Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/855

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2396 INDEX. Diplomaticand C07¢87A1GfS¢H}Q0¢*CODtiHu6(g. Pam Diplo·m.azigaqdC'0n.rularS¢r1gicc—C0ntinued. Panappmpriation for illBt|.’I1¢t·10ll and tranmt appmpmuoq fgr Intematxoual Conference pay, diplomatic and consular oiii- on Matntgmo Law.: . : . . 609 (33;-5 ,,.,,. ,, ,,...,,,, . ...,, ,,,, 603,1072 for of Jurmtg on Amgudlug 609 for transportation to and from posts, wso ar . . etc _______________,_,_ , ,,,__,,. 603, 1072 for International Conference of American for unforeseen emergencies and neutmiity Smes . , .. 609 Act expenses ... 603, 1072 for United States court fqr Chms. - . 1. 609, 1077 fm- heirs of officers d g abroad . 604, 1072 for participating in revision of Chmeso for Mrs. Daisy Cmwx Carroll . 604 gustoms tgnff.  :. 610 fm- Mm, Ajice Potter ,,,,,,,,,, _ ,,. 604 for mquiry mto cxuutemtonahty m for Mrs. Louise Carroll Mastersou, .. 1073 Ohms . 610 for bmw home remains of officers for consular Erisbns . . .. 610, 1077 dy-ing g mad ,,,..,,,.,,,,.. 604, 1073 for bringing ome criminals . 610, 1071 for altering, fumis etc., embassy for payment to N0l'W3§ .. ._ 610 building, Loudon, land 604 expenditure forrent . Cxestruxted- 611, 1078 for impro , etc., agency buildings, for expenses of Peru Centennial Colebmfa <;rocco...gIi1] ... 604 d 6 tionCommi¤img...}& _ .}-; 67 im vmg° egatmn' dmg¤' , ctc., a cicncy approprismm , etc., ht Bggkok .. { ... 1 073 Amsrimnsg2m§g1-ibh..éié..§£i.&53 gg (r 7 s 1 7 I y r aihkden, Chim ,... 1073 1055, 1161, 1166, 1169, 1547, 1554 for post alowauces to diplomatic sind for contingent expenses, missions ... 35, consular officers to meet living 53, 58, 198, 343, 347, 460, 783, cosh. . 604, 1073 785, 1055, 1166, 1169, 1547, 1554 for Cape Spam! Light, Tsmgier .. 604, 1073 for salaries, ambassadors and - . 53, for life savmfg testimonials .. 604, 1073 _ _ 343, 783, 1167 forBu11-asu 0 Weights and Measures- . 604, 1073 for transportation, diplomatic and coufor Bureau of Customs Tariffs 605, 1073 sulsr officers - .. 53, for Mexican Boundary Commission,. 605, 1074 58, 198, 336, 343, 347, 452, 460,484 fcrboundnryline, Alaskxaud Canada- 605, 1074 783, 785, 1055, 1161, 1169, 1554, 155é for marking Canadian boundau·y.· 605,1074 reimbursement to emergency fund for Bureau for Repressing African Slave from .. 336 Trade . 605 for clerks at embassies and legatious . 53, for International Prison Commission. 606, 1074 343, 783, 1055, 1166, 1169 for Pm Ammicsm Union . - . 606, 1074 for consular salaries ... 53, 58, for printing and binding for Pm Ameri- 343, 347, 460, 783, 1055, 1166, 1554, 1556 can Union ,. 606, 1074 for United States Court for Chim .. 53 for Permanent Court of Arbitration. . . 606, 1074 for mterpreters at consulates . 53, 1055, 1554 for Interparliamentagy Union for Inter- for post allowances . . 53, 343, national Arbitration ... 606, 1075 347, 460, 464, 783, 1055, 1166, 1554, 1556 for International Commission on Tables for comulsrasistmts .. 53, 58, 343 of Constants, ctc. .. 606, 1075 for clerks at consulates. . 53, 58, 198, 343, 347, for International Institute oi Agricul- 460, 464, 783, 1055, 1166, 1169,1554 ture. . .: ... , ... 606, 1075 for contingent exgenses, consulates ..,,, 54, for Internsqnnal Railway Congres .. 607 8, 198 343, 347, 453, 460, 464, for Intematgonal Iustgtute of Agriculture. 1075 783, 1055, 1166, 1169, 1554, 1556 for Intemauonal Samtary Bureau. . . 607, 1075 for secretaries, diplomatic service ... 58, for International Offica of Public 343, 347, 452, 783, 1051, 1055, 1166, 1556 Health .. : .. _ 607, 1075 for interpreters and guards in Turkish for British-American Pecuniary Clmms dommions .,,,,,,, , ,______________ 198 Arbitration ... _ .. Z. . . 607, 1075 for representing interests of foreign Govfor Inmerpauonal Radmbclegmphnc Con- ernmeuts ... . . 198, 344, 347, 1055, 1554 vcnmon . . . -_ ... 607, 1075 for exfpoaition, Panama .._,__,__ _ ,____ 198, 453 for Inter-American Hxgh Commission. 607, 1076 for re ief of Americans and prisoners of for Canadian Boundary Waters Commis- war in Germany ,,,__ _ ____________ 198 sum .. I . 607, 1076 fm- student inte racers, Turke 335 for Scientxiic Congress, 608 for Institute oiy Agricul- . . .. . ... . .,.,. 336 for annual payment to Panama .. 608, 1076 for expenses, arbitration with Peru ,, 336 for Faymeng to Colombia .. 1076 for expenses, arbitration with Nurwny. , - 336 for nternauonal Research Conmcil. . . 608, 1076 for International Latitude Observatory, for Iuuernatioxml Commimim em Inter- Ukiah, Calif . ... 339,1547 national Law. . ... 608 for International Exposition, Rio dg for Internnuousl Hydrogmphjc Bu- Janeiro . ._... 337 reap ... 608, 1077 for relief, etc., American citizens in Eufor forexgn hosgjtall Cage Town .. 608, 1077 rope .. M3 for World Wqr orexgn abt Commjxion. 609 for emergencies - . ... 343, 785 for Iubemanouul Trade Mark Registrar for bmmdary line, Alaska and Canada tion Bureau at Habana .. 609, 1077 and United States and Canada. 343, 460, 783 for Indystnal Property Bureau, Berne, for ghargés dkzffaires ad interim. . 452, 783, 1055 SW'1t·ZEfl§Dd 1 . 1077 for mstmctiou and transit y _..,, _ _ _ , 452 for Intgmsnongl Latxtudo Observatory, for bringing home criminal}: ... 452 Ukmh, Cab! ... 609 for payment to Colombia .. . ... 453