Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1013

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. L 999 * TITLE 81.-—·1t0NEY Mlnz shall- call a meeting of the commimioners at such other l time as he may -dé€m`¢01lvtnie¤t. _ Ifjg-appurs by suchexaml- c lumen and test. that thwe coios do not dimer from the atandercl a

44.·m~§ audweizhi bf ( woofer quantity time ip alloyved by {

· 4,,44-_ me trial shall he coimwrcd {od reported as_satldaetory._ gp 144»wev<·s·, any greater deviation from the @1 jstantlartlol-_ t F weielat appears, this {act shall be certlhed to the Prwident; and. L'] i1‘.'··n a view of the clrwmmncm of the case, shell so 41~4·4i·l4·. the oGleers impllcgted ixi the gror shall be thence-_ 0 l`4·z*w:1l‘<ldisqualified frjom holding their respective odlcea. (B. S. t -§::L147; ”'— .—‘ "_· t 364. gtindnrd troy pond for rcg¤latio¤ of ¤®@8¢·e-··B‘or e ml purpose of securing n due, comfermity in weight of the colhs t 441 me United States to the ol! the lawserelatlng to_ 1 4-..1444444e, the standard troy pound of the Bureau ot. Smudengde R of the United 'Stategi shall robe the standard troy pouncl of the S ' mint or the llnimé "Smtes, co¤£erme&y to which the eoiuage _E llwreof shall be regulated _ (B..‘_$. § 3548;—Ba1~. 4, 1911, c. 2%, g1,'%,s1:§t.1354.)» x' n _ ‘ 4, _ 1 365. Standardweights for mints md _•ssny·o§e¢s.-4—It,¤hell, 4 he the dutyot the Director of the Mintxo procure”t0r,.meh~mlnf c

41141 f1S9·&_Y_0&CQ, to be kept safely therwt, a series or stehdard `;

wo.§;·‘hts eorremondimlo the stanélard tmy·pou¤d· of the·B¤· i mm` ot Stms@rd§ of the U¤lted_.S>t4teS*,-consistl¤g·of 5 one- ’e p<·el14l wrelght one the Nfmislte fsuhdlvislous and multiples 4 1l;4»;·4>of, froui the part of 4 grain- to`; twentyyhve 'p4»4£114ls§ The troy wdght ordinarily employed in the .tra¤eg 4 1l=‘ll(l!lS' ofeuch mints aud_qg;sfay’o@ces shall~be reguleted ac—‘ 1 (*(•l'lllHg to the above étnudards at least ¢mee-l1; every year} 4 ,lrlllllQl’ the~i¤spedjloh___o£ the superintendent and tassayjer; and ,4 al{e’acc‘ura]cy.ot thoserlsed ntthe mlm: at Philadelphia shall ·be_ 1 weiell ‘exmeaH!.·¥$ M presence of the amy commlssionerg," at 4 me time of-tlgemmual exxmindtion and teet ofeolns. (R. S. -1 § $:1145; Mer. 4, 1911,4:. NS,} 2, 36`Stat. 1354.) l _ ’ ‘ · 366. Dcdreetilm of obverse workihg ®.->—The 6 oliveree 4 ·w4»rkleg tile; at each mint khall, atjthe tend Of.€’&¢h'C8l€Dd11! F mlr. he éefwed and destroyed bY·the£.I¥l[!€!}Dt9HdEBt ot coin- _1 4::2: ,d~e'{mrtment ln presence of the superlnteudeng and 1 a¢§a;fer. (Bj 8. { 3556; A6;. Q, 1912,42. 350, `S _1, 37 Stat. 4 . ::s¤4;€·Jae. 3, ,19%, c. E. Q Sgt. Hm.) . `_ l · 4 r 367. Cetnqge for fo~reipl»c,ou1•tries.+—It shall he lawful for 1 4·.4»lr1a;:e`·to be executed at the mints of the UnitedNStatee for _

1115* foreign country applying forlthe same., occordlng to tho 1

.· hxally sta11daf4g1s_,gu4r devices of such copuitry, `lxfldcr 1 well reguhtiene as the Secretary of the Trenmry mtly pre- 4 swibés sed, charge fox; the shall be"eqt1al `lo the 1 eiqnenses thereof, includlugflnhor, material; md gse of ma- 4 l·h_iner;v, tohe Exed by the Director offthe Minh ‘vrlm·the ap-

e1 ot the Secretary of the Treasury: `Pfovided, That the 4

Jmouufnéture of meh` edn ehall not interfere with the required 4·4»lua¤e or the’E¤lted States. (Jan. Q, 1874, e. .19, QQ mat. 6.) L1 ssa. Nena:. ud um new mae; •e `Phfhdelplnli 4 _ Mlm;-Dim `oéfln `ndflemal character may *be executed by the Q ¢*m;rd1re1·,· md ,rr¤tlo¤el·g¤d other metals etrmrkl by the lmperim- »_ 1 lcmleut or colnlug department of the mint _•t, Fhiledelphin,._ j under sueh pgulntiom as the‘·¤upe1rintemle¤l;, with the ‘ up- 4 pwvol of the Director of the Mint, may_ 4: xqlhe, Buch work' 1 hhall hot, hovieve—r§` interfere {with the reiulnr QMBEILQQ opera- · tion;. and no private metgl dies shall he ;$remred at ply mint, { or the ma.ehl@ or emulates, thereof he jo: 4 .~ that, pm- ·

 '(R. S. I NE1; hug; %, 1912, e. 359, O 1, 87·‘i8t•l:. W;. l

Jan.§,119¤,e.·&,424S&t.i1®.)‘ ·· ._ _ _`4` -

 Money   fron   gd   éevereé ‘4

_ from aH.wrge¤<¤¤d 1 <l¤ctlom·‘on ‘¤d km gold` mn nhrer bpmoa the mmm 4 fect:greMmeMln,~ud£:romnll¤hersoi1rees.‘e%tn;spro4 vided hy anu, tem tlhe to E into the Treasury, no part cd·s¤eh·d@¤c¤on•`o; l 1:

Ann rrmycs § 374 barges, or profit on silver or minor coinage, shall bgégxpended u salaricg or wages- All expenqiturw of the mints and assay meas, Abt herein otherwise provided ict. shall be paid tram nppropnjiations mhdé by law on estimates furnislgned by the iecretéryjci "tbe, Treasury. (R. S. § 3552.) _ · — 370. Tfansfcr of bars to débcsitary; redemytivn of ¢¤é1¤ cer·· iica-tep ar exchange for gqld wins.-—g·Thc Secretary ot the Pregsury may, from time fo dine, trarisferto the omce of the Jnitéd Btqtes depositary at NcwTY0:·k from the bmlioq {npc} it xhé assay. cmcc at Ngw Yoxk; reéned gqm bars beating hé United States stamp of »§.ne·ness, ietghg and value, or mrs from any 'melt, of · foreign golf! com —or bullion of ·stan;1ax·d · equal ga or above that- of » the United States ahd may awly he same tb` the redemption of com bertihcatm or in exchange For gold coinsat not lessthan gud not legs than tm market ralue subject go éuch. regulations as hé may prescribe.; (Juné

  • .2, -1874, c. 4.19. 18 Stat. 202f May 29, 1920, c. 214,5 1, 41 '

§t;qt.654,&5.)_` ·_ i t _· 371. Dgcimd system estéblish1aé.—-=—The‘mcney at account nt the United States shéll bdexpressgd m ·di>Hars or units,. dimés yhtenthe, cents bfhundxzedthe, and mills orlthqwaudths, a time being the- teqth part of a dollar, a cent the hundredth

•rt,0i a dollar, a/ gpm the tlmusandth part of a doiiarg aqd

i.l1.u¢c0d11ts in the public 0Qcas azidQa11”procec&¤gs in the zburt; shg—l1‘ be kgpt and had tn. conformity to this regulation.—· (·R.‘S. $-3563.): . = _ · L. · . . $72._Vsl¤¤,`T_cf forcig¤—·cd¤g; haw aseert•hd.—-(a) Thg’ raluepf foreign cgiin as expressed. in fthe money df `iccomat of the United States shall m that oi'. the pure metal of such chin mt" standard vglue ; and the· values of the standard coms, in . rh·cu1at$cu_ of the V&1:i0E}$/!l3tiOBS3°0f the wmjd shall bb estianatedi quarterly by~ thé Director of ‘ the Mint sud be pim zlaimcdl by the .Se<ereta1jy of _ the Treasury quarter}! on the lst dai of January, -Aprjl·,_JH}Y,'¤¤1d`9ct0ber_iu each yeér. __(b) FQ1·_ths_pm•p0se` of the assessment ani} `of lutigs. upon mercbandiéc" imported into,. the United States, wheigve: `it is necessary to cbuvert foreign ¢m·ieziey imc éisrreucy of the, Unit;a£1;States, Such conversion, . except as vided in subdikrision (c),"$l;&1l be mgde at the yalues pm- - claimed by thé Secretary of the -f1*rc—»asur·y[ uncieftlse pmvisiems of parggrapk {si) or this séctiqn, tm- me quarter in which the iuemhamiise was exported. { . ·. · ’ ` (g)_'It no? such value has been ~px·qclaimcd, ’m· if the value sb [)!fo¢l&i§1é(I vérieg by. 5 per céqtum hr more from g_ vame ` measured by the buyink rétg in the New York I!1§¥k&£·';8tI¤00I,} mi gw dqybt exportation, conversing: shall be made at a page measured by suc}.; buying rate; For the ot thfé subdivision pinch bu!}¤8 nate éhall ·m the buying rage for §cab!e _ ters mysblc fp the foreign curréixcy so turbo cunvériiwi; n sliakl bsdétermined by the Federal R@serve_Bm1k lfiew Yq niad céttmed daily to the Séégrgtéry of the 'Exmsuryjg who . sha. mqke it public {ai: pitch ti@ ind ‘t0 such extent gs bef deems} necessary. In mcertaiuiug such lmyi¤~§"¤`¢¤e suc}; Federal. Hmmm bank may in its diséieticm (1)¤‘tak"h int! !£·ou— sidéijziiion the lust: asseertaiuqblé trgrnsisctiéus a¤d.qr;0€Zti0¤s, wmther direct or thmnpx thé exéhkhge of "other mrrfneies, md (2) it thefe is no market buying ynte for meh} `mbke tr•us!e:·s,,cslcx1}nte·such` rats · {mm pcmal tranééctimjé and' quotations in demand or time bills of egchgngm (Mig} 27, xm, q. am, 5 m, m sm. ¤».·s2:·m¤y 27, xm, c. 14, g¤§4©:s{u, & Stat: 17; Sépg?,21, 19%, ca 356, Title IV, 5 (¤), 42 SEM:. W4.) · "“ ‘ . ._ ¢ · " .m. Recuihage nf foreign ping.-—Ax1 mzexgn gm maid Sixmr. mma in payment gér moneysxme to the Uniteé States shall, Qéeforc being imwl ’m Jzirculatioiz, be coined spew. ·- 4z.s.•s5m.> .. _ . _ 1 {H. Mexican mins.-··—Tho piecu wromnmnty __ kxwpvn als the quarter, 'éikmh, gud éixteenth of the Spénish.

 dollar, {md _ at- the Mexican dokmr, shall be recgivabla