Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/720

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702 SIXTY-FIF TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 113. 1918. cashier, $1,600; librarian, $1,500; foreman, $1,600; assistant foreman, $1,200; stock keepers—one $1,100, three at $1,000 each; five at $900 each, three at $720 each; helpers—one $870, three at $750 each; five assistant messengers; three mailers, at $840 each; fifty- two skilled laborers, at $688.60 each; fourteen unskilled laborers, at $688.60 each; {anitress, $688.60; two folders, at $688.60 each; messenger boys———e even at $500 each; six at $420 each, eleven at $375 eac ; labor necessary to handle crurent periodicals, $17,000; in all, _ $196,018.40 °°”"”g°m°‘p°”’°s‘ hilgor furéiiture and typewriltgirpl, carpets, llebonsavinglmac esan accessories, rmes amps, a an num erin mac `nes awnings, curtains, books of reference, diiectories, bookg, miscella; neous office and desk supplies; paper; twine, lue, envelopes, postage, car tickets, soap, towels, disinfectants, auf ice; drayage, express, freight, telephone and telegraph service; repairs to buildin , elevators, and machinery; preserving sanitary condition of buildingglight, heat, and power; stationery and office printing, including lanks, price lists, and bibliographies, $39,000; or catalogues and indexes, not exceeding $16,000; for binding reserve remainders, and for sup lyin books to depository libraries, $80,000; equipment, material}; and supplies for distribution of public documents, $20,000; in all, $155,000. Pmm °"““‘ THE PANAMA CANAL. A“°‘*’°'·"’°*· For- every expenditure requisite for and incident to the mainte- Oblm 1 I M nance and eperatxon, sanrtatron, and civil government of the Panama ° Canal and anal Zone, including the following: Compensation of all officials and employees, mcluding $1,000 additional compensation to the Auditor for the War Department for extra servrces in auditing accounts for the Panama Canal; foreign and domestic newspapers and periodicals; law books not exceeding $500, textbooks and books of reference; printing and binding, includ` printing of annual report; rents and personal services in themgistrict of Columbia; purchase or exchange of typewriting, adding, and other machines; purchase or exchange, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor. _,g'°‘““ *"' d*‘““‘€°’· Eropelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles; claims for V0, 37 P 563 amages to vessels passing t roqgh the locks of the Panama Canal, ‘ ' ° as authorized by the Panama anal Act; claims for losses of ordainages to property arising from the conduct of authorized business operations; claims for damages to property arising from the mam- ,j,.,,,,,,_.,,,,,,,,,,,d_ tenance and operation, sanitation, and civil government of the

  • <2l·37.;>·5*¤· _ Panama Canal; acquisition of land and land under water as author.

r¤iiiiiii°g¤u‘ii1ai;}?Sé°¢iif ized in the Panama Canal Act; ex enses inc1u•red in assembling asserting, storing, repair·ing, and selling material, machineriy, and equipment heretofore or hereafter purchased or acquired or the construction of the Panama Canal which are unserviceable or no longer needed, to be reimbursed from the proceeds of such sales; expenses incident to conducting hearings and examining estimates ,,“d,_mSums,m°_ for appropriations on the Isthmus; expenses incident to any emergency arrsing because of calamity by ood, tire, pestilence, or like character not foreseen or otherwise provided for herein; er diem allowance in lieu of subsistence, when prescribed by the Governor vom, p_,m_ of the Panama Canal, to persons engaged in field work or travelin ' on oHic1al business, pursuant to section thirteen of the sundry civg appropriation Act approved August first, nineteen hundred and fourteen; and for sucli) other ex enses not in the United States as the Governor of the Panama Canal may deem necessary best to promote the maintenance and 0 eration, sanitation and civil government of the Panama Canal, allp to be ex ended under the direction of the Governor of the Panama Canal and) accounted for as follows: