Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/283

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1630 EXTRADITION TREATY-oosTA moi. NOVEMBER 10, 1922. made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereo may be observed and fulflll_ed with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof, subject to the aforesaid agreement. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand an caused the Seal of the United States to be amxed. _ _ Done at the crtylgf Washington, this third day of May, m the year of our rd one thousand nme hundred and twenty-three, [SEAL.] and of the Indeipendence of the United States of America the one hundre and forty-seventh. _ WARREN G Hamimo By the President Crmnnns E. Hoentms Secretary of State. m§X°hP¤l§°d6g§h¤;:g§ [EXCHANGE OF NOTES.] my [The Secretary of State for Foreign Relatébns o_{ Costa Rica to the Minister of the United tutes. [Translation.] Rnrusmc or Cosra Rica, Dnranmnxr or Fonarerx Rsmvmons, San José, November 10, 1922. No. 333, B. Mr. Mmrsrnn: From Costa Rican I have the honor to inform Your- Excellency that I have received instructions from

§zc‘i§“_?;‘,“,S°° f°' the President of the Republic to declare on the part of the Government of Costa Baca,

` with reference to the extradition treaty that Your Excellency and the rmdersrgned have just signed, that it is understood that the Government of the United States of America gives assurance that the death sentence will not be passed upon criminals surrendered by Costa Itica to the United States of America for any one of the crimes enumerated in the said treaty, and that that assurance will form an effective part of the treaty and that it will be so mentioned in its ratification. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of my most distinguished consideration. J. A. Conorxano The Most Excellent Mr. Ror T. Davis, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentikzry of the United States of América, SAN Joss. [The .l[in1L~zter of the United States to the Secretary of State for Foreign Relations of Costa Rita.] Lsoyrros or rm; Unrrrzn Smrss or- Amsmm San José, Costa Riba, November 10, 1922. No. 63. Excsnrnncrz l . I"¤‘<>¤¤ Am¤'i¢¤¤ Min- ln signing today with the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of the Republlfl of ’"°"° C°s°° mm Costa Rica the extradition treaty which was negotiated etween the Government of the United States and that of Costa Rica, the undersigned Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America has the honor to acknowledge and to take cognizance of the note of the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of this day’s date, stating that he desires to place on record, on Behalf of the Costa Rican Govemment, its understanding that the Government of the United States assures that the death_penalty will not be enforced against criminals delivered by Costa Elm to the United States for any of the crimes enumerated in the said treaty, that such assurance rs, in effect, to form part of the treaty and will be so mentioned in the ratifications of the treaty. _ _ In order to make this assurance in the most effective manner possible, it is agreed by the United States, that no person charged with crime shall be extradrtable from Costa Rica upon whom the death penalty can be inflicted for the offense charged by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the charge is pending. _ _ This agreement on the part of the United States wdl be mentioned in the ratificatrons of the treaty and will in effect form part of the treaty. I avail myself of this occasion to renew to Your Excellency the amurance of mY highest and most distinguished consideration. Rov T. Davis His Excellency Srzizon nos Joss Awnmis Conoxsno, Seaetary of State for Foreign Afairs, Etc., Etc., Etc., Sas Joss.