Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1243

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1229 r TITLE 88.-——PENSIONS; Boxw under any of the rgpeakd laws referred to in section 571 of this title may be prosecuted and punished -111 the same ` manner and- with the same effect as. if said repeal had not " becdntade. (June 7, 1924,-c. 320, § 603, Stat. 630Q) I 5;}-1; Lmitaticn laws not a&`ected.-——Al1 Acts of limitation; whether npplicabie to civil causés and proceedings or to the proseqtntidn of 0Eénsés embraced tin this chapter and covéred by said repeal, shall not be affected thereby, but all suits, pmcecdiugs, 'or prosecutions, whether- civil! or criminal, for museé arising or acts done 91: committed prior t0‘ June 7,1924. maybe commenced and prosecuted within the Same time as if said repeal had not been made} (Jqné 7,'1924,· c. 320, { 604, —13Stat.630.) i ~ — ‘ ‘ , { 574. Partial invalidity; effect of.—#-It. any clause, section, ’ paragraph, or rt of this chapter shall for any reasouhbe adjudged by y court of bompetent jurisdiétiqu to be invalid, ' such judg 1t. shall `not aHgct, iuipair, or invalidate the remainder of is chapter; but shall be ccniined in` its operation m' the`c1uuS€, sentence, paragraph;-·0r part thezeot directly involved in, the ·c0¤tr0vex·sy';i¤ which such judgment has been rendered. (June if, 1924,-tc. 320, { 605,43 Stat. 630.) °`_ _ » 575: Recover'! of altatmeuts in certain cases,-—-—No recovery uf allotments paid prior td August 9, 1921, to beneiiciaries designated under the, Army allotment system =by any”pcrso1; who served in the Army, shall be madé for anygrgxxson whatsot_ cvér. (0ct.·.6, 1917, c. 105, I 2, 401 Stat. 398; ?Jur1e 25,_ 1918, c. 104, § 8, 40 Stuti 611; Fyéb.25, 1919, c. 36, 40 Staf. 1160; Aug. 9, 1921, c. 57, § 17, 42 Stat. 153 ni ’Feb._ 24, }925, c. 299, 4'3 Stat. 964.) l ’576.'Care of alien discharged from military service.--=Tl1e President of the United States is, authorized arid em- ' pcsvcréd towmuke provision fdr suqh cure and treatment qs he may deem advisable of persons discharged from the military or ndval lowes of the United ‘S{#t€t?‘0il account of physical disability pvho are citizensyof any nation at war with a nation withjwbich the United States is ·at war; but sugh provision shall be made only fdr the citizens of u nation that makes suitable provisitm for the dura and trwtment dt persons discharged from militgry or naval tcrcgg ·o¤‘accouut ofrpliysical disability who are citizens of the United States: Provided; That T such mm and treatment shall in no case exceed ti1c..cu1'c and treatmeut authorized by iaw and regulatiohs for members of the ” Army and Navy of the United States di··nch¤rged· from the military or naval servic·e_f6r‘}ikc cause. (Jqly 9, 1918, Z. 143, ·_ subchapter, VIII, 40_Stat._881.) F ` Chapter 11.··-—WORLD WAR _VE'1‘ERANS’ ADJUSTED COMPENSATION. * __

 `1’Am· I.————DEl*;INi’I‘IONS t ‘

Sec.; ci 591. Citatmn. . _ .592; Déiiuitioug. • * . PA!1T'· II.-—-ADJVSTED $EI&YICE CREDIT 001.. Cc»mp·.1tat.i·cQn of amount; maximum-. I · ° ’ i 602. ·Pcr·sm1s to vt·horn_allow¤¤<·es shall not be méde. · 603. Allowance to commissioned or warrant 0Bicer performing home · service not with troops; manner at cumputtng.··cred’it to veteran: part oyersea and part home service; computation ot excluded s!xty·dny period; computaticnpt service of members gf National Guard or Na,tio¤a1_Guard Reserve. ° t Pwr (II.-·—-·GE2§E£;.&L {PBQVISIONS I` '611..A{1just‘cd servicm pay; ndjqéted wrvicé certL¤¢-ata. I 612. Aggnpiitzgttima mr bcrxicfksi time far `makiing; ·by‘ whoxity made; regu- .' I latianmaé to. · , - A _ ‘ 6iB. Transmittal of upplicptim; to Director ot United Mates Vcteranw · . Burma; certidcate accompanying .__· · - ° . 614. _Publicatiox1 otdizest of and —1n!ormnti0¤·rc1atiqg tp tai. 815. Lista at vgternns with amounts ot credits; payments py disburning . c¤cers iumccordanco with. _ _ e 616. Persons pho nga.; make regulations. e

sys, AND m:rERAN.s* RELIEE §·, 601 Sec. _ `6l7. Administrative reports‘to Congress. K 618. ‘B€Il{·HtS €·X0ll}pt ffulll -S€·iZlll‘t* lllldéf p1'0C<*SS illld t3X2lU0!l. · (H9. Unlawful fees. for service rendered; punishment. • P-·.m~ IV.·¢-AD.I§jé?1‘*ED SERVICE PAY 631. 'Ifo whom payable. ` 632. Assignuicnt; to whom payable,. • PAm· V.—·——AI)JUSTI·ID SER.\`I€IE CER'I`IE•`ICA'1`IiS 641. Amounts: time when eertirifutes become op¢—rativ(·; naming and · changing beubficiaries; ts whom amtwhen payable. 642. Loams; on adjusted service -certific:1tcs; wlleu an'¢1_l>g whom made; amounts; interest; sale, discount, ofrediscouut ofnotes secured by certihcatgs; payment of loans; redomption of certlm-a‘tes by Dlrector of United States Veterans? Buroau; redemption by veteran; death _0f veteran ’bQfOf€`01° after maturity of loan; loan basis cot certificates; payments 011 loans iékdiroctor Hy" _ " banks; tees by bank omccrs in' making loans. e. ‘ 6~§3. Prohibited uegotjatiousor assignments oi' certmcmes. 644. Conditions and terms printed on certiiicates. c· 645. Adjusted service-certificate fund; how constituted; appropriations ` L tor; estimites tor. .— · 646. Investment of fuxid. _ .647. Fund available for paymcuts. _ .; _ · Plum: VI-.—qP.\Y;MEN'l‘S T0 VETERAN’S_ DEPENDRNTS .661. Enumeration of preference of depeudeuts.-_ ·· " _(i62. .Depentlent `deiined. » h . · _ _ 663. Ixistallmentg; by whom and towhdm made. _ x 664. ApplicutionLby dependents; how and when made; regulations. 665.- Same-; certiiicates accompany transmittal; contents. _ 666. Asslgpmeuts void; persons to whom pgym-cuts shall not bu made. 667. "Depemlent," "ch1ld,"_"futhe1·,’¥ dud " mother " deuued. _ Pwr VII.·——MlSCEI.LANEOUS PROVISIONS- 681. Authority otadministrative oliicere; appointment of o¤l¤·e;r·>=, em- I -·ployces, ctc.; expenditures. - · ‘ ' 682._Fulse or fraudulent statementsypcunlty. · 683. Estimates by Secretary of War, Secretary ot the Naw:. and dimater. `· PART L-#DEBTINITION,S' Sectibxi 591. Citation.--—· chapter muy; be duh- as 'the °" World Wan Adjusted- ,Compeusatiou Act.? g {Mu; lu, 1924. c. 1537,1 1, 43 Stat. J12I.) ’ _ [ · · · 592, ¥ilnitions.—-—As used in this_ chapter- · . I .'_, . ‘ ‘ (:1) T e term " veteruu includes any individual, a nnegubcxj of the military Olj mural forces of the United States ut any time . ..g1fter April 5, 191,7, and before November 12, 1918; but ques not include (.1) any individual ht. any time duriug such period og thereufter aepm·ated`·fx·om such forces uiuléxj other than honor- ` able conditions, (2) any conscientious objeetor who performed no military duty whatever or refused to weep the uniform, or (3) any alien ut amy time duriug such period or thereafter disi churged from the military or naval foxces ou uccount of his allcuage‘;‘ . I ` _ . — · . < » _(b) The term “0Y&l'S€& service" means service ou shore. in "Europe or Asia, exclusive of Chinn, Japan, und the Philippine Islands; uml service- aqoat, not on receiving ships;- including in [either case the period. from the date of embuykutiou for such service to the date of disembgukutiou on return from sudli serv- = ice, both dateu inéluuiveg c ‘ , _ - _ · ¤ L_ (c) The term f‘ home se1‘vice"’_meuus» all service uml not L oversea sérvicze: ‘_ _ .» . ` (cl) The term "acljust.ed service credit ” menus. the amount 01 the credit computed under the provisions ot Part ll: and (6) Théltélflll " @I’SQH " jncludes a partnership, corporation, j or association aswell as an individualj '(May 19, 1921, c. 157, L2, 43 Stat;121.) ~, ` [_ . PART. II.-·—-ADJUS"D SERVICE CRl·lDIT_

 ’ 601. Cnlnputltitm of hmimnt; muximumu-—-—Tl1e amount of mljunied Detvice Qedit uhull be computed by allowing the follow~

ing sums for eau]. duy 0£‘a1§·tlve bervice, in excess ot sixty days,