Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1423

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1409 TITLE 4s.s-rc 1116. Prefercaeeaf panda; mtrleag appeals.--A11 entries or tmm sites prior to May 14, 1&0, on application thereafter made unda- this division ofthia chapter,~s1;alI have pref- ¤ nance at the local 1aud·0Ece of the ordiuarj business of the ‘ emce and shall be determined as speedily as possible, and it an appeal shall be taken from the decisiop ct the local qtiice in any such case to the Commissioner of the General Land ()@ce, the same shall be made special, and disposed df by him as expeditkéusly as the edutieseof his pmce will permit, and so i1' an a@1 should be takeh to the Secretaryiof the Interior. . and all applications, prior to May 14, 1890, med in the proper. lend eme shall have the same force and effect as if. `made under the pmvisiéus pt this division of this" chaptef, and upoh me application ot the trustees herein provided for, or of the cmumissioner after January 1, 1899, such entries shall be prosecated to Hnallssue in `the names of éyzch trustees _0r_ c6mmissiener twitheagt other toimalityg and when dual entry is made ‘ the title ot thé`U¤ited Stats to the land. covered by such entry shall be conveyed tc said tl'\lSt€$"01‘ commlssioner for the uses ` and purposes herein provided, _ (May ,14, 1890, ·c. 271, l 6,

.36Stat. 110.) I, ·` .h ` _— · ‘

_1—l17.`A§tb9rity, daties, and campcaaatkm c( truateea.—The trustem appointed `xmder this diilstou ot this chapter, or the cemmiaaienerafter January 1,`1@9, shall have the powexf to ad-· minister oaths, to har and determine all cgmtroveraies arising ia the aztécuticu of- this divisicn ot this chapter, ishall keep a record of their proceedings, which shall; with all papers tiled with them and all evidence of their cmcial acts, except convey; aucea, be Hled in the General Land 0Gce arid become partof. the recerdacf the mmqand all conveyaucea executed by them

 be acmcwleéged before an omcét duly authorized for that

pqrpese. They &all be allowed prior to January 1, 1899, such cempenmmm as the Secretary 0£_ the Interior may prescribe, rmt exceeding _§10 ge}é_ dai while actually employed ;" and such ujavellng and other necessary expenses as the Secretary may authorize and the Secretary ct U1€tI!lt€l'i01' shall also provide them with @emry clerical tqrceby detail or otherwfsef (May 14, 1&0; c. 207, { 7, 26 Stat. 110.) f “V · 1118. Tana site llawa _¢¤ Cherokee ,0utlet.·-¥—The proeiaiona ei this diyiaieu of this chapter are made applicable to the terx·itcrg_ lmcwu as the " ®er¢‘Kee 0utlet," and priot to

 1, 18%,1 part ct the former '1‘errlt0ry°·ot Oklahoma.

(Sept, 1, 1%, Ne. Q, E Stat. 11.) _· - · - 1115. Vaaatian of tain dtes; homestead entries; tale.-—¥I¤ eau mm when-aa~ tem ste, er an addition to a. wwn site, eateted under t!ae·_p1·0visloaa,0f aectieu 1®4 of this chapter "shaI1 tge vaeated,1¤ aceordanca with the lawr of Oklahoma, and patents for the public reservations in auch vacated town site, er ad&ttea thereto, have mt it shall be law·· tai tes: tm Gempaissicmar ot the Ge¤era1.La¤d upon an cmciai showing that ‘ sua hewn site, or additic¤`the1¤eto, has mea vacated., and upeu payment ‘ ot the hemenead price for such meaervatwua, to ima a patent tar auch _%rva¤o¤a to the larigual ‘*If the wtryman shall fail or nmeet te make awltcation ter the jgmervatlana within air mgmtha from the mamueu of su@.to1m site, or from May 11, ·1%6. the l’§l'T8(i0I1§'Bh£li.b6!%b]¢¢ to di u¤•t1er_the _ ppoviaiena Act aectien 1171 bt this title. ‘ (May 11, 1896, c. 168, §1.®8tat.116.)t 1 ‘ _ ._; _ °j‘ Salejei eamicd totes; sites.--·It a patent 11% prior to May 11, 1&B, or shall tmreattar issue, to: any auch regrvation, to any or muuidwmi. a¤& tmm ear mupidpality, upon the vamtion of the tmfu site or addition thereto; as a$0@i§,· may @1 the mm at vubiie er ps-lvata nh to tm highest bidder after daya’ mbug néttm at jmck mln, and mare: said lands to the www by and dt eenvegaam, am cover the proceeds ef.m& anla. late the •ehe01.iu¤&`¤t such tem; ca mimidpalityz hvvilad, That. whua, hy ramp of tha 8627°°·····;··2$—···—·—·8° [ · _ ‘ I

VBLIO LANDB § 1132 vacation of an entire town site and all its additions, the municipal organization has ceased to exist, thereservations in such vacnted toyvn site which may have been patented to the town may be disposed of ns isolated. tracts under the provisions ot section 1171 of this title; (May 11, 1w6,_c. 168,1 2, 29·Stat. 117.) _· LAN`DS_IN GREER COUNTYI 1131; Homestead settlers on lands in Greer Connty.——Every person qualified under. the homestead laws of the United States, who, on March 16, 1896,. was a bona tide occupant of land within the territory established as Greer County, Okla-_ homa, shall be·e_ntit1ed to continue _ his occupation ot such? land with limprovements thereon, not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres, and shall Tbe allowed six months preference right from January 18, 1897, within which to initiate his claim thereto, and shall be entitled to perfect title thereto under the provisions of the ht»;n_estead law, upon payment of land omce fees onlyr at·the expiration of nre. sears from the date 'ot entry, except that such person shall receive credit for all time during whichhe or those under whom he claims, shall here continuously occupied the‘sa1ne'prior_`to March 16, » 1896; ‘Every such tperson shall also have the right, for six rnonths prior to all other persons, to purchase at $1 an acre, in _tlve equal annual payments, any additional land oi which he was in actual possession on. March 16, 1896, not exceeding one ‘$ hundred and sixti acres, which, prior tosaid date, shall have been cultivated, purchased, or. improved by him. “When any person entitled to `a homestead or additional land, as above provided, his the head of aeffaxnily, and though still living, shall not" take such homestead or additional land, within six months from January `18, 1897, any member of such family over, the nge of? twenty-onei_ years, other than husband .or wife, shall succeed to the right to tahe. such, homestead or additional land for three months longer, and any such member of the family shall also have the right to take, as before pro- 4 vided, _ any eicess of additional land actually cultivated or lmproved prior to March 16, 1896, above the amount to which such head of the iamilyls entitled, not to exceed one hundred and sixty acres to any one person thus taking os a` member of such family., _ · _· ;_ r - J ._ — _I.n case ot thedeoth of any settler who actually established reside11®` end made improvement on `-land in said Greer County prior to March 16, 1896, the entry shall be treated as having accrued at the time the residence was established, and sections 164 and 171 of chapter 7 of this title shall be applicable thereto. ·_ — .  »' · Any 'persom. entitled to such homestead. or additional land shall have the rlght prior to January 1, 1898, from January A 18, 1897, to remove all crops and improvements he may have .on·la°nd nottaken by him. . j * Y Riaht of purchaser.; from Texas to perfect title under homestead Iowa.-g-—The· above provisions of this section are .so cx- ` tended as to dllow parties who, prior to March 1, 1899, have , had the beneht `ot the homestead laws of the United States, , t ond who had purchased land in Greer County from the State `of Texas prior to March 16, 1896, to perfect ti~tIes to said lands according to the provisions of this section. under such " regulations esthe Commissioner of the General ·Land Oilice ·may nrescribe, and according to the legal subdivisions of the public surveys; lfino ndverse rights have attached: Proridcd, That no settlershall be permitted to acquireto exceed throea , hundred and twenty acres under this provision. —(Jon._ 1Q,

 1897,}:.   1, % Stnt.1897; Mar. 1, 18Q9, c. 328, 3Q Stat.

t 1182. Umunpid lands subject to homestead entry only.--- QA11 lend in said county not occupied, cultirntechor improved; as i provided in the ilrst section of this diirision of this chapter, or ,not Included within the limits. of nnyftown site or reserve ·