Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1414

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l394 SIXTY-SIXTH corrcnnss. Sess. 111. ou. 161. 1921. '*`°¤“§; Aff- Eastern Branch, T0 s Maine: For current expenses, including Cum t I the same objects speciged imder this head for the Central Branch, $49,000' S¤*·¤i¤*¤¤¤¢· For siibsistence, including the same objects specified under this he%d fo; the gealtral Birainch, $1119,000; b died d h H¤¤¤¤h°*d· or ouse 0 , inc u the same 0 jects spec` un er t is head for the Central Brazlldg, $105,000; H<>SPi¢=¤r For hospital, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, $50,000; T“‘“’jP°"‘°“°’* For transportation of members of the home, $500; R°P°“”· f Fplr igcludilpg the same objects specified under this head or e nt ranc , $35 000· ""“"“· hF<g· farlilignclueiing the,0bjects specified under this head for t e entr ranc ,319,000; In all, $377,500. Hempwm Vs- Southern Branch, Hampton, Virginia: For current ex euscs t I °s` ijéicludjlng tlga sarpe objec? specified under this head (iior the Centra} rauc an mc uding the maintenance, repair, an 0 eration 0 m0t0r~propcllcd passenger vehicles, $50,000; P S¤*=¤*=*¤¤¤¤~ For subsistence, including the same objects specified imder this heigd fo; the 1Cepitral Branch, $210,000; H¤¤¤¤¤¤¥d· or ouse 0 , inc udin§` the same objects s eciiied und this _ head for the Central Branc , $115,000; P Gr H°“""°’· For hospital, mcluding the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, $95,000; T“‘“‘fP°'*°“°"· For transportation _0f members of the home, $1,000; B°P“”· For rgpairs, including the same objects specified under this head for the entral Branch, $60,000; Mm- — For farm, including the same objects specified imder this head for the Central Branch, $12,000; IM mx Km In all, $543,000. Cm-Ig: _ Wcstom Branch, Leavenworth, Kansas: For current ex BDSBS, iéicludinaggeggoame objects specified under this head for the Central 1'¤¤° » i S S¤b¤*¤*¤¤·>¤— For subsistence includinv the sam b` ts eciii d d this H hl hegd fo; at cei15¢.}.11?ir¤¤c1i‘fsz40,0uc;3 ° ]°° SP ° un °r we <>¤· or ouseho , inc udin the s b` ts ined d this head for the Central Branch, $150,02:; 0 Jac spec un Gr ¤¤¤x>i¤·¥- For hospital, including the same objects specified under this head _ for the Central Branch, $110,000;

’·¥;s°"°°‘°"~ go: transportagoiéicgf mtgmbers of the home, $500;

‘“· orreairsinu g esam 'ts iiid d hishd for the (gntrdl Branch, $60,000; 8 0 lm Spec c lm Gr t ga F"'"' th;°`;>);IiLig$,B1;1;:1\;¢?1xn§2t1h(e0s)ame objects specified under this head for .11 8Xpe BS. _ _ _ _ y . , §°'}§g,,’;‘°"*"’;,§*‘“’· Monica California For current ex ensos

gé1e)33.rne objects specified under this head for the Central

S“b"*"°“°°· For subsistence, including th b' · · hegd re; the gesitral gmct, g¢i°0,?$§° ° ’°°” Sp°"‘/‘i°d ““d°r the ¤·>¤¤¤h<>¤·i— or ouse 0 , in riding e b' · · Bmw he;_d for the Slentrsil Branch, $125?3(?0(; O jects speclfigd under this ' or ospit , inc ud1n` g the b' gs ‘ · T _ for the Central Branch, $120,0S0l)¤;m 0 Jac °p°°‘£°d und?]. thm head R'““’°'p&h “““°‘* ger transportation of mtgmbers of the home $2 500- " ‘ orrea1rs, incud1ng` b‘ '·’ ’ - M fo1i:thefCl;ntralcBmnch,]$60?0(sit§§I16 ° ’°"*‘“ “*’°°‘““‘* “"‘*“ “““ h°°" or arm, in udm¤`¤tesam b' tspw;5Bd' umjm-’ · the Central Bmeh, $20,000; 8 0 Nc S hm fm. In eil, $682,500.