Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/902

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INDEX. 2443 Goummgnc Fuel Yards, D. C.-Continued. Pan Grain Oorporazian, United States, Pan. reduction of mamtenance appropriation amount authorized from funds of, to relieve for 1924 ..,. 1211 distressed and starving people of payments fog proportionate ghare of ga- Russia ,_,,,,,____________,,.,,,_,,, 351 $36 -----·--·--·...--- - . ---.. 1211 Austria allowed extension for paying for fuel payments to be made to Treasury to flour purchased from, etc.; condicredit of maintenance, etc., of _,,,_, 1211 tions _____________ _ ________________ 491 Govermmerit Hotel, D. C`., _ provisions for converting, etc., World War appropriation for operattnv 641,1232 obli tions of foreign Govemments heat, power, etc., furumlied by Capitol helgzigy ,______.,,_,,., . ,., 363 power plant, to be reimbursed there- Gram Ellen (mum) fo - .--- -- - ·-·-·. . . ..··-·-- - ------ 1274 pension ’ 1662 G01)&‘1|,1lI,81I,t1:7LthFT€fT7:[OT'|;€8, Grain dcuuunn-nuU--HU-uu-H-U appropriation or ex enses. ..,..,. 594, 1216 · ·z . . . . Government Printing léjice (see also Public °ppmRmu°u .f°r dlffusing °°mm°¥°ml Printing and Binding), information of supply, market prices, appropriation for Public Prmter, Deputy, _ °t°·· °f ····‘*·············‘‘··· _532· 1314 grchasing gferg, etc ___________ 4341 1277 Gram Futures Act (see also Futnue Trading for biérdsing c erk; duties; bond re- Act), qui! .. . .. 1278 appropriation for expenses, execu ; bond of Public Printer reduced ... 1278 pp Iiestriction , . 1320 for clerks, guards, etc ,.. 435, 1278 meaning of terms used; "contmct of sale". 998 employment of apprentices modified . . 1278 *‘po;·¤on " ,,,,,,.,. . 998 for public printing and binding ., 435, 1278 “ ° " ,,__,,.,.,,,,,...,.. 998 for Superintendent of Documents, a.ssist· “g{,-nge delivery" ____,,,., , ,,. 998 ant, etc 436, 1279 “boerd of trade" .. . 998 for details to Department of Commerce liability of agents extends to principals 998 from, as copy editors 472 "in1;o;·s1;a1;o ccmmerce" . . ... 998 for reimbursing, for heat, light, and transactions considered to be interpower, to Washington post office state commerce, etc 999 uilding ..,,,... 654, 1250 “Smue" ,,., . . . 999 for additional $240 a year to employees public interest affected by board of trade of ., , ,,,,.. - 714, 1558 sales of grain for future delivery 999 deficiency appropriation for reimbursing, as interstate commerce tmnsac1i0ns.. 999 for heat, etc., to city post. office as determining basis of price to pmbuilding ..,, , ,..., 42, 451, 775 ducer and consumer .. 999 for holidays for employees ... 49 utilized by handlers of grain for hedgfor Samuel Robinson, William Madden, ing, etc. .. 999 Joseph De Fontes, and Charles C. susceptible to speculation, unreasona- Allen ... 50, 769, 1530 ble iluctuatious, etc . 999 for gublic printing and binding 50, 460, 769 obstructing interstate commerce .. 999 for uperintendent of Documents ... 50 rendering regulations for protection of, for leaves of absence . 340, 439 etc. , imperative 999 for expenses connecting Capitol power delivery of offer for board of trade contract plant with, for heat, power, etc., 1923 767 of sale of gram for future delivery, for reimbursing Capitol power plant for unlawful  : . :. . . 999 _ heat and power to, 1923 768 for hedging, determining price basis of discontinuance of dprinting annual, etc., delivery of gram m interstate comreports by epartments, etc., an- meme, etc ... : ... . . 999 thorized ,_._,...,,_ _ __,,,., , .. 64,436 excegltionsv if seller is owner or grower Originals to be kept on file for public in· ereoi 999 gpectjgn __________ _ _______,____,__ 64, 437 if either party, owner, etc., of land on heat, power, etc., furnished, by Capitol which grown ·.---·---.-.-· 1000 power plant, to be reimbursed there- associations of owners growers, etc. - . 1000 to _____________________ _ ______ _ _ _ _ 1274 made by member of designated board Supreme Court Reporm, em., to be printed of trade; record required .. 1000 and bgund at ________________,,____ 816 records of sales to be preserved and Ggwamu Creek Channel, Brooklyn, N. Yi opened to m¤P€¢l¤0¤; ·-·-·-·-·-—-· 1000 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be boards of trade may be designated as conmade . 1043 tract markets ... , ... _ 1000 Grace and Company, WY R., when located at cash gram terimnals 1000 refund of customs duty to 1577 with official inspection available . 1000 Gffldy, Annie(w1)1ow), providing for detailed reports of transpengicn increased ___,,_____,_,,,.. , ,,.,,, 1666 actions thereof, and members ,__,,, 1000 Grady, Mary F, (www), keeping permanent records of all cash pension _____________ _ _______________ _ _,__ 1640 or future transactions .. 10()0 Gramer, Christina B. (widow), records thereof to be kx and opened pension ____________________________,,, , . , 1655 to inspection of offici . 1000 Graham, Mary E, (daughter), prevents misleading reports of market pension ·jnc%gd ___________________, , , , , 1632 price of grain in interstate commerce 1000 Graham, Plgaoy JQ , provides against manipulation oi prices, pension ,__,________,_______,____,,,,. 1744 etc., by operators .. . ... 1iX)0 Grain (see also Future Trading Act and Grain does not exclude cooperative associations Futures Act), of gmiiillprodueers .. 1000 provisions governing trading in designated, refuses pri_ eges to persons barred by for future delivery .. 187, 998 commimion ... . .. .. ... 1001