Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1333

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1319 2·1T1.1c 1,.2.-·»r111r Secretary of the Treasury. Any person who slrall willfully violate any rule or regulation eo made and promulgated shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction Shall be punished by anne of not more than $500, or imprisonment for not more than two years, or both, in the discretion of the court. (Mar. 27, 1390, c. 51,-§ 1, 26 Stat. 31; July 1, 1902, c 132'G, { 1, 32 Stat. 712; Aug. 14, 1912, c. § 1, 37 Stat. 309.) 96. Jurwdiction over mtablished station, to be ceded before payment ofgcor¤;zensation.——Wllenever any established station or any land or water,. or any part thereof, shall be acquired by the United States under the provisions of this section ani motions S5, 101, and 10310 105 of this title, jurisdiction oven the same shall. be ceded to the United States by any State it wlrielz the same is situated before any compensation therefm shall give paid. (June 19, 1906, c. 3433, § 6, 34 Stat. 301.) _· 97. State health laws observed by United. States- o5cer§.—- The qamrantiueaand other restraints established by the healtl laws nf any State,` res{>ectlng—a11y·ves»els" arriving ln; or botinci to, any port br district thereof, jshall be duly observed by. the o@·ers of the customs revemre of the United States, bye the masters and crews of- the several reycnne cutters, and by the military omcers coumianding in any fort or station upon the seacoast; and all such o@cers—o£ fthe United States shall (althfully aid in` the exeizution of such quarantlnes -and_hea;?Ews according to tlir·ir‘respet:tive powers and within their r pectlve precincts, and as they shall be direeted, from time to time, by the Secretary of the Treasury. `But nothing in this section and set·t.inns 88 to 91 and 112 ;to 114 of this title shall enable any State to collect a duty or tonnage or impost without the consent of Congress. (R. S. { 4792.) _ _ 2 - 98. Vessels for quarantine o§cers.-g-—-'1`ne Secretary `ot the Navy is authorized, in his discretion, at the reduest t of the Secretary ‘of the Treasury, to piece gratultonsly; at the dis-

 ot the Putglic I·lea1thl*·3ervice,_at any of theiaorts ot the
 {Imteil States, to bensed temporarily for quarantine purposes,

auch vessels or lmlks belongng to the United Stnteé as areinot . required for other uses of the National Government, subject to seen restrictionsend` regulations as- the Secretary ot the Navy may deem necessary. to impose for the preservation thereof. (June 14, 1879, N0. 8, 21 Stat. 50; Feb. 15Q’1893, c. 114; 27 `Stat. 449.) ‘ . » .' " - `-_ · t 99. Authority of nodical oB¢ern noting as quarantine o&cers.--—Tlxe medical o$t:ers of the United Stateé, duly ciotlrea with authority to act aa qnarantine owcers at any port or place within the United States, and when pertormlng the said duties, are hereby anthorizedn to take declarations and adminizster oaths in matters pertaining to the administration ot the quarantine laws and , regulations ot the -'United“ States. (Mar. 3,1901, c. ·836,¢31_Stnt. 10%.) ‘ — ‘ 10*9. .·Cornpcn.sation for use of State bnildi¤ge.—V\’lre¤éx·er the proper authorities -*015 a State shall surrender to the United States the use or the building and · dlsinfecting apparatus at n §tate quarantine station, the Secretary ct the Treasury shall be authorized to receive · thed and. to my a reasonable -corupenaatian to the State for their use, if, in his opinion;-[they are n~oc%ry to the United Statg. (Feb. 15, 18%, c. 114, $1 8, 27 Stat. 452.) · , - , ;. `_161. Acquisition quarantine atatiomi ind plant! already

 by Stats or   •athori¤o•.-·—-in   place where

· a quarantine station plant is already by State or lem} authoritia It shall he the daty of the Swrotary of the '1‘@ry,·Be£ore and s station

   and   torvosnm, to   ouch established   and plats, wlta e wmv. of   n- transfer

of the site pleats to Sitka, md whorreror the proper authorities shall be to trwstor the asm or mrrender the to the United States, the Secretary ot the Treasury tsanthorlnodto obtain title thermo:

1·L’BL10 HEALTH § 104 r and use thereof, and to pay a reasonable compensation therefor, l it, in his opinion, such purchase or use will be necessary to the l United States for quarantine purposes and the quarantine stut tions established by authority of this mtion and sections t—%5, é 96, and 103'to 105 of this title shall, vrhen so established. be . used to prevent the introduction ot all quarantinablé diseases. » (June 19, 1906, c. 3433, si 5. 34 Stat. 301.) ‘ , e 102. Establishment of quarantine grounds; trespasises; vio- , lation of quarantine laws.-———The Surgeon General.- with the I §PP_]-°0Y8l of the·SeCretary of the. Treasury, is authorized to [ designate a:1<l.mark_the boundaries of the quarantine grounds p and quarantine anohorages for vessels which are reserved for

use at each United States quarantine station gk and any vessel

p or officer of any vessel or"otl1er. person, other than State or municipal health or quarantine .ofli<·ers. trespassing or other- - wise '“entering‘ upon such grounds or anchoraees in disregard I of the quarantine l:l.ll€S`.8!}d regulations, or without permission [ of the officer in charge of such station, shall be deemed guilty 5 of a miscymeanor and subject to arrest, and upon conviction y thereof be punished by `a Hue of not more than $00 or ire-

_ prisonment for not more than" one year, or both, in the dis-

, eretion of thelcourt. Any master or owner of—any vessel, or . any person violating any prmjision of this seétion- and sections Q 81 to 84; 92 to 94, 99, 100, and 111_0f‘this titiegor any rule or ,7 regulation made ·in acc0rdance‘therewith, relating to inspection » of vessels or relating to the prevention of the introduction ef [_ contagious or infections diseases, or any` master, owner, or · agent of any vessel nxaking a false "steternent relative to the

sanitary condition of said vessel or its contents or as to the

~ health of any passenger or-person thereon, shall be deemed g guilty of amisdezneanor and subject to arrest, and npon con- , wiiction thereof be punished by .:1 fine of not ~mereZ\than $500 . or imprisonment- for not more than one year, or both, in i discretion of the court. (Mar. 3, 1901, e. 836. 31 Stat, 1086.) , ‘ 103. Quarantine stations, ° grounds, and anchrggeae-——'1‘he 5 ‘ Secretary of the 'lfreasury shall have the control, direction, and » management of all `qnarantine_ stations, gromrds, and anchor- · ages establishedfby authority ot the United Statw, and shall . select and designate such. suitablemlaees for "themand estab- ’ lish the `same at such points/_;o_n__gr near the eeast line et the United States or the border of the United States and a toreim U » country, as in- his judgment are best suited for the same and ~ necessary to prevent the introduction ot yellow fever into the · United States; and, his discretion, he may also estahlish at e the group of islands known as the Dry Tortmas, at thervestem

 end el the Florida Reef, and atsgxeh other point or p$nts‘on

? "or near the eekt line of the United States (not to exceed fem- . in the aggregate) as he deems necessary, quarantine grounds, stations, and anchorages, wherent or whereto infected vessels _ · bound fo1'·8l"l]' port in the United States may he detained er . sent for the purpose of being disinfeeted, having their eargees

‘disln£ected‘ and discharged, if and their sick` treated

,. in hospitals imtll all- danger of infection ~ er eontagionl from · such vessels, their- cargoes, passengers, or crews has been. re- ~ moved. (Jane 19, .1906, e, 3433, Y1, 34_Stat. ESQ.) _ · _, 104. Land and water selected for quarantine stations trans- _ ferred from other departments to Secretary- of Treas-ary, · or acquired by l>H1‘¢ha•e or eendemnatierv-—In cases in which · the title to the land and water Iso selected and designated is t in the United States it shall he the dutyct the department, l bureau, or .e&eial of the United States having custody or pos- , session lot such land and water, or any part thereof, not new

 br the Gévernment for other · purposes designated by law, or

‘ of Dry Tortugas Islands, on'. demand -0f the h $@1*ary etthe Trmsnry, to deliver the sanxe into his cuswdy md possmibn for the use of the _Rublie Health Serylee, “ meh delivery by a rsnltable instrument in writing r to be —de1ivered`to the Secretary, of the·‘Treasurr;· That in cases