Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1052

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INDEX. 2593 Quinirw, Sulphate o , Pan- Railroad uiprnant, Pmou free list, and,. all alkaloids, and their broughgin tem rarily for emergency re- _ salts .. 930 pairs, fires on lines, etc., Qumlart, Amuz M. (daughter), admit free of duty .. 938 pension . ... 1704 Railroad Grant Lands, Qumlarr, [nlm M., relinquishment of, to Indians in Arizona, pension rncreased 1748 extended; condition ... 994 Omrk, Sophia E'. (willow), Radroad Labor Board, P0¤¤1¤¤ ···----·- - ·-·.·-··---------·-··· 1664 appropriation forsalaries of mmnbers and secretary. . ,... 642, 1234 _ I- for expenses. . . 643, 1234 Rabid, _ _ _ for prrnting and binding for 1234 appropriation for suppremng, by dstroy- proclamation forbidding interference with _ ing certarn predatory animals 526, 1310 efforts of, to maintain interstate and Racing Shells, ctc., O _ mail transportation ...,... 4 2282 brought rn temporarrl by nonresrdents Railroad Routes, Postal Service, for races, etc., free of duty appropriation formailtransportation b . 657, 1252 under bond ... 938 special arrangement for bg Rockets, freight trains, etc .. 6 7, 1252 duty on . _ 913 messenger service in lieu of railroad Radw Canimunnrgatwrt, _ 18 ddi side service ,__, } ,.,.., . 657, 1252 appropriation or cing ws regnla , cienc appropriation or ' on ocean steamorg, etc ,,_____,,. 475, 1116 po1¥t,atig£__? _,,,,,... . 55, 59, 199, 462, for standardizing, etc., instruments used 465, 786, 1057, 1168, 1170, 1546, 1555 in . . . 1 477,1118 for paying Railroad Administration deficiency appropriation for enforcing, transportation. 1546 laws for ocean stsamsrs, etc . 47 Railroad Tia, Radio Dynamrb Tvfpgdocs, Army, _ on free list ... . ... 933 balance of approplrration for, oovsredm 756 Railroad Track Scales, etc., Radio Laboratory, aval, aprpggriation for testing, etc . . . 478, 1119 a propriation for research work, etc., at. 796,1140 Rm (M also Interstate Commerce '*·*·£*·S··*~‘·¤·· ,.,. ., - Unr¤ed' °¤···}.*:;.%*·S2°I·>:,,..,t.-,l..—.., t · revenuetaxonm y,m a rona or ,e ., um- States . . .. . ... 284 pp Ilorm system of accounting by, . . 641, 1233 Radio Shore Stations, Navy, for enforcing use of safety appliances appro riation for mainteualwé, etc ---· -·- 134 by. . 1 -----·-·- , -------· 641.1233 use ol: authorized for press mesagm by for securing reports of accidents, etc., American newspapers, etc. . . .·--· · 495 from- _ ,,,,... _ ,. . , 1233 private commercial messages . .. 495 for investigating block signal and tram rates, other than Paciiic coast, etc., not control systems, etc., for _641, 1233 to be lower than private stations. . . 495 for compelling use of safe locomotive termination of, when private Bt8·11011B boilers, etc., gi., , ..,... : .. 642, 1233 abletomeet normal requirements. . . 496 for ascertmmngg ymcal valuation of 0fallrighfsJune 30, 1925. .·-- 496 property 0 . . . . , ... 642,1234 in china January 1, 1924 . . ...-·- 496 for securing information of stocks, bonds, Radioactive Srtbstailrzrges, _ _ _ d 5 _ etc., o . .é£(:é;t;££1ig;2, 1234 riation mvutrga » » e crenc ap T0 · appwpetc ,. .. 478,1119 phgrsicalxarluation of property of_. . . 329 Radioactive Substitutes, for securing information of securities, o¤fygg|j_gg__ ____ _ _________ ,,,.,,... 930 g|;(;_,;iSgugdby_,___:____ __________ 329 Radebulegraplric Co»n·ve·nt·io·n, Intzrnalrimal, for enforcrnisafety appliances by Z. 1049 a pro yigtiou for oxpongod , . . 607, 1075 abandoned ng ts of way, eto,, of, on public Radiotelggraph Navy, _ _ landshtransferred to owners of land 14 exchange ofylands in Porto R100 for radio occupied. . .: ... 2 . 4 gtgfjpu, authorized ,_,,, .. .. 139 interchangeable mileage or scrr coupon Radrhh Seed, trclrets to be issued by; road; exempt 827 duty 0¤_ _ ____,__,_____,_, , .. ... 895 denomination, transfers, etc .. Z 827 Radium penalty for refusing to rmue or receive . 827 on free list and salts of . . 930 report on ongmal cost, reprrr Rae, Mary (,1,,,);,,,,,), ductron, etc., of property of, other x>¤¤¤i¤¤ ---- - -------·------------·-- 1753 ‘ ththyllaudg -··- I; -·---·-----·--- gg: · . o er HBBO I0 ·····- · ----·--- Ra£g;¥énMary _______ _ ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1726 cog]; ang pgwgut vglug of lgndg, Ra Mu ``'````` etc., apart fromnrnprovements , 624 fgty on __,,,,.,,, , ,.,.., 890 time extended for actions against agent of Ra Pu] Inunuunn the Prggldgnt during Federal you- (glfregijst _ _ _______ _________ gw tm], for damages, gtcq from vm]8- Ras un-- tions of mterstate commerce laws R,‘¥?l,Y.,?“A· ,;,,."°""?“t,.,,..,,.‘ ‘= ‘‘‘‘ t M ‘‘‘‘ " °°5 R,“ET2t*2T'g&“;ni$?»i tx ‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 394 t 1* Util v , ’ · · · • deficiency appropriation for transp0f¤¤8 1546 p1‘0¢18¥x ¤°¤ ¤·PP°m¤¤8 Im? 2237 Ra1ZZroadIl1>.i•l]Spu¢¢¤’ 1”""”2°"""""········· des¤gna' samef, as agent in actions proclamation fdrbidding interference with a-raising out 0 Federal railroad con- 2238 inwrststs ami mil tr¤¤¤r><>¤·¤¤¤¤.. 2282 ··-- . ····-·······-··-·--------·