Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/211

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fig; __ i crime .10.,, {‘xei.t<·tl‘ States under isucheregulations as the Secretary of”War se Q ,,,,,_t· pl·esorihe. .“(M81’· 2, 19074 ‘¢- 2511; .Sl2D·lt· ,1167-) r i n (· ‘ :34. Rationsiy, determinations of " yeomponent. puts.-e The — ly,-.,,;yu·»lt is authorized to prescribe thelkinds t1_Htl`_'.€]sl.liilHllti€$ » gi i ta me eornponent .erticles'oi the ormy ration, and to direct pn ` ,;,., ##119 ofSulrsfiftllIi\’€_€q!1iV&le¤t articles in place ofany sueh, pt `,.,·m.;g&»}1t!lli§-Wl1_(“1l€?Vé1‘, in his opinion, economy and a due regard in pl lilttb health and comfort of- the troops may so require, (Feb. in 2. lfrol, c., 192, §· 40, 31Q_Stot.‘758.)` _. .- _ , e §`. ·i 7335, Emergency er: reserv9 ration.e——1fhe, emergency or", re-i I ,,=,·~.·o mtioxf prescribed for use on emergent occasions shall, el riylioll issued, be furnished `in idddltion to the regulgut ration. tc ming- such rextulations as 'mayibe prescribed by the ’Secretary_ W i-,,;·-xml-,}. (Mor.`2,_19tl7,_ c.`2511, 34'Stat. 1165.) ‘ , i _ .. ,_ l 6, _— me;. Sick:-jdiet in·bos11itsl.—~—Such quantities of fresh _0r 6,

 Q.,-ml fruits,. milk,. butter,_'b.nd`.leg·ge;as rhhy°be_n·ecessz,1ry for b,

M _,;,,· pnoper diet of the sick, rnnyo be,;llowed‘ in hospitgls.e , ’1‘hey - 0, .,5;;;l1V”‘be provided under such _»·¤le·.;,ge `the »s·urge¤¤é‘ General, it tml-, the approval of. the Secretary ot War, Vehall prescribe.- lo, l1a.S.§1175._),. " ié t 3 l j ‘— A Si ··727;, Subsistence fof Army potientsi fin Cena} Zone hose =-is ’ pit;lle.·-='1`lle ·CunuL_Zone hospitals, having —·cdre¢l,; for otllcers, 61 (-misr¢·<l_ inen,.mi1ite.ry prisoners, ond civilian-`emp1oyeesfo{. the . , ‘,x¤·my_ admitted. thereto upon the request og proper 'militnriy ci nxztlwrity, shall paid-the subsistence. of the pntlentsy ul é—$··<·n>t <?< ·mmis¤i¤néd "owcers, out ot appropriation ml-. gun- ‘m >i—wn<·e__o£ the Army it the totes provided therein for colmmw-·~ em jlgillvlll

 ,4 l-1+;,12,31925, c. 225, Title I,-43 §t¤t',,909,); . .; ‘ 1

MILEAGE AND ·TRAl’EL EXPENSES, , "" p , , l i Cites Rnnnnnxcme i gi , xalxl~ilgl» lnlliwoneeei of omeer§,p·ave1lng ,onl aviation duty; eee eection_ m Q"·"·‘ of WB. title. s · ‘- , i _— , " “ · !slilcu;;e—_‘o£ reserve oMcern; see oectionn 866+368 or this titles i » ·; 741. Mileage or ‘travcl_expe¤eee of oEcere trdveling under q'

  • •*d€‘¤’Si Wm\°¥l¢] €\'¤°#¤····S€€~ Title 37,..P.e.Y_ imp? ALww;.mq;,g,,` tc!

`(•_(·‘ ml , . . A ~ V t , • ·v * vv . K. l 742.,Mileoke or Engineer ollieere`?trnvz`ling on Government-‘ pl _ ;l£kl;d- railroade.·e··ln determining the"_mileege_ of oilieere of the °’ ¢*··z·p$ of lmglneerytraveling without troops on dutyconnécted tl mh twkslunoer their charge, te deduction Shell be mode for, e' ea. iz aragvel es may be necessary on tree or’· bond-aided or land- cl .;._:¤m¤t railways. {Sept; 19, 1890, c. 907, §· 15, ·26,Stat'..456.) . tem . ‘7·-13. Mileage on of station of eieer while on leave- Fl of absence.-e-When the otation of -an‘omcer is changed »whl—le· (‘ Em is on leave of sibseneeehe willon joining the-new »etotion».be P] · mt1l·¢_1eto mileage for the distance to the newntetion-from Q' ..,¤t·¤· place where he received the border directing the change, I'] zrlwided the distance be, no lgreeter than from the old to the T 1 no-.x· nation; butit the dhsteuce he geoter he will ‘be.entitled b' z·» mileage for e distance equal tothnt from the old to thenew il! plratiun only.-, (June 12, 1906, c. 3078, 34 ·Stit. 246..) , I, QS 7,44., Mileage for graduates of Military Aeudemy to Bret

~,¤etion.—-—-A graduate of tlte
‘Mllitmfy Academy Shall Ie¢¢¢i¥¤ Gl
.¤1lz~:l;;c as authorized by laiv me omcerei of the Aruiy from his {ll

iE·~m·.· to the station whichihe nrstfjoinsiloreduty'. (Aug;. 9, di mz:. e. 2,7:;, 37‘·Stat. 252.) ‘ i ·. , _ , r _ ·· · L f » to _, ’745.` Mileage for ordnance owcers; fund ebgfgeable with ic y>e;·n;ent.—·—l\iileage to officere of .tlle Ordnance Deporttnentl D] travelling on duty in connection withetbet department shall be en i mid from the appropriation for "thework ln; connection with ~ki whirl: the travel is performed, (May 12, 1917, c. _12,*·t0 ft Still. ti5.)_ ‘ ·‘_. » i _ `_ ” ‘_ » on 746. Mileage for expertnccountsnt, Inspector Generafs De; el hart-ment.-—-'l.‘l1e expert; accountant, ine g~ctor Genernl’e Depn_rt·· o1 mount, shall receive nnlleangeat the same rates and under the 61

émvr c c .§ A 752 c » L¥l1&`1`Cl)DditiQ]1S- as is provided by, law for qiiyzcrs of the _Arfny. Aug. 24, 1912-,5 c. 391, § I,`37 Stat. 575.-) -· V c “ ‘ W` 747. _Computati0¤..6f mileage allowance; certiticatéccf neces-.; .ty,.fo} -ttavcl.—+—13¤1ilcagc of 0i’ticers°cf the Army shall be c4_»m-2 ated 0\’Q1#‘ the Shoftcst __ usually traveled rqutcs bctwccri the }iuts‘1"1zimcd in `the ·01‘dc;7, and the ·ucce»Ssity fqr shch ti*avcl_ { n_ the military 'scryicé sh£a1Lbe certified tc, by the officer issung the order and st;1téd'in>-:sa'id order. T (Mar. 3,-1883, 'c. 93,

  1. 1, 22; Stzgt.'_456c; Jum:_12, 1906; .cQ` 3078,"34.St§tQ 246.) c
  2. 748.: Alldwancc fprysca t1javcl.·--E‘qf all sea t1‘{1\’él il(?`{_U$l[

rpcixsés-Q0i;ly shall bé paid tk; p$ccrsc, contfucpjcsurgcons,. and » the 'éiépért accountant Bf the I11$pgct0r Gc11cml`s_ Depmmicnf, he¤'trz1veIiw`.0i1 duty under ccmbetentc m·dérs,’with` or with- 1; trcops,,and_tlic dmgun; so paid shzxli not itxclutic guy .$h<·i·c` rpcuses at p0¢· of icgnbarkatiou pr dcbarkutibn_; b”ut_for the. ·. nrpose cbt determining allowimcéé for -:111 rtravcl under orders,- ?JfO1'_0m(!€1‘S and énlistcd'mcn·_ cpu- dischagei, trgvél in thé Phile ‘ · _· apine Archipelago, the Hawai_iaxi·Archipclag0,"thejhomewintcrs ‘‘*· Z E £he_‘United'Sta`tc$;c gndbctwecn the United States and Alaska c ml! not tféfregafdéii as seq travel and sballhe paid*for zit xhéc rtescstablishédby lawlor landtravcrl withiggihc boumltwics E the United States. £JUl10_'»1_2,_ 1906, @.3078, 34 Sta;. 246.) j 749. Uéc of ArngyMvchicles.~—I¤ the f>erformz1ncé__0f their om-

 and *military  dtxties 0iIicc·m'° ot the xrmyf are Vaixthm·i·zéd,

nder sizch regulations ag maj bei established by the 'S€·}C'l`€t8l`§’ {War, fo use means of transporgtipix provided for the tr:msnrtution of the -A1·¤zy hud its supplies. `(-Mar. 3, 1911;/c. 209,' 3St§t.105I.)‘ _ = 750; Expenséq of air travel by ¤Géérsj ami contract surgeons itlmut `ticopé.-·Actual. and necesshry cxpeusm"du1y, mit. to rcced $8 pc1·”da_y,fshali he pdiq to omccrs¥ot"the Army and mtract Su_rg‘eOus·wh¢:fi·traYelii1g bY`&iI‘~0i1 dutfsiithirt troops ndeicoinpctent orders. (July 11, 1919, c.- 8, 41 Stagg 109.) » ’751.— Travel gllqyumce on diéicluirgc of 0$ce1·;; chlistcd men ibclinrged Philippine Isla¤ds.·—¢·\Vhén·ucn cmcer shall` be dis- T mrged `from the service, éxceht by i Way of punishment *fo1·`

1 cifensc', hc` shun 'rcccivc~~ for travel fallowanccs from, the l

lacé of his discharge to-the place qtchis residence at the time I his_ appciiatment or td the pmcehog his original muster into` 1c service 4`ccnts per mi1é‘:cPr0vIdcd, That any ofHcc1·;m·· xliétfcd mmr in the séivice of the j United States who whs <lisQ — Emrgcd in the Philippine Islands. and there zccntcrcd the arvicc; thrdugh commission cz eulistmainthshnll, when dis; mrgéd, pxccpt by way bf p£mishh1c_nt for an Vddensé, receive! wr tri1vcl¢al1<»m·an¤c+c:= from the place of hip di$_ch_urgc_to.,rhc time in the United States oihhis Iast~px·cceding appointment ori rnlistment, or to his hémcjt hc was appointed or énliiétcq af21 lace other themjhis home; 4 qents.pcx· mile; P}·_m+idc?d fzertIe¢¤r·,. but fqrsca travel on discl1arge'¤ct11al_ctpcnscsa only shhll nc mid to *0mce·rs· and tmnspmjtatiou aud` SHh:·:i:·¤fo:1¤·c only » mil bc furnished to enlisted men; (Marr 2, 1901; c, 803. 31 mt.902) ` 752. Ttgvel allcvycxgcc to enlisted men cnc disch¤1*g·e.-+-An` lluSt~(Pd·H\!ll1 disclmx·gc{l Tram. the Armyj except by way of unishnwnf for an offense, sha}! receive §,éeqts pcf m`i lé_t<>r the istsfmcc from the “plucc`0t.his discharge to the pluccr of his ccepmnce for enlistment, enrollment, or mniétcr into the serv ec:°.Prm;idcd, '1"lmt for sca travel involved in traxfal` bctwqcn lace of axscrgargc and place ofaacccpt-ancc» 'ffo;·— cnrolelment, nlistuxcmg, or xmistcr into the service gnly'trumsportatimx in [nd hud subsistence cn route shall' bc all¢;>·.vccl:_ Ifrozéidcd •rtkcr,%That enlisted mcxi urklcr the ugccf c·ig`htccn discharged, nz the upplicaticix of cithér of thai; pzircutag or lcgal guzmlimn mall be. furn§s~;hc.£1 with tmnsp0rtatipn }i:~1 kind from the [}l1l<:(}“ E di.•qcbm·gc#to the railroad' station atéot néarest tc the pmcg ° I acceptance for cnhsuucpt, or toythezir lwxuc it tpc distance