Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1457

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1443 :·m·La 45.--1 . uadu thH umm cqmmencw wimln , twc yem·s· from: me day aha. awa at scum: accrwd. ‘ ’ Undef this chapmf as acticu my be bmughtl in a district mart ci we United is 5 district of the residence of xm ar in which the wma of umm amse; om an ~ which tha éef®dmt wall be dam; l l ~x { at {ke? time at E mmmming scmé. Tha V ct the courts Qt me Gmited under thisaidiapter shall M cmcurreat with mat af the courts of the wwwa! States, uml nb case arising mae: - tim chapter and brwght tg may State court ct_ compe+ia»ut' jurwhctiaa sw}! be 1—mcved·to any —c<mrt ot the United. Statw. (Apr. 1988,1:. 149, § 6, 85 Stat. 66; Apr. 5,_ 191% c.¤14»3, {1, 86 Sta;. %1?}_ “  » j · . 57. Wim inclaécd in term “ comma}: carrier.”¢¢—Tha term “ eazzaman cum: " as used in mis chapte1t‘sha1l_ ipclude the

—<·<;~s·iv~e:· cr rebaivers or cthér pcrsans 0: c0rp0réQtions· charged

xviii; {lm duty at the management, and operation of the busi- nlexlq ai `aj commas carrie:. (Apt; 22, ‘1%8, cj 149, § 7, 35 Sim;. $$1} · · l ’ _. I _ I { 58. Duty or Iiabfiily af ¢9B\R1~—01‘l,¢8Tl§€l'$ gm! -right$ cfemplayees under othe1·»A¢i:s not immired.i{—N0thing in thié ¢hap5 wr shall be held to limit theaduty or liamility pf; common carriers or tc iwmir the rights bt {their §mp1oy¢gés‘ under any

  • atlas: Act or Acts 6f·CGI1§1‘€SS.· (Ap1·.{22, 1908, c,`149, § S,
 gsm; 66.). ” l A . . — WH _   _`

59. Survival nf riéhi of,. action of pe¥€0;;1 injured:-—Any` riglgt of action givén by this chapter to I person suicxiug mjury shall survive ic his at her personal ‘@-grcisemtativeg fdr me §mm§t of the surviving widow 01* bus W d and A children. xsf usual: employee, aud, if none; than Y of §u<;h‘ ’empl0yee’s params; and, °if none, then of thé next Qfkiir dependent »up0n suc?} employee, but in such cases there shall only one recovery for the same injury. (Apr. 5, 1910, cQ M3, §·2, 36* Stsitf @1.) ‘ li ‘ ’ K Y Claapfér 3.-Q-yH0URS _0F SERVICE OF Sec. ‘ . 431. Cgrriers and transp¤;·ta.ti¢m` subject to provisiousél pt chaapter'; · l "1~a!!mad’¥ and “emplcye&¤"‘ dimmed. · _ " . 32. Emu at cuntixmmzu &grvic·e limited. · 3 ‘ “ {33. Pengity; wits therefor; exceptkms from operation of ¥RAct. 64._ E¤{§;ri:2m¤&§t by llntarsunu Commiswon. ‘ A 35. —Esta;bl1ahm¢¤t at eigm-hour . i $#5. Panalg 10: vlalmlon. , I - ‘ ,;Y

 Q1. Carriers and transportation uuhicqt Qc pmvie

sions af chapter; “ r•il1·@ ”q•nd 1 " ” provisions fc! this chapter shall apply` tq ih! Mrrier gr, their BQGSTS, www B-Bd in the trwsportatim of ar property by milzmcl in the Dmrm at Columbia or any Territory M the- United Stat@, lm- `tgcém cm State Q1- Tgrrit0ry· at yzhe United Sums or the

 Dlswict ict Columbia 4 to any other State ar Tegritcry of the

United Statm ms t.b»c District of Golumbia, or {mm any placg in the {halted 8tatm tb . an adjacent famelgu ¢§m1try, cr from may place in tw United Stétaa through a mreiw écxmtry to may lama pines in me United .8tat&.` The term " railroad -" ‘ as md in. this shall include all bzridgék and ferries used gr ommted in mmmcticn with any railrmé, and aim all the mad lu use by any Qcmmca °mrrier epemtiug Ta réuilrcad, whether Gwzwd 0:; omrateé qndar A cnntmct, agreement, or lease; mm tm ‘?amp10y¢es*’ as umd in chaptert shall held to mean persons actually engaged ia or ednpectedl with msnwvmxmt cglmy tram; (Mar. 4,;1907Q c. ¥ % $”1,;34.S!;at.'$1415.), , " 4 _ - _ e 62. Hmm af scrvimé =limiteH.··;·=··~It slislil ba unlawful .t01.·.a:ny_ common n.®,I'}‘¥&1?, its cmueré Qc: .age¤!;a, subject to this chapter 7 tg require or permit any emplcyw mbiaci; tlc ¢mptex· to be or mmaixx mz duty for a·1<mgcr period g i n mma cansecutive hmm, and whenever _ any such emsloyas nt Such` com-·. mon carrier shall have bwn continuously on duty tar slxtéeu.

euLho4,os § 55 hours heahail be retieved and not ,r@ired or perditted again to go on duty until he has had fat twat ten coaeecntire more od duty; and no aoeh employee who has been on dntysixteen hours in the aggregate in any twenty-foenr>hour period ahall be required or permitted to continue or again go on dety with out having had ·at least eight `conecécative hears a od daty: K Proo£dce!,"1‘hat no operator, train dispatcher, or other who by the me of the _ telegraph or teiephone dispatches, re-»

 ports, transmits, receives, or delivers orders pertaining. to or

affecting train movements sha}! be required or permitted to be t or remain on duty for Ya longer period than nine chonra in any

 tweu.ty-four-hour period in all towers, o @eee, places, and
 stations continuouely operated night and day, ner for an longer

tperiod than thirteen hours in ali towers, officee, pieces, and §_$tations operated. only during the daytiwe, except, °m case of

 emergency, when the employees neared in this proviso may he
 permitted to be- and remain on duty for fear `additional hoare,
 in aa twenty-fo‘hr·hour,, xwriod on not exceeding three days in

‘ any week': Rrovtdcd further, The Ieterstate Commerce Ceom·‘ mission may- after! fell hearing, in 2 particular ease and for ‘ k good catise shown extend the period within which a conernon , carrier- shall comply with the provisions of this prorieo as to

 such case. (Mar. -4, 1907, c. 2939, § 2,34 Stat. 1416.) ( i

‘ 63. Penalty; shits therefor; eiceptions from of Act.-——Any such common carrier, or any officer or agent thereof, requiring or permitting any employee to go, he, or remain on ddty in violation of the here preoedtng section or this chapter shall be liable to a penalty of not less than $169 nor more than $509 for each and; crery rioladon, to he recovered in a suit or g suits 'to be broughttby the- United States district attoraeyin

 the district court of the United States having jurisdiction in W

1 the locality where such violations shall `hare been eemmittm};

 and it shall he the duty of suchdistrict attorney to brgng each

Ysuitc upon satisfactory information being lodged with him-; hat no such suit shall be brought after the expiration of one year froqn the date of such- `riolation; and it shall aleo he the daty or he Interstate Commerce Comxnisston to lodge with the proper district attorney information of any each rtoiationa aa may come to its knowledge. In all proeiecntioaa sander chic chapter the common carrier shall be deemed to have knorriedge of all acts or tall its omcerse and agents : Proeided, 'Rzat the provisions ot this chapter aha}! not dnply in- any ease of casnaltyyor m£aroioa¤1e°—ace1oeat.or the act of God; nor where the delay was the, result of an cause not known to me carrier or its oiticer; or agent in charge of each employee at the dmc mid employee left a ·terxniuaI; and which coald not hare been foreseen} Prortdcd further, That the provisions of this chapter shall not appl? to the crews ot. wrecking or retiet trains. {Mar. 4, 1907, c. ww, 5 3, 34 Stat. 1416; May 4;, 1916, c._ 199, § 1, Stat. 61.) p ~ - »_ g _ 64. Enforcement by . Interstate Coaerai hn.-·It‘ 'shail he the duty of the Interstate Gommerce Comxnim§_on to execute and enforce the provisions . ot this chapter, and an powers granted to the Interstate Commerce Commission are

 hereby . extended. to it in the execution` ot this chapter. ( Ma r.
 4, 1907, c. _%S9, { 4, 34 Stat, 1417..) · _~ ~ ‘· · "

rt 65. Establishment of eightehoar day.—;—·~—Eight hours shalt, in

 contracts for labor and` service, he deemed a dayfa work and

the measure or standard ot a dayta work for theporpoee of reckoning the eompeneatton for services ot an Mexnpioyeca who are now or may hereafter be cmptoyed by any common carrier by railroad, except railroads independently owned and operated not exceeding icne hundred rnilea in length, electric

 railroads, `and u electric interurhom railroads, which is

aubject to the provisions ot chapter 1, Title 49, ‘I‘aazrsr·oar.x— mom, and who are now or may hereafter he actually engaged in any capacity in the operation of trains used for the fransportation of peraons or property oarailroada, except railroads independently owned and operated not exqeeding one hundred