Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1475

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{1461 Trane 46 titled to the beoeéts of e ship built and recorded ln_ the Unite states, &a1l be recorded, in the omce ot the collector ot the dll trict io which such v&1 was built., in the mmmer following The builder or every such vessel shell make oath before th eolleetor · of such dietriet in manner following: “I, (insertiu here me heme ot such builder), of (inserting here the place ·o his residence), shiowright, do swear (or umm) that (descril ing here the kind of vessel, as whether ship, brig, ence mhooeer, sleep, or whatever else)- named (inserting here th nemo ot_ the ship or vessel) ,-_ having (inserting here the- uumbe of decks}, arldbeiog in length (inserting here the number c f;—et‘), lu breadth (inserting hse the dumber ot feet), iodept (inserting here the number-.of feet), nod mmsurlng ·(ir1sertii1 here the number ottons), haviing (specifying whether any o eee) gallery, and (else specifying whether ·e,¤j_ or no )` head, _·wa built oyms or under my direction at (‘ the place, count; and State), in the United Stetes, in the year (lusertinihex the number of the year)." hwhim oath shellbe subeerlbed b the person making the eame, end shall be. recorded in _¤ boo to be kept by the collector for that pumose, (BQ S. I 4180.) 55. Certiiecate of ·record.—A eertldcate of the ·1‘é¢ord, e* tested under the hand and owl of the collector, shall be grante to the mesta of every each yeesel, es nenrli es maybe, of th {0i‘IH_fou9W'#11§Z “In pursuance of chapter 2 of Title A6, of tk ‘ Code of the Luwsot Unltm States ot 4morl¢¤,,1,l(;¤¤eru¤ i here the home of-the eolleétor of the districf), ot (inserting hel the name of the district), m' the United States, do certify the (inserting here the rnameot. the builder), ot (inserting here th place yot his residence, county, and State), having sworn . (0 odirmod) that the (describing the ship or vessel, es in the certli cate of reeord) · named (inserting-here her name), whereof `( lz sorting here the neme ot her master) is, at present, rooster, we built at (inserting here the name of the place, county, and Stat where built) ,_ by him or under his direction, in the year (lnserw lug here the number of the yeer)`; and `(iusertingihere th more of the surveyor, or other person, by whom the measure ment shall have been made) having certihed that. the sglid shi dor vessel has (lxiserting here hex: numberoi decks), is in lengt _(lu` here tthehumber of feet), in breadth (`ixrsertlhg he: the number of feet), ir: depth (inserting here the number c feet), and measures ‘( inserting herei the nirmberof tolls) : An the said builder a11d.(¤amiugiaud describing the owner, c master, or agent for the ownerior owrxers, ae the ease may `b by whom the sold certiilcate shall have been Q0l1l1té1'$1SH€d) hw ing ogreed·to the said dweription and &dlI1€&SH¥&m€H€,`théEl reseel has been recorded, in thedistrict got (inserting here th mlme of the district where arecordedl), io the United State dwitnese my hand arid eeallthis (inserting here the day of tb -mooth; dey of (inserting here the name of the mouth); ip tl: year (laisertiag here the nmuber of the yar)? `Which eertmcat elmll lm recorded in the omm of the eolleetor, and n dilplleal thereof transmitted to C‘mnmlsoior1er·of Navigation to bear · corded in his emee. (R: S. 5 4182; July 5, 1884;, c. 221, 23 Stat. 118. 55. Change of inter or name of rmrded. vase}; indorse meet on certiieste of rece¤d.—-—-Whenever the master or th more of h vweel so __ recorded is eheuged, the owner, pm owoeiy o ° uslguee of such vessel shell cause n- memorendm ‘ thereof t'o%lmdorsed oe the certldeete of thexeoord, by th · collector of he district whereigsuch vessel they be, or at whié _ she shell hrst arrive it sueh tdmnge took place in A foreign com try; and A copy thereof shall be entered in the boolget reeord etreuecript whereof shall be treuemltted by the collector to tb collector of the district where such certidcote was greeted, 1 not the same person, who ohall enter the more in his book < ' records, and forward a dupllcateot such entry to the Cemmla stoner ot Navigation; and yin such cose, until the owner, pm owner, or eomimee ehallceuee the memrendum to be med by the collector, in the mounexj above prescribed, meh ren

F.-~SHIPPING § 71 cl shall ,· not be deemed a I vesw recorded, in pursuance oi this s- Jchapter. = (B. S, 5 4183; July 5, 1884, c._221, _23° Stat. 118.) ·: 51._P1'0dH¢ti0R of oertihcato on entry.-—-The meeter or other .e_ Qperson havingtbe command or charge ot any vessel, recorded g in pursuance of this chopter,. shall, on entry ot, such vessel, di produce the certlhcate ofw snch reeokd to the collector of the >· district whereehels eo _ entered; and in default thereof the 3, vessel shall not be entitledy to the privileges ot to recorded le vessel., —(R; S. 5 4184.) · ‘ - _ lr __ 58.· Penalty for niisconduct by o§cers.¥-livery collector or pr o&cer who knowingly makes, or la eoucemeé in making, any ‘ h Qfaleo regiatc-zr`·ol· record,. or who knowingly grants on la een- ‘ g .cemed in` grautlng, j any _ false zcertlhcate of registry or Jrecord ' lf of or fo; any vessel, or any other false {document whatever L; touchlugpthe same, contrary to‘ the tfue intent and meaning yi of this ‘ chapter, or. who, recelvm any "voluetar;v reward or ee gratuity for- any of the services performed, pursuant thereto ;“ .y and every surveyor or other person appointed to measure any lk vessel, who pwillfnlly delivers to any collectof or `eomptroller ot customs a false description of snob vessel, to be re§stered or t- recorded, shall be plmisbable by a hoe of $1,0w, and he rea- ,d dered incapable of Serving ln. any o&ee of trust or prom under .8. the United States. .(B.;ES._ {4187 ;_Sept.· 21, 1922,, c, 356, 5 5%, lg 59Q Penalty for llegléd _ 6$¢¢1‘8·-—If M! P€¥‘¤°¤ ¤\K¥¤¤°·' re `izéd and requlred by this chapter to perform, as an o§cer, any xt abt or thing, willfully neglects to do or perform the aaxee eele oording to the true intent and_mmnlhg` of wapter, he shall, uw if not subject to the penalty. and dlsqeellnwdon in 1; the preceding section, be punishable by e Hm of ww for the 1. ilrsit offense, and by a` like due to: the second @’e¤e;” am ls" d shall thenceforth be rendered lncapeblefot holding any ome ol B ‘ tiust or profit under the··United States. '(R. S. 5 4188.) g- 60. Penalty tfor fra¤dnIenL:e$¤r;,:—lY'henever any eertlh- ,8 cette of ._ registry, enrollment, or llcense,·or other record or B. · document granted in, lieu thereof, to any vessel, la knowiqly P and fraudulently 0bt&iH€(I_~01` used for‘any‘ vwgelmot entitlw 1] `to the benefit thereof, such vessel, with her tackle,. apparel, ya and furniture, shall be liablé—‘to.forfeiture. ;(R, S.` 5 41%.) ,g 61.__ Sea letters; to what vweela issuedl——No sea letter or ,,1 other document certifying} or A proving any. vewel to he the . ,1- property of a— citizen Oftthé United States shall behissued, exeepb G, to vessels duly registered or enrolled and licensed as eess$s V,. of the Uinlted States, mi to vessels which shall he wholly oweed _d · by citizens o{ the United States, and- furnished with or entitled me to sea letters or other cpetomhooee documents;. (R. S. ‘$ 4190.} Bp 62. Makingf or `aeing jorgd Y §I§€l'8»·····E\’€l'] person who ,6 knowingly; makwgb utters, or publishes any 'falae sea letter, le Mediterranean passport, or certiheate of register, or who glmew-·` he illlglf avalls- himself of any such M€<iit6l‘l‘8II%H paespoatg see [6 letter, or certlmrate, of Péglstry, ·shall be liable. to a penalty ot · E. notmote than $5,000,and it an ohleer of the United, States, shall

 ‘ thenceforth be incapable of holding any·‘omce’o*£ trust_ox· proht

,,· under the authority of the United Steteel (R. S. S 4191.) ,3_ ~ 63. Unrigged nwooden xreosels; notation of reb¤ilding.——lf;l·>o· _ rt nmdavit by a freputable ahlpbullder of the United ._Statw that, · m _ an unrigééd Wooden vmel- of the‘United Stateé has been rebellt, ,9 giving the dateand plece of such relmild·lng, is sound. and free gh from rotten or gloted wood ln structun·al*parta, properly fastened m, and calked- and in stkength and seaworthlnees es. good as new, g_ the Commissioner of Navigation shall. incladejh the list, ot ,8, merchant vessels a- notation to thet effect, (July 9, 19]:3, é. · |g_ 220, $7 Stat;189.) v *-». _ gf lNSPEC'1‘I_0NQ SURVEY, AND MEASUREMENT ‘ rt '71•·M¢88¤¥¢M§Rt of - veesel.———Betore any vessel . shall be regle lstered, she shall be measnredby a sm·veyor,· if there be eee, rl or by the person he shall appoint. at the port or place where