Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/620

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602 SIXTY·FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 92, 93, 95. 1918, b0lQ°P“"'°°"* °‘ L°‘ For printing and for the Department of Labor, $25,000. Uggun American For printing and binding for the Pan American Umon, $5,000. ` Approved, June 4, 1918. _ "}’rZ?fr:}§§8‘ cnunes.-Arr Act To require numbering and recording of umiwumenarri [Public,No.165.] vmch _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and Hcuse;g’Relgn·esentat~ives of the United ¥}},‘§§Q",§;,,,t,,,; ,-,8. States of America in Congress assembl , That every undocumented Si? *° b· ¤*¤¤**¤¤d· vessel, 0 ated in whole or in part by machinery; owned in the ° lilxceptions. United Sigtes and foimd on the navgagle waters thereof, except public vessels, and vessels not exce g sixteen feet in length measured from end to end over the deck excludmgxsheer, temppranly equip ed with detachable motors, shall be num red. Suc numbers shall be not less in size than three inches and painted or attached to elaph bo(yr1of_¥he vessel in such manner and color as to be distinctly V1S1 e an e e. 1S¤¤¤r¤¤>¤1¤¢¢· Sec. 2. Thdtl the said numbers, on application of the owner or master, shall be awarded biy the collector of customs of the district in which the vessel is owne and a record thereof kept in the customhouse of the district in which the owner or managing owner resides. No nlumbers not so awarded shall be carried on the bows of such . vesse N<>¤<=¤1 <>f|¤¤¤¤:¤ i¤ Sec. 3. That notice of destruction or abandonment of such vessels

tc.,tobeinade. °°’ or change in their ownership shall be furnished within ten days by

the owners to the collectors of customs of the districts where suc numbers were awarded. Such yessel sold into another customs district maria be numbered anew in the latter district. Penalty for viola- Sec. 4. at the penalty for violation of any provision of this Act "°“` shall be $10, for which the vessel shall be lia le and may be seized and proceeded ag?-linst in the district court of the United States in any district in w 'ch such vessel may be found. Such penalgoon application may be mitigated or remitted by the Secretary of m- merce. R•¢¤‘*“°"¤· Sec. 5. That the Secretary of Commerce shall make such r · lations as may be necessary to secure proper execution of thiscilit by collectors of customs and other officers of the Govermnent. E"°°“"°'****°· Sec. 6. That this Act shall take effect six months after its passage. Approved, June 7, 1918. mi;lg¥i?l8` CHAP. 95.-An Act To provide for appeals from decisions of boards of loca]

 inspectors of vessels, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ,,§§,‘°“‘“"°“* mw States of America in Congress assemble , That whenever any person Aignan rrerrr repro directly interested in or affected b any decision or action of an ",,,‘Q°',,,,,§,,f,f’,§'@{*’°"*"“*‘ board of local inspectors of vessels shall feel aggrieved by such decision or action, he may appeal therefrom to the su ervising ins ector of the district; and a like appeal shall be allowed) from any dizcision or action of a supervising inspector to the Supervising Ins ector PWM General, whose decision, when aplp/gjovcd gy the Secretary ofpCommmenrim. merce, shall be final: Provided, ever, at application for such reexamination of the case by a supervisin inspector or by the Supervis Inspector General shall be ma%e within thirty days after theuicision or action appealed from shall have been rendered p$§ ’B'{Q_s"" or taken: And tprovided fuft er, That in all Cases reviewed under the provisions o this Act where the issue is the suspension or revoca-