Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/964

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_ mnnx. 2283 Stapleton, Staten Island, N. YZ·—Continued. P¤s¢- State, War, and Navy Department Building, P¤z•. deiicienggl appropriation for marine has- E etc.—Gontinued. p1t , improvements 467 de cien s ro ziationforo ra. ° fo e additiona1_accommodations authorized at eg, qgarp and Na peDetp:§I:mr§nf marine hospital; use of prior appro- buildings in Henrygsrk . 482, 598 P¤¤¤0¤_ -·--···--··---··--··--··---· 1304 for contingent expenses, etc ...,.. .482, 598 Stapleton, Zedelmh, for completing construction, Henry Park pension increased ... , .,,. 1392 buigdingg _________________ _ ________ 482 Star Routes, .?08lGlS¢T'U1EOC, for two tem tary office buiIdin%in. Poappropnatxon for mail transportation by, tomac gout for Navy md ar Dem·Al¤ska .. 747, 1134 partmeuw ,.__.,,,,,,__,,__________ _ 4,83 emergency service I 747, 11 4 temporary heating plant south of D for inland mail uansportatnon by, ex- and west of Twenty-fifth Streets 488 _C€pt]II.Alssk8· .. 751,1197 heating contract in lieu of building discontinued when served by rural plant .,.,..,..., . ,.,,_,,,,_,,_ _ ____ 433 delivery .. 751 for two temporary office buildings in Seq,. restriction ii major portion of route ton Park, and one on the Mall for served by rural camer . 751 War Depamnent. ..,,,,,,,,,,, , _,,_ 4,33 deficiency appropriation for 33, 381, 883, 842 maintenance, etc., of tempomry buildfor Alaslca . 23, 834, 842 ings under superintendent. 483 for special carriers . 1041 for care, ew., temporary office buildings, _ contracts made prior to Jrme 30, 1917, for, Smithsonian Grounds and Seaton may be readjustued, eu: . 753 Park . . .,,,,,,, 597 Sun-!-Eng, illuzm, a ia: Willahm Hopkim, for Potomac Park, temporary buildings, pension increased .. . . 1436 care, etc ... 598 Stnmc, Levi M., for contingent expenses . 598 pension increased . ... 1552 for building for War Degarhnent, Eight- · Starr, Emelinc C. (daughter), eent]1 Street and Avenue pension . . 1549 NW., care, eu:. ... . ... 598 Starr, Riohard, for contingent expenses . 598 pension increased .. . . 1423 . under supervision of superintendent of 598 State Bemks, (su al•0—Fedenl Reserve Act chsrforce of temporary buildings mb- Amendments), _ ject to sgipenntendent of .. 598 provisions for, becoming members of Fed- mourned bgations for temporary eral Reserve System ... 232 buildings payable from these ap- Smu College, Pa., PmPmu°m ·-··— .- ···--···- , -•; •····- 599 appmpaaurm for pubuc building . 111 gg ;:_1:;¤¤¤¤ { fi¤·>1>¤>¤¤¤z Bruldmz ---- }% Swu Department (scc Departmmt of State). for cOmpl8d¤§)temP0mry Omce buildings, Sim. etc., Tam, _ _ Potomac ark ._,,,,,.,.,...,,.,,.. . ioez

  • ¤°mPl¤°¤ °{ Wa! F1¤¤¤°° C°1’P°¤*¤¤¤ distribution of employees, subject to con-

\>¤¤<1¤ md mt¤r<~=¤¤ frqm ------·----·- 510 m1 or superintendent or sai property. etc-, of 0¤r1><>¤·¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤<·>p¢ M1 smmme of Apfmpv-iazama, ece., . €°*·*°° ----··-··· . -—-····· , ··--···-··-· 5 1° appropriation or preparing, second ¤¤¤¤i¤¤, securities paiable m _ fol’€1@._ moneys, 64(L Qouggg _________ _ ___________ 171 owned y ¤<>¤r¤¤¤d<=¤¢ Mmm. ew-, mr pm aring, am and mend umm, exempt from. .: , ... 845 553; Cgngggg _______________________ 697 WW HWQW fm' Diwbkd $°H*¢"* Md for second session, 64th Congress, to in- SFUQN, _ _ _ clude specifed Acts paused at ex- ¤1>1>¤¤pr¤•¤¤¤ fvr c¤¤¤¤¤ms nd w - 140.665 u·word' session cam comm., as State, War, and Navy Department Building, Staten Ia{¢md D¢pot, N. K, etc., extendanghmachine shop and wharvea at, appropriation for assistant superintendent, au onzed . 607 clerks een, watchman, etc., Staten Ial¢mdS¢mnd,_.N. _K and N. J., main . . 786, 1240 pmlimissy examination, etc., of, to be for fuel, lights, retgairs, etc .. 787, 1240 e for 30-foot channel 1288 for aah hoist, sou courtyard ,.. 1240 Staterooms m Cara, ctc., _ for installing mechanical stokem 1240 internal revenue tax on rail or water tunnfor Navy Degmrtment Annex 787, 1240 portauou by .. . ... 1102 for laborer, tate Department Annex. . . 787 war revenue tax on payments for 314 for operating force and sggplies, office States, _ _ _ _ _ buildings in Henry P ... 787 appropriation for cooperatmn with, in prefor contingent expenses ... - 787 venting, etci, contagious diseasesu 121 for Potomac Park 08lce buildings .. 1240 for cooperation with, m protecting waterfor Mall 0Ece buildings 1240 sheds of navigable streams from for temporary War Department building, _ _ forest Hres. . . z . . , .. 1005 Eighteenth Street. and Virginia Ave- additional appropriations for rural post Due _________,_____,____,,,_,_,_,,, 1241 roads m cooperation with: . . ._ .. 1201 deficiency appropriation for additional apportionment to State constntutmnally watchmen, 1917 ...i 201 grevented from qwnpmting wth; for additional em loyees, 1918 .. 202 rnwn from pnncrp fund -. 1201 for additional emliyloyees, Navy Depart- carried as separate fund for future dmment Aimex, 1918 . 202 _ bursement , ..·-···--··-- _- - ·; - - 1201 for gddjtiongl boiler ___________________ 369 immediately available when objectmn for fuel, lights, repairs, etc . 482 replcvéd .. _ - ·_ ·-·-··--··---··-·· 1201 ior ice plant, additional brine tank . 482 portion not prohibited may be used. . 1201