Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/375

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356 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 79. 1917. electric telegraph, radio installations, signal eqiiipments and stores, binocular gasses, telescopes, heliostaits, arid other necesspry instruments inc uding necessary meteoro ogica instruments or use on targgg aiiangels; Eotgircyclos and xpotor-darlivend vehiclelisi 1{)sedkSfor tec °c an 0 ci p\]1’POS6S' pro ession an scienf c oo of W baums ub reference, pamphlets, periodicals, newspapers, and maps, for use in ,,,,,,§fw,_ ’ the office of the Chief Sigtpal Officer; war balloons an airships and accessories, _ mcluding the1r maintenance and repair ; telephone , _ apparatus (including exchange service at mob1le Army posts) and · E'°°""° P““"“·°'°· maintenance of the same; electrical installations and maintenance at military posts; fire-control and direction apparatus and material for Field Artillery; maintenance and repair of military lines and cables, including salaries of civilian employees, supplies, general iéepairsk reslerve suppilies, and other gcpenses copnectlpd with the uty 0 co ecting an transmitting i ormation or the Army b tel§aph or otherwise, $40,000,000 y ,u€;§gf;‘.fg‘§,$:,§§_i; e resident, during the present emergency, is authorized, through to rorgzzrzidgggvgg the head of any department of the Government, to sell any war iigilttgihtétes. materials used in the construction of airplanes which may have been I or may hereafter be acpuired by the United States for the p1n·pose of the Army or Navy, or or the prosecution of war, to any person Erm, or corporation, or to any foreign state or government engaged with the United States Government in the prosecution of war against a P I _ common enemy or its allies, in such manner and upon such terms, new tz moneys re- at not less than cost, as he in his discretion may deem best: Provided, °""°d‘ That any moneys received by the United States hereunder shall become available as part of the appropriation by which said property was purchased by the United States. c°'§§§°§;",‘;§‘,°g,?,?f“‘°°‘°' Comiunncmr. rnnnrnonn snnvrcn AT Coasr Anmnnnr rosrs: For prov1d1ng commercial telephone service for official purposes at Coast Artillery posts, $5,000. Q‘““"“"““°°’°°'P°· qunnranmnsrnn ooars. Pay of theA.rmy. PAY OF THE ARMY. L'“° °‘“°°'S· Officers of the_ line: For (pay of officers of the line, including staff cogs of the National Guar , $10,000,000 www- _ lwed men ofstéhe) li•(1;3:0§pr pay of enlisted men of all grades, ' mc u grecrmts 5 , . m$Q“”°° ”°P¤’*· OnnNANcn DE1;ABTMENT; For pay of enlisted men, $6,000,000. ¥¤$@I,°°"’2‘ §’l2$?§fS‘B`§§f§T$Z§$S‘i?Z'§“’ ‘¥ °“i‘Ef§S “‘°“’ $§?.’333’%‘ men . Z 0 8y 0 611 HIGH . mijtengglatvgegjzo of de- Hnanquanrnns or THE snvmnn. TERRITOBIAL, DE1;AR’I`l£ENTS, Aaaaménums. rnnnrroman DISTRICTS, TAQIICAL DIVISIONS AND Bmoanms, AND smwxcn scnoonsz For additional clerks, from October first, nineteen ll\1I1dl‘0d·8Ild seventeen, to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, inclusive, at_annual rates of compensation, as follows: Fifteen at $2,000 each, thirty-two at $1,800 each, one hundred and twentyl at $1,600 each, three hundred and exglhteen at $1,400 each, eightt unéigedmgid mnetygrzat $1,200 eac , three hundred and seven y a 1, ; m 1 626,600. ,§L;*§·¤;; Depmmnt Prmrided, _That no clerk, messenger, or laborer at headquarters mama eu. of tactical diviswns, military departments, brigades, service schools, and office of the Chief of Staff shall be assigned to duty in any bureau sm emma in the War Department. com •>‘E¤%*¤¤¤¤· $6C5%1;)ps)0og Engmeers: For pay of officers of the Corps of Engineers, mgg¤¤¤°° D°P“’*· Ordnance Department: For pay of officers of the Ordnance Department, $10,000,000