Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1593

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ocxxu INDEX. Quartennaster Cozps, Army—Continued. I’¤·8¤· Quarzermaster Corps, Army—Continued. Pmappropriation or pay of officers; long- appropriation for shclterin the Philippines; evity . . . . 47, 853 rentals m China .. 57, 863 for mileage, field clerks ... 49, 854 limit for officcrs’ quarters. .. 58, 863 allowance for prior year . . 49 fo;§ost_l10sp1tals; construction, etc 58, 864 for loss by exchange, disbursements ditmns, temporary budcgnign, etc. . . 864 abroad and in Alaska . 49, 855 for quarters for hospital stew s . . 58, 864 for subsistence supplies, etc ..., 50, 855 for shooting galleries, ranges, etc ... 58, 864 for ro?ulnr supplies .,. 51, 856 for Army War Qollege;_ fuel, etc. .. 58, 864 fue , heat, and lighttoquarters .. 51,856 for rent of bu11dings m District of Corecreation buildings .. . . . 856 lumbis . . 58, 864 post bakeries, ice machines, laundries, for settlement of damage claims 59, 864 etc - . 51, 856 for additional land, Gettysburg Park 59

chools, forage, etc  .  51, 857 for expense of vocational training of

stationery, printing, etc ...,, 51, 857 soldiers .. . 59, 865 use of ice machines, etc., for outside for filing equipment for Army corrowork 52, 857 spondeuce . 60 for incidental expenses .. . . 52, 857 for expenses, rifle ranges for civilian exim duty pa , etc - .,, 52, 857 instructmn . .. 69 allowance to “plinary guard, etc . 52, 858 for expenses civilian traincivilinn employees, etc . - . . 52, 858 ing camps. . .. 69 for care of horqes, etc. 52, 858 for supplies, etc., to units of Reserve for trensportauon . , . - 53, 858 Officers’ Training Corps ... 71, 876 enlisted men on discharge, etc. . .,,, 53, 858 for supplies and equipment, Enlisted due land grant roads not bond aided; Reserve Corps, in service .. . 72 begin, . - , , 53, 859 for tentage, etc., to other schools and colfull pay to excepted rosds .. 54, 859 leges ... . . 72, 877 draft animals, wagons, draysge, etc. . 54, 859 for Schofield Barracks, lilswaii ... . .. 129 gasoline for aircmit ,, 859 for military posts, Hawau . 655 vessels, transport service, etc . . , 54, 859 for Fort Monroe, Va .. 129, 655 emplo ees on harbor boats .. , 54, 859 for seacosst artillery accommodations, West; goint cadets at inauguration. , , _ 54 Hswau, etc . . . . . 130, 655 homes of odicms ordered abroad may be for national cemeteries . - - . 130, 655 sent free to remount depots, etc., for for headstpnes for soldiers’ graves, etc- 130, 655 sefekeeping ..,._ , , 859 for d.i;%<;s1tion of rcmams of officers and travel allowances to enlisted men on e ted men . ... 130, 656 entering or leaving service _ . 860 retired, on active duty . . . 656 for water and sewer systems at posts .._, 54, 860 for interment of civil employees dying Fort; Crook, lgobr .. ..._. 8 60 f éabrgtil. . ... I . kg .. 130, 656 for clothing, an camp an gamso' n ui- or on ers mini p a , etc .. 131, 656 gage ... . . . 54, 860 for Arlington Cemetery 657 in enmity for destroyed clothing, etc, 65, 860 for nauoual parks. . , 131, 657 for clothing making machinery, Jeffer- dedciency appropriation for war expenses sonville depot . .. _ , 55 . ,. . . . .. 188, 356, 475, 827 for storage and shippin¥ facilities ... 860 for pay of the Army . . 188, 356 for purchase of horses; imit ... 55, 860 for pay of enlisted men; longevity . 188, 356 contracts; standard required; excep- enlistment of sergesnts as cook intion . 55, 861 structors during the wu . . . 188 restriction on polo ponies .. _ .. 55, 861 for of staff officers; longevity .. 139. 357 sale of condemned; use of receipts 55 for e d clerks mileage .. 190, 357 for barracks and quarters, etc ., 55, 861 for loss by exchange, etc ... 357 Qounds for cantonments, etc .. 861 for subsistence . . 190. 357 Jationnl Gugnrd in service included . , 56, 861 for reyulnr supplies . - 191, 358, 475, 828 chnlpel, Presidio of San Fmncxspo, Cal. 56 {ue , heat, and light to quarters, etc. fue and quarters commutaucn not . .. _ . 1 91, 358, 475, 828 _ payable from . ... - 56, 861 bakeries, ice mschmes, laundries, cwilmn employees .. : . . - 56, 861 etc . 191, 358. 475. 828 rentals in Dnstnct of Columbm author- schools, forage, printing, etc. 192, 359, 475, 828 ized .. . . ... . . , , 861 for incidental expenses .. 192, 359 for buildings for clothing machinery, extra duty pay, etc , . ,. 192, 359 Jeffersonville, Ind., depot .. , , , 56 [ furniture, etc . . ... 192. 359 limit increased for nurses’ dormitory, 7 civilian employees, etc 192.359 Fort Sam Houston, Tex . .. 56 enre of horses, em - 192. 360 for additional land, Fort Sam Houston, for transportation .,,.,.. . 193. 360. 476, 829 Tex., for encsmpments, etc . . . 56 enlisted men on discharge; National for post exchanges 56, 862 Guard officem - .. 193. 360, 476 for roads, walks, whsrves, and due land·grant roads not bond sided at postsn: .: .. Z ,, 57, 862 ,, . ,_... 193, W, 476 lands, Premdgo of Sen Franmsco, ex- full ytoexcepted roads .. 194. 361, 477 changed with Umvemty of Cali- digi? animals, wagons, drayuge. fornia . .. 57, 862 etc . _ 194, 361, 477 transfer of wharves, Honolulu, Hvmii, vessels, transport sergnce, etc. 194, 361, 477 with Navy 57 3 u·a nses, foregn officers and formalin, bridges, and trails, Alaska 57, 863 e mensttach to the Army. 361, 477