Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1601

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l58Y _ _ - TITLE 48.--TERRITORIES ot survey `·the§\the reseryation bezel! made ohall, not b· esective or applicable. but the entire pfoceeds or lncome de new by the United Statu from such 16 and 3B' am auch `seetion H in `eaeh townshin in the Tanana Valley are: i;ereinbefo1Q` and the minerals therein, together wit} ‘ the entire-proceeds or imome dqlved from saiqtreserved land: ,. are hweby anproprinted and set apart as separate nild Derma awt funds in the Territorial treasury, to be invested and th . income from which shall he expended only·tor the exclusiv use and ben&t of the public schools of Alaska or the agri éulmral college and school of tmines, respectively,} in suci manner andthe L@alatnr~e of Alaska may by law direct. {Maz 4, 1915, c. 181, 5 1, 38 Stat. 1214, 1215.) ‘ " . · _ - ` 354. Site for ngrimltnral college and of meme Section numbered 8, in township numbereg/ 1- south ot th -Falrbanks_baae.1ine·and range numbered 1/west y of the Fall banks  ; section numbered 31, in township numbered

 north ot the  line and range numbered 1 west 0

the Fairbanks meridian; section numbered 1, in township nun be:5ed_ 1 south — ot the Eairbanka bay llne and range numbere - 2 west of the Fairbanks meridian ;· and section numbered 38, i tosvnship numbered 1 north of the Fairbanks base line an range numbered 2 west ot the Fairbanks meridlan, are hereb granted to the Territory ot Alaska, but with the eipress cox _dltion_ that lthey shall be forever resorted and dedicated to us as! a mte for an agricultural college and school ‘ot mines Provided, That nothing in this section _ or lnrsocuon 353 ‘ shui be held to interfere Witlyor. destroy any -19831 claim of- an personor corporation to any part ot said lands under thedxome stead or other law lor the disposal ot the public Lando acquire prior to March, 4, 1915. _S0 much 0t_ the said land as was, .0 said plarch 4, 1915, used by 5 the Government gt the Unite States as an agricultural experiment station may. continue t be uaedtorsoch purposenntll abandoned for that use by g order of the President of the United States or by Act of- Go: 1 gress. (Mar. 4,1915, c. 181, $2; 38 Stat; 1215.) Q - 355. 1`onvmsite entries.--··Unti1 otherwise ordered by Congres lands in may enteredtor town·site for th several use and-benedt ot the occupants ot such town sites, b such trustee or trustees nai may be named by the Secretary < the Interior ‘ for that purpose, such entries to be made nude the provisions of aection‘718‘ot Title 43 as nearas may be; an when auch entries anal! have been made the Secretary ot th Interior shall provide by regulationior the nroper execution ¢ the trumt in favor of the inhabitants ot the town site; ingludin the sarveyot the land `lnto lots, according to the spirit anal i1 tent of said section 718 of Title 43, whereby the same resuh would be reached as though; the entry had been made by county judge and the dlspml of the iota in such town sitean · the .pro®cd¤· of the sale tumor had been prescribed by tk legislative authorityot a State. or Territory: Provided, Thatm more than aix hundred and forty acrw shall be embraced 1 , one town-site entry. (Mar, 3, 1891, c.'561,_I ;11, 26 Stat. 1999. 355. Lam for scholar or misoiénsg general land lure.-;Tt Indlans or persons conducting schools or missions i¤_ the dl trlct shall .not be disturbed in the `p@séion ot any lan; actually ln their use or occupation on _ June 6, 1900, and tl }9.11d,· at any station not exceedim aix hundred and forty acre occupied on `aaid date- as mlsaiondry stations among the India tribm ln` the . i0H, with the improvements thereon erected t _ or for mich societies; shall be continued ln the occnpancy ot Ll several nqigloufs eocietles to _ vyhiel: the missionary static: rwpectively ‘belo¤¢,` and the. of the Interior is directs to have such lands mrveyed in oomptct tom as nmrly is pre timnle and patents tanned to.! the same to the several to which theyhelong; bnt..¤?thing eontained in winter e thistitloahnllheconstruedtopnttnforoointhodistricttl

AND 11vsz11:..4g. possnsszoys _§ 359* t c general land laws of the United Stntu. (Hay 17, 1884, c. .53, e- § 8, w Stat. 26; Juno 6, 1900, c. 788, § 27, 31 Stat. 339.-)` °, d 357; Honimcad _ allotment! to native or _Eokimos,—— n The Secretary of the Interior is authorized and- empowered, in h· his discretion and under . such rules as the may prwcribc, to a, allot not to cgcccd one hundred and sixty acres of nonmiueral n· land` lu Alaska to any Indian or Eskimo of full or mixed blood · c_ who rcéidu in and is a nntive of Amskn, and ého is. the head e of 9. family, or is twentygono years of nge; and the land so ly allottéd Vsholl be deemed the homestead or the nllottcc ind his · h heirs in perpetuity, and shall be inalienable and néntaxable until p, otherwise provided b!cCongress. "Any pérccn quhimed for an nllotment as aforesaid shall have the preference Mgt to secure by .. hllotment thelhonmiucmi land occupied by him not exceeding doc _g, hundred hud sixty acres (May 17, 1906, ’c. 24®, 84 Stat. 197.) _ r- · 358. Annette Islands reserved for Mctl&th Imisns.-—-· 1 Until otherwise proyided by law the body qt lands known as »t‘ Annette Islands, situated in Alexander Axchipélago lu south! 1= eastern 'Alaska, on the north édcfof Dixozfs wtxjnncc, is sct I ‘ dc apagjt ps a rwctvotion. for the use of the Metlakahtln Indians, u and those people. known as Mctlakght1nm`_who,‘ on March 3; od 1891, hud rece lily emigrated. from British Columbia to ·y ond such oth Alaskan. natives ssmay join them, to be held and an- used by the igcommon, under such rules sgulxtlms, and né subjcctto ch tegtrictions, acmay he p cc W {mm time tc sz, time by tlic Secrétary-l of tho Interior; (Mar. 3, 1891, c. 561, ll S 15, 26 Stat. 1101.) _, - ,y· ‘ 859. Amduvitsg- Bling, publihhhg, and pcsthe _ proofs of _ at uaimga-Au amaavm, m:1m¤hy,.pmc¤, tml com prod vided-~ for by the provisions of this chapter -co ing public r n Mods. .0r by any deportmcutal or Executive rgulahozg themd undcr, by depositions or `otherwise, unda commisslcn from the

o régistcr ot the loud omcc, which hcye bm or may here

p after be taken and sworn to anywhere in the United Statm, m· 1- tore, any court, judge, or other nomccr Authorized by law to ~ administer an oath; shall be admitted in cvidencc as it token ss before athe register ot the propa local land `_ 0%. And nc thereafter such proof, together with ’n ccrtincd copy of tm Gold »y notes and plat of the survey of- the clnlm, mil be mod in the >t public. survey omc at duncan, and if_ such survey and plat er shall be approved bf the United States Bupérvim ot Sugvcys. c ld ccrtjhed copim thereof, together with tho clnlécnfs applic;. ’ no tion to purchase, hhnllbc med in the United Swta land omcc >t_ in the land district in which the claim is iituatcd, ivhcrcupon, it lg at the expense of the claimant, the register of such land owes zi- shall cdusc notice of ouch application to bc for at ts· least sixty days in a newspaper `ot gwcral circulation pub-_ a lished nearest the claim within Alaska, and tho applicant m at me um or ming such ma ¤°t88.'P1¤t• and application to lo purchase in the loud omco, o.B_¤form1d,l cauco .a copy ot sncht no' bint, together with the application to pu;·&@ ·t0 `bc posted Ln upon the ¢l4im» md such plat and application shall be . kcpt .) posted in s conspicuous fhlncc on such claim continuously for no at lcnat Mit? .d¤¥8. and dutinz gud: period oi posting Eildg s- publication or within thirty days `thereo.ftm· an; person, corls poration, or association, havlngor amcrting nny adverse interno‘° at in, on claim @0. the trqct of land or an! wrt thereof sought ¤,` to bc pumchoscd. may mo in the land o@co whom such applicam 7 ° tion is pending, under oath, an _8dY&}.‘£8_Cl&lI!l setting forth >y. the nature Gund extent themofmndl auch adverse clcimhnt shall, xc within sixty days after the Bllngofsuch adverse claim, begin ngix tion to qulct title in n court of competent jurisdiction within nd Ala$n, and thereattcr, no patent shall issue for such claim c- huntil tho Html gdjndlcotion of the rights of the parties, and BI such pitmtshsll than bc issued ln conformity with the iinél. ot jd9¤1*B¤ of tho court. (May`14, 1898, c. %9, § 10, 30 Stat. 413: an l§au—.8,19%,c.·162,48Stnt,1144.)_ » - ~