Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1478

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X INDEX. AqueductBBr;iidge,I.§J.CC, (see also Georgetown P¤8¤· ArizonaFC<iptinued. ds b d Posari ge . ., sumsora otting an ,etc. notto euse approplgigtionl for construction; half from 188 ger Indians in, npt residing on pubggg 225 ' trict revenues. . omain priorto une ,1 14.. 3, 1 denciency ap(propriation for construction. 509 Arkansas Drainage Districts, » Arnamo gyangfr to Georgetown Badge ----- 900 publicclands m Mississippi and reggae ansasasscx, f, `tto tat Perma.? s, ..4., or, tr. 1... lm ..%*5 é$Z..?-.f’..‘f‘T‘. F? .. ? 392 ma e . provisions relating to taxation, ctc-- - I Q . 393 Arapahoe @4 Uhaymao Aymoy. Okla. _ Arkamae National Fmn, Ark., ¤·PPT°I:E¤¤°¤ for ¤“PP°n» °tc·» of I¤d“·”31 434 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of.. 248, 707, Arapahoe Cheyenne Indnhns, ous., ’ Ar, mm R. 1326

   .? 2f<{°<g5, 1240 bgdgaoéijgiodzed across, Fort Gibson, 629

,,,,;,0 6,-,,,,, ,,,.,;,,,.,,, a .. - ... 4*** ;,{;j · Mm"-- N ""‘y""” w¤bbm Fan. okn. . ._ _ ______ 629 ..p,p¤.,.Ee0pdr¤..}.pp0.t src., 0:... 16, 421,312;; am §¤gggg¤,<§,é;rRgg,gzj,gg__§~¤ ____ jar 2,,8 ,,,,,,,3},,,,, N,f,_,’,jM°§“F,,;L;,;·,;.,,,,;j’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘·‘ · Main Street, Little Rock, Ark__ ______`· I 279 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of . . . 248, Arkarwaa River, Ark. and Okla., { b 707 1326 prel1m1n' ary examination, etc., o , to e Arbiu·a¢ion,BureauojInIn·pm·liaungnh¤iy Union ’ made, Little Rock to Grand River., 1012 fqf of , Arlington Agricultural Experiment Farm, Va., . 8g)pl'0p!'18t10I1 {O! COI1f·X'1b\1t1DD .. . . . . 745, 1212 gppguprigtjon fg]- continuing hnpmve- Ar i¢ra¢u>u.,I(r_¤¢ar7{t¤a¢J$aaal Buraau of Parma- f meme, etc . ,;,],,,,1..., 2;5,704,1323 umauv. ‘,t.,to°° rant apimmn for annual oon¢ril>¤tia¤·· 744.1211 or riiigssuggtiom on 254, 712 A": l Phcv P“"°';’· F'“"'°’· Arlington Building D. C. modal °i h°n°' °° ba b“t°w,°d urn un' appropriation fonoperating force etc 644 1265 ch . kn";E’OF'°P°g’ °°mi°r • ia ‘‘‘‘‘ 1367 igr operating expense , ... 653; 1273 AT md af . umm * . ‘ deficiency appropriation for equipment 43 ¤p,v;o1,>r1a¤:;= t:naé)»aa¤.. alaska. oro- - · ,5,, 5,,5,,,,,,g ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, __________________ 555 O ., . . • . • · . - · - .··· . . . for eieyator iconductors, Senate once _ ~4r1¤ay¢opVgIvaar¤a1Amph•¢Fwa¢ar aaa Uhapal.

0. s§g`iL.ieemgQ $}LZ§1iXd$é 2.}'it}.}§{eL.1»H£»Z 1255 ggv~paa§1o¤c;:;;¤;_=;1¤:s¤j~;>§:&£IHé¤,188,;,,*296r 1387

ti .. . . ‘ for eleigsmr conductors, House of Repre· 1255 giflggals. °¤t0mbm€¤t¤. etc-, 1¤· oooh 1440 sentatives . . ... . ····-·············· . ······· · title of Srépérinteggleptt ot Cgplwl Building 1291 F<*¤tY;gl§1u¢;;1n¢;1 ¤0$¥·bY m0m0¤¤1¤ md *1** M40 an roun c e to , -········ . -···-·········· · ·· Architectural C'ampetilio1:,§’ubl1b Buildings, ch?"m“·“ md €x°c“¤V° 059** ·-···· 1440 A apppopiiation for, under contracts. 169, 877, 1370 ¤P°°16¥0£ g1;:1,;¥§g:1:l¥A Vglcui ,440 appropriation for ambassador to. .. 739,1206 memorials, etc., perm1tted_ for conspicu- Argentine Ant, ously distinguished military or naval appr?riation for investgpating 256, 715, 1334 serqice only . , . 1440 Anas, amem Ricardo, of anama, no memorial or entombment until afterwn may be admitted to receive instruction at years after death. ... 1440 L Tilglitary Academy . 548 except as authorized by Coniress ... 1440 ` a , all' `ti .b ts tc., `ecttoapappropriation for may. oro-. of argnagtéa I pr<i;·alu§i c¤iiimls$ ... 5 . 1440 resistantcro ,6tc . ..-. . . ad fC `o fFineArtst¤ e period for reclamatizn of, under Carey Act wggtginecd .. 1440 ············ ost e in or ’ar, e

 ‘?&‘w5£€.€3l°‘ “"‘° °‘* we my 0: an ma A··e¤srs*“°z."£a

Arizona, h ‘ ‘ ____ _ _________ 1447 appropriation ior surveyor general, clerks, . bmug t kit banal ui · ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ r ·‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘’ ’ vim. fm “¥pP°l:t’ etc" °f hmmm m r appropriation for dedication expenses, of sm ¤iig.1`é°vi.`}""§A}£i `éiérE `éé " 9’ 1292 AmPhi*h°¤*¤* md (NP9] -··--·- :·· 176 for 1,;,1,,,1, · ’ · ’,.0·_ ’ deiciency appropriation for completing mts M mags P I 1-226 _ construction of amphitheater, etc. . - 36 sss¤1s¤¤y`f}$£.§5}}i££{6£.'i.§£ §i.§I$AiQ'é£é.Z . ’“““ °‘F°“"“°’°“°‘* ·········· · ····· 36 ot inaimu . 66,1042,].186,1191 ·4¢l·av¢<>a_Na¢waal Umm. Va-. _ , mmmcesu of snug wm sm Rim, ·1>1>¢¤1>a¤¤o¤ fo¤,1>¤¤¤1 of ¤¤¤¤s¤¤* ¤¤· nsunsm, on t mw; mum nes. <h¤*¤~9*¢-· 1*%-; —. ··~---····-· 18% 895. B8? awning; gubjgct tg mgpgpdon, i0!'118WE01i8tf2¢¤1]1t1es , .,,. 896 em, 0; ___________ __ _,_ ___________ _ 417 deficiency appropriation for memorial Aun- _ gold, etc., __ ’ leases allowed oiiunal- Phlihmiaf nd ($112961. ¤°¤¤¤’¤'~" l¤ wn hud; of #-1011. ata ---··------.--·------- 36

 .,.,_,   ,,,.. I 31 limitofcostincreased .    36