Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1346

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§ ]()1 TITLE 43.---—Pl in intorént by cononngninity or o&nitj within the fourth do-

 cmpnting by the mics adopted by the common law. (fan.

il, 1%-i,_c. 10, Q 1, % Stal;. %; Mm-. 3, 1925, é. 482, 43 Stat.

  1. 1145.} a ’ i ,,

» wl. Sew by angina: of éiws1i§c¤ion; o of é§cor to ut in dmc of.-:-1t shnll bc tho dutgy of awry r@stcx oo dinqnniincd noi. report theyfnct of his disquoliécation to the Contniixionnr of » tho General Lannl`_O@co, no soon as hc shall noccntain it, and before the hearing ot anon csnw, who there noon; with tho approval of the Socromry. oi tho Interior, shall ticnignnte nomic other rqistcr or especial égcni; of the Land Bcpnrttnnnt to not in _Vti1c piano of the diSqt1a1i§cd·ofiico1f, and me m1nt·_antnority` in contomn on the o@ccr so désignategi which conch; rogintnr .won1d othnrwisc banc possessed to act in such cone. `(Jan. 11, 1@4,`c. 10Q §a 2, % Stat. 26; M&!.)·3, 1§§, c. éw, 43 Stat. 1145.). » _. ‘ G i . i _ i 182. Attendanm of vrii .———Registers in Y nil matters no tuqttiring 1 hearing before them are anthoriud and éinpowored ° to iosno onbpmnns ditocting tho nttonchncc. of €vitn·cssé:§,· which nnhpmno may be scrvcd __by any poison by delivering - R `trtie cnn.? tncroof to ouch mmm, and when norved,·witne;sses shall be required to attend in obedience ° thereto.: Provided, Tha; it iny snnpnnp. be wrvcd under the prévinions of _ this section by any person other than an omcei; authorized by the 1ayvs` of. the United States; or of on State or ,T*E1'I’$t0l‘]_ in which- the dopontiom am when; the service thereoi shall abc pmvcgi " by

 the n§davit of     serving the·S8m£”:_ Pmniqed further;

Thntmid sniapccnon shgll be sersjed within the count? in whiclf nttondnnoc is required; and at lcast Svc days before. httendancc is roqnirod. (Jnnl 31, _1903, c..·344,,§ 1; 32 Stat- _790·) Q . V l 193. Witnc&’ fecméwitncsses shall navé the · right to » ocinn Izhcir foo fotvone defs attentianco and mileage in advance. . Tho tow and xnilcogo of witnewcn shall be the same as that tprovidod by law in »the_di§trict courts of the United Stntés in the Eistrict in which nnch land omcco arc oit11ato•i;’and·`tho` witncm sbp! be entitled to receive his fce'tox· attendance in advance from day to day during the; hcaring; (Jan. 31, 1903, c.3~·i4,§2,32Stat,790.) » . c c “IQ4. %bedimcc to o;bm¤•.?A¤y person, - wgilltully ¤ég·_ » icctim_or réfnsiug obedience to Such shbpccna, or n@ecting or refusing to appear ond testify when subwnctl, his foes honing been paid it démandod, nhol`1 be doomed; gixilty of a·“·misdcmonnor, fo; nviiich ho shall be by indictment in the district court; of tho Unitw Stntcs or, in the district courts of the Tcrritonics éxcrcising the jurisdiction -0f district g courtn _ of tho Unitéd ’Stat&. . Tho punishment for ouch oicnse, pxpon conviction, snail box a Eno of not more than $200, or imprisoh- I gout not to cxocoé ninéty dhys, or both, at the discretion of the conrt: Provided, That if 'onch V witness has boon provctztcd from obeying such. `snbpcmn without fault npon his part hc ohali notwo punished under tho "provisions of , th-is section; · (Jnnh 31, 1993, c. 344, l 3, 32 Stat. 790.) l _ l 185. Depositions of witneaocs residing ontsido county.--! Whcncwcr the nkitnoss ironition otxtsidc tho county, in which the honring occurs any party to tho proceeding xmtyi takcjthe tcotintony 0{/S11£h·Wi[Bé% in the county of snob witncsns, rcoidencc in the form of dépooitionn by giving ten daysf written notice of tho time ond place of taking such depositions to the opposite party or parties. The depositions; may be taken bcforo any _United_Statoo £QI1l.lRiSSi0!l€!', not&x·y_ pub1icQ jndgo or clerk ot n court of 1’€'(.*0f“d.· Subpoenas for! {witnesses bcforo the o@ccr taking dopooitiotnis may inouo from tho o$<:o D of tho ncgiotcr, or may bc innnod by the o§cct· taking, tiic depositions, and disobcdicnco thorcof, no denncd in section 1©·-Q, nhnll also lm pnninhod; and the witncon shall rccoivc tho some toon and milcogo gud bc subject to the some pcnalticn' in nil rcnpocto no in cone of violationof it oubpwun to appear bcforctho rcgiotor, and subject to the nnmo limitations. The

FBLIG LANM ,1332 fees at the y‘0§ccr taking the éepasfticzils shall M the samé as those allowed in the State or Terrlitorial courts, and shall be paid by the ·p¤rty_ taking the depésitilm, and an itcxéized. aeqsmut of the tees shall be made by the c§cer taking the depositimxs and httaclied to , the (Ian; 31, 1903, _c. SM,} 4, §2 Stat. 790; Mar; 3, 19%,%. St&t. }14·$.)

_   Ccmtinaihg taking af dépesitims E   of appasite. psrtyl—4Whe11ev¢r·the taking at any dwcéltieas taken ia

pursuance bt section 195 is cemcludw the sppasfite patty ma;} proceed at onqc at his owxi expense to take ééwsiticus in his owxl behalf, at the same timsand placeisml Miata the same qGcer: Pmvided, · That he shalt,. béfam taking Vc! f mé depositions in the mst instance is eztteredl upcm- Qve 1;o ti;·g to the oppcsiiing party, or my agent or attcmey representing him ih the talmxg of said depositions, of pix intended ‘ to do sp. (Jan. 31, 1903, -0. 344, {5, 32 Slant./791;) _ _ ‘ 7 · 167. _ Penalti far false infcréatm hy rcgidag-——I£ may pesson applles to any register tc enter gay land wmtgver, aut} thé 'rgglsterj °kx10yvi¤glyY_andlfalselyimfcxjms the, IBEFSQQS1 é lm applying that the {same has lalr@dy bee¤_e¤te1~ed, and refuses to pctmit the person 59 applyihgt tc ezitgx the same, register. shdll be liable thenfefqr H0 the QBYSGB so apmyipg, {crt l`; _$5 for each acre of land which the person so &§§lymg omzred to` enter; ‘t0‘ be reccvemd· byuactima of debt in és; ” court of rec0rdY having jlurisdicticn at tbg ammmt: I B. SJ Chapter 5.9-q-LAND DISTRIGPS. c Sec.` · In i ’ , is 2 121. Dlscontinuancs ot land ¤Eces by_Presidem. _122. Disk:ou_t1¤uam:e bf iam c&ces by Secretary Apt Intgrlsr. 123. Cnntinuance at land e&ceg when requiredtby pgbiic ccuvealmee. — 124.-. Ccuoltdntilm it umd cucw. " . · · [ {

 Annexation •t mscazmmm land amse to adjacent district,  

__126. Chimge gt lpchtioxz 91* land {Mee;. V _ · `· “ 127. Change ot boundaries éf iam} dlstrictzy t _ 328. Division br _ éhsmgc of bcmndarics; continuance at kuslnem of · origin;} district. ‘ · ~_ . · . ·‘ 129; 0Qce rent and clerk hire fm- consolidated land o§ces. ` 130.`E1try of publiq Lands in .§tates where 1:6 land- emma {exist. I Suticu`121. Diamtimamm of lmd bi P Upon the Y6€0mB1£lld&£i0¤` df the Commimcm: of the General Land Omcc; appmvcd·¤ by the Sxtétgry of the _I¤teri0r, the President may ¢rd¢r' the dismutimzamza of my land _¢&cc ami the trqmferl ct aqy of its businem ‘ and archlvm to any ether land amen within the sam State or Terrifcry. Q (R. S. § ) · 1% af by Sedans; of hterio:.-··g\Vl1é¤eYgr the quantity ot publié-la¤dE1jemsi;1 i¤g zmmld iu. axiy land dist.rlct» is reduced to a mimbexj of acres kw than cme hugdred §h0~usand,·lt shall be duty ci the Secretary at mg Interior to discéutlxme the land omce of "suich district; and if any land in. any such __distx·ict remains ugasold at the timé bt thé discontinuance of a land ¤$<:e, the same be subject to sale- at some one: at éxlstingland _Q@<§&S· most mm grexziexxt to, tke ilistrfict in which the land éwa hs; been ¢lis· `ccntiimed, of which the Secretary at the Interior mall give notice. (RQS. {2248.) y _ _ ‘ . — _ a W 123. Cmtimsaxwe .¤f lsmd o§cg when required by publk c0:1venic:xcc.——Tlle Secretary éf the Interim: may €0§BtiHH€` any land district its which is situated the smt of government? at any one of the St&te»g,.a11d mgy continue the land aww i:i_ such dlst.rictQ amtwithstaudilzg the quantity of land nasal;] in Buch district my not ammmt to one hundred thousand acres, bwlxéu, tin his cpl-ni01:?.,· stick ,c<;ntin¤iamce is required by publig: comrexllence, or tu order to close the land system in such State.? (R. S. 9 22&9.) ‘ -‘ . 124. Cansclidnioxx of land o$ces.···-—It shall be the duty or the Secretary of the Interim: to écmsolidzlte the _ di,st:fict land omces where pmcticable and cimsistent with the public igte`r— I estsi (Aug.,§Q 1892, c. 380, 5.1; 27 Stat. @8.) .