Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/892

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874 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 143. 1918. Subsistence allow- ‘ ' i , '

 ··oE"“Q§L°6$§é$§2‘If£$“§i.?i'%‘2Z?3;i2tiZ“}i»i ii?f‘§`i}£Z$%°3?‘2§

t°°‘ allowance not to exceed $4 Ber day in lieu of subsistence to civilian employees of the Ordnance epartment traveling on official business outsidefcg the District of Columbia. and away from their designated I ts 0 uty. N°“°““ °'“"'d‘ pos . zwrroxar, GUARD. %¤hii1i£tii§' in eu- Amcmo, EQUIPPING, AND mamma mn Nxrronar. GUARD! To $*g'g’§gg¤”· mm grovide for the participation of the whole or any part of the Ngtional ’ uard in encampments, maneuvers, or other exercises inc ud1ng` outdoor target practice and field and coast defense instruction, either P independently or in conjunctmn with any part of the Regular Army,

,,,§’S$_ and there may be set aside from the funds apportioned for that

mem- oppose and allotted to aniy State, Territory, or the District of Columbia such portion of said ftmds as may be necessary for the pay- ment, subsistence, transgortatnon, and other Ilproper expenses of such portion of the National uard of said State, errntory, or the District of Columbia as shall participate in such encampments, maneuvers, or other exercises, inc uding outdoor target practice and field and coast defense mstructnon; and the officers an_ enlisted men of such National Guard while so engaged shall be Blllilliléil to the same pay, subsisgance, and tgatgsportatltzn as officers aradrgpfbsted mega of cotrirceé spon ggra eso eRegu Army areor e_ termay enti· ¤$§'§E"A,°,*,{‘§·”,,m,Q“,§_"' to b law. To rovxde for camps of mstructnon for the instruction

 P . .

of 0 and enlisted men of the National Guard. Such camps SMR .,"° °‘Z,‘i"%*€.‘§‘l ‘;’;§?,‘i$.'°r,,,,,°* **;§‘?.i’2‘“§ ‘i‘0“c`?’t‘3f‘*‘££“ Wh; 0 0 81 er W1 or without the State Territory, ,or Distrrlit of Columbia to which the members of the Niatxonal Guard designated to attend said camps ,§”" ‘°’ °°°““"“‘°°’ shall belong. Officers and enlisted men attending such camps shall be entitled to pay and transportatwn and enlisted men to subsistence _ in addition at the same rate as for encampments or maneuvers for

 0, field and coast defense instruction: Promkled, That of this sum so

Armyvwps- much thereof as may be necessary is authorized to be expended for the payment_0f transportation of troops of the Regular Army in N,,,mmmdR,,_ connection with gomt camps of instruction of the National Guard: serve. ]’rovi4ied,_ Tgat og this sucxinodas mulch thereof as may be necessary IS authorxze to e expen or the trans rtation d b- sistencebgf oflgcers anal enllisgz; men oalgéa Natidilal Gpaxidahesifive ‘ asmay aut o yt e retaryo ar under the awto tte d ggcampgnents, maneuvers, or other exercises of the National Guarild, 473 50. ,¤,,",§’_,*L§_“°‘*°” °'**"”’ To provide for the attendance of selected officers or enlisted men of the National Guard who pursue a regular course of study at any military service school of the United States, except the United States A°p°“’· Military Academy; or to be attached to an organization of the same arm, corps, or department to which such officers or enlisted men shall belong, or routine practical instruction at or near an Army post ,,jf“°**¤°¤* '°*’ P“Y· during a period of field training or other outdoor exercises; and such officers or enlisted men shall receive, out of any National Guard allotment of funds available for the purpose, the same travel allowansies and quargersbor commutatgpnhoféiiuarters, and the same pay owance, an su sistence to w ic 0 cers or enl' t d f the llegular Arrrsy would be entitled for attending such1Ss§hoi>Il?I;o(l- lege, or practic course of instruction under orders from proper _ military authority while in actual attendance at such school, college, f,’,{*;,‘]jg;,,_ or practical course of instruction: Prwakled, That in no case shall the pay and allowances authorized herein exceed those of a captain, $50,000.