomjgu, DO trade Of buBlD€$ EXBIRPY. . . . . . . . nat jncomo of $3,w). _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 307 ¤¤c¤pti<>¤¤; Fedeml. Sim. vw-. ¤¤ic¢r¤ domestic, with net income or :6,000 . 307 and eenéployees. ._ . 303 ggneyal revenue hw, uppljt-ab]; __________ 307 €X°mPt °01’P°1’1m°11¤» ew ··-······· 303 regulations, etc.; infomation to be furinoomes from weekly payment in- ,,;,,0,,,; ____ _ ______________________ 307 BUYBDCO ..1. .. formgrgxcg&py0§tgtgx[gpgg]gd________ 308 fo1'€iK¤ 00FP°¤m°¤¤. 6%-1 iw thm payments for, creditedtotaxherein. 308 $3,000 {g¥uud0fgxc£____________________ 308 deductions; domestic corporations, mumtion tax for 1917 reduced . . . 308 $:;,000, ere ,,.,. _. , ,_ .,,,,. 304 repealedjanuary 1, 1913 ... 308 parinerships or mdnnduals, $6,000, 304 puymegggi ingxmmenm per- 326 e e ... -. . . . . . foreign Cul’p0l"2.l’.10DS, without cash ex- allotments t€qu.iI€d.. .: . Z . . 326 eruption _,,,,,.,,, . 304 credit; allowed_, etc.; limit .. 326 dete&m1nation by Secretary of the 304 penaltiiiei for fa}1tli1g·es&;tc.i ... 327 reasury .. paymen yce_ ca ometedness if no prewar businem, eight per cent, and uncertified checks permitted. . . 327 and $3.000 for domestic corpora- Exchange Brokers, _ _ _ tions . . 304 returns oi all dealings with customers to be eight per cent and $6.000 for domestic made by . . 336, 1085 partnerships, and individuals ... 304 details required . 336, 1085 of trade, etc., substantially continu- Exchangea, ew., Gram, _ _ mg prewar existence ... 304 regulations governing dealings in neceeby Secretary of the Treasury if no saries at, authorized, to prevent 6**11 _ prewar business .,__ , .,,.,.. 304 practices . . _ ... _ . 2 80 1f percentage of income to capital regulations to prevent unfair manipulalower than average of similar trade, tions, etc., of wheat or Hour at, etc ,.. . . . . 304 authorized ..,.. 1349